
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 忘


Completely forgot

dou¯ wangˋ

忘 wangˋ
Forget, Overlook, Miss, Neglect, Omit

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 都忘 (ou-wang)

Grouped by first phone

dou, chou, lou, shou, zhou

都忘 dou¯ wangˋ

Completely forgot

都忘了 dou¯ wangˋ le˙

Completely forgot

dou, chou, lou, shou, zhou

抽壯丁 chou¯ zhuangˋ ding¯

Draft able bodied men into the military

dou, chou, lou, shou, zhou

漏光 louˋ guang¯

Empty, Empty out, Leak out, Become empty

漏光了 louˋ guang¯ le˙

Leaked out, Emptied out

dou, chou, lou, shou, zhou

首創 shouˇ chuangˋ

The first

守望 shouˇ wangˋ

Guard, Keep watch, Be on the lookout

dou, chou, lou, shou, zhou

周王 zhou¯ wangˊ

King Zhou

周王東遷後 zhou¯ wangˊ dong¯ qian¯ houˋ

After the King of Zhou moved east

舟狀骨 zhou¯ zhuangˋ guˇ


Grouped in tone pairs

14, 12, 34, 41

抽壯丁 chou¯ zhuangˋ ding¯

Draft able bodied men into the military

都忘 dou¯ wangˋ

Completely forgot

都忘了 dou¯ wangˋ le˙

Completely forgot

舟狀骨 zhou¯ zhuangˋ guˇ


14, 12, 34, 41

周王 zhou¯ wangˊ

King Zhou

周王東遷後 zhou¯ wangˊ dong¯ qian¯ houˋ

After the King of Zhou moved east

14, 12, 34, 41

首創 shouˇ chuangˋ

The first

守望 shouˇ wangˋ

Guard, Keep watch, Be on the lookout

14, 12, 34, 41

漏光 louˋ guang¯

Empty, Empty out, Leak out, Become empty

漏光了 louˋ guang¯ le˙

Leaked out, Emptied out


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都忘 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 忘

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