Index for words including 還

haiˊ, huanˊ, huanˋ

Still, Also, Yet, Not Yet, In Addition, Besides, (Huan2), Repay, Give Back, Return, (Huan4), Additionally

Word Links for words containing 還 (sorted via character pairs)

還 haiˊ, huanˊ, huanˋ
Still, Also, Yet, Not Yet, In Addition, Besides, (Huan2), Repay, Give Back, Return, (Huan4), Additionally

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


為了確定他還嚐了嚐水質 He tasted the water just to be sure of its quality, He tasted the water just to be sure


還早 Arrived even earlier


還是 Or, Still, Never the less, Nonetheless Might as well

不過還是 But still, However, But never the less, But even so

外面還是 Outside it was

終於還是 Eventually

還是 Should still, Still have to

還是 Still have

還是不懂 Still don't understand, I still don't understand

大雨還是下個不停 The heavy rain continued, It continued to rain heavily, non-stop

還是什麼 Or something?

還是學步 Still learning to walk

還是菜鳥 Still a rookie

還是要簽 Still needs to be signed

還是趕快 Quickly, Move fast, Get on with

還是相信 He still believed, He believed

還是單身 She's still single

還是新手 I'm still a novice

還是覺得 I still feel that, I still think that

還是有其他 There are other, There are still other

決定還是有效 Decision is still valid, Decision was still valid

還是會想念他 Still missed him, Missed him

還是沒有跟來 Still wasn't coming, Still wasn't following

還是被允許的 But was allowed, Was still allowed, Was allowed

還是懷念游泳 She still misses swimming, She still missed swimming

是男人還是女人 Is it a man or a woman?

謀殺還是犯法的 Murder is still illegal, Murder is still a crime

還是個學步幼兒 Still a toddler

還是懂得自我管理 You still know how to control yourself, You're still in control of yourself

還是在狀況好的時候 And that was if conditions were right, And that was on a good day

學校裡還是有蓋爾語課吧 They do still teach Gaelic at school, yes?

還是有些更差的掙錢地方 There are worst places to make some money

還是花很多時間上健身房 Still spent a lot of time at the gym

還是讓他憤怒 Still made him angry, Still rankled him

還是讓他憤怒 This still made him angry, This still rankled him


還用 Needless to say, Oh yes

還用你說 You're telling me


還好 Fortunately, Luckily, Okay, So so

還好 Are you alright?, You alright?

還好 Are you all right?, You all right?

在學校還好 How was school?, Was school okay?


還能說話 Can still talk, Can still speak

我們還能怎麼辦呢 What else could we do?


還給 Return, Give back

還給 Sent back

還給 Returned, Gave back to

還給 Return back to you, Give back to you


還繼 Still continued


還蠻高興 Quite happy, Pretty happy, Kind of glad


還原 Reduction


還多 Even more, Even more than

還多 Still had more than


我認識她的時間比你還久 I've known her longer than you


還缺 Still lacking, Still not enough, Still need


還依稀可辨 Dimly identifiable, Not clear but still identifiable, Not clear but still distinguishable


討價還價 Bargain


還您帽子 To give back your hat


還我 Gave back to me, Gave it back to me


在我還很年輕的時候 When I was still young, When I was young


還得 Need to


甚至還向他道謝 Actually thanked him


還記 Still remembered, Could remember

還記得多少 How much do you remember


還認得出 Still recognize, Still know


還沒 Not yet

甚至還沒 Hadn't even

還沒 Not yet, Hadn't yet, Still hadn't

還沒 Wasn't dead, Didn't die, Not yet dead

還沒 He is not done yet

還沒 She is not done yet

還沒 I am not done yet

還沒 It continued to rain, The rain still had not stopped

我們還沒 We are not done yet, We are not yet finished, It is not over for us, Not for us it isn't

為什麼我還沒 Why aren't I dead yet? Why am I still alive?

還沒上手 Hadn't yet started, Hadn't even started, Hadn't even began to

還沒恢復 Not yet restored

還沒走遠 Was still nearby

還沒嘔吐之前 Having not yet vomited

還沒種出來 Not yet planted

什麼都還沒種出來 Nothing has been planted yet

還沒怕到遺屎 Not even scared enough to shit

甚至還沒怕到遺屎 Weren't even scared to the point of shitting


還活 Still alive, Still living

對自己居然還活 To their surprise they still lived

假如她還活著的話 That is if she was still living


還滿多的 Quite a lot


還拿 Still holding


孩子還小 Children are still young


根本還差得遠了 Not even close, Way off target


還不 Not bad

還不 Still not enough, Is not enough

還不 Not bad

還不 Was not too late

還不 Is still okay, Not bad, Not too bad, Good enough

是夠還不 Is it enough or not?

至少還不 At least not yet

全力以赴還不 Going all out won't be sufficient, Your best won't be enough

只會游泳還不 Just being able to swim won't be enough

情況看起來發展得還不 Things are coming along nicely, Things are looking good

還不清楚 Still unclear, Still not understood

還不到八點 It's not even eight o'clock, It's not yet eight o'clock

還不滿半年 Not even half a year

還不用擔心 Don't have to worry

還不簡單 That's not easy

還不到八點欸 It's not even eight o'clock

還不只是如此 Not only that, More than that

還不會飛 Couldn't fly, Hadn't yet learned to fly

他們還不會飛 They couldn't fly, They hadn't yet learned to fly

還不用提 Not to mention, Needless to say, Isn't worth mentioning, Doesn't require mentioning, Isn't worth bringing up

如果這樣都還不用提 If that isn't worth bringing up, If that isn't worth mentioning

還不算太遠 Not too far

距離某個中心理想還不算太遠 Not too far from a central ideal


還可 Can still, Still have

還可以表示 Can also be used to express

還可以活個好幾年 Still good for another few years, Good to go for a few more years


還需要提嗎 Does it need mentioning?, Do I need to bring it up?

還需要用梯子 Need to use ladder, Needs to use a ladder, Needed to use a ladder

還需要好幾個小時呢 It will take several hours, It will be a few hours yet, It would be a few hours yet


還要 Still, But still

不喝比無糖汽水還要烈的飲料 Drink nothing stronger than a diet or sugar free soda

還要 Still drunk, But still insist on drinking

還要 Even bigger

還要 Wider

還要 Even less

還要 Even more

還要 Stronger, Stronger than

還要 Less, Minus

比你能想像的還要 Bigger than you could imagine


比我還聰明亥 Smarter than me


還聽 And I heard, I also heard

耳邊還聽得到從底下街道傳來的陣陣笑聲 Bursts of laughter could be heard from the streets below


還真 Truly

還真 Truly

還真 Talk a lot

他的話還真 He talks a lot

她的話還真 She talks a lot

還真覺得 I really do believe that

那張臉還真漂亮 It was such a pretty face, It was such a beautiful face


還戴 Still wore, Also wore


我們還去不去了 Are we still going or not, Are we still going


還款 Repayment


還太 Still too far


還來不及回神 Before I know it, Before I knew it

他們還來不及進一步討論 Before they could continue the discussion


還想 Still want to study


還有 And, Also, Still has, Keep, Continue, Also has, With, Along with

另外還有 Moreover, There is also, There are also

出席的還有 Also present, Also in attendance

還有 There is also a, There is also an

還有 And also me, And then there is also me

還有任何 Have any, Still have any

還有留意 Stay alert, Keep an eye out for

還有什麼事 Anything else

還有很多有 One of many

還有後路的 Keep having to retreat

還有什麼事嗎 Anything else?

走路還有一點跛 Walk with a limp, Walks with a limp, Walking with a limp, Walked with a limp

還有很多其他人 As well as many others, Along with many others

現在還有時間挽回 There's still time for retrieve the situation, There's still time to turn the tide

還有別的東西要拿嗎 Do you need to grab anything else

還有一種澱粉與肥豬肉混合的香腸也稱作粉腸 There is also a kind of sausage made from starch and fatty pork that is also known as rice sausage

現在還有時間 Now there's still time

還有備胎的時候 Having spare time, In spare time

還有六個小時 Still have six hours, Have six hours left

我們還有六個小時 We still have six hours, We have six hours left

還有很長的路 Still a long way to go, A long road ahead, Still a long way off

到實際應用彷彿還有很長的路 Practical applications seemed a long way off


還在 Still present, Still there

要是還在 If it was still there

還在跑動 Was still running

還在這裡 Is still here

還在沒完沒了 Continued, Went on

還在進行分類中 Still in the process of being sorted

還在他耳邊迴盪 Still echoing in his ears


還打從骨子裡相信 Accepted in my bones, Believed to my bones


遠比過年還 Compared to New Years much more


償還 Repay what one owes, Repay a debt


歸還 Return

歸還排放整齊 Returned and arranged neatly


返還 To return


攤還 Amortize, Reduce a debt via regular payments

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