Index for words including 邪


Evil, Depraved, Vicious, Perverse, Wicked

Word Links for words containing 邪 (sorted via character pairs)

邪 xieˊ
Evil, Depraved, Vicious, Perverse, Wicked

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


邪門歪道 Dishonest practices

都暗示著邪門 All imply evil, All suggest evil


邪歸 Rehabilitate


異端邪說 Heresy, Heretical beliefs


邪惡 Evil, Wicked

他很邪惡 He is evil

她很邪惡 She is evil

那是又多一種邪惡 That's one more kind of evil, That's one more evil

我不喜歡他是因為他很邪惡 I don't like him because he is evil

我不喜歡她是因為她很邪惡 I don't like her because she is evil

邪惡 Evil, Wicked

邪惡一瞪 Glare with an evil eye, Stare with an evil eye, Give the evil eye

邪惡壞蛋 Evil villain


驅邪 Exorcise, Exorcism

驅邪的功能 Function of removing evil, Demon removing function

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