
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 料



peiˋ liaoˋ

料 liaoˋ
Infer, Reckon, Expect, Conjecture, Manage, Foresee, Calculate, Anticipate, Estimate, Guess, Imagine, Material, Substance, Stuff, Fabric, Cloth

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 配料 (ei-yao)

Grouped by first phone

pei, bei, dei, fei, gei, lei, mei, nei, shei

配料 peiˋ liaoˋ


pei, bei, dei, fei, gei, lei, mei, nei, shei

被消散 beiˋ xiao¯ sanˋ


被銷毀 beiˋ xiao¯ huiˇ

Been destroyed, Been erased

pei, bei, dei, fei, gei, lei, mei, nei, shei

得小心謹慎 deiˇ xiaoˇ xin¯ jinˇ shenˋ

Have to be careful

得要有 deiˇ yaoˋ youˇ

Have to have, Need to have

pei, bei, dei, fei, gei, lei, mei, nei, shei

飛鏢 fei¯ biao¯

Dart, Darts

飛掉 fei¯ diaoˋ

Flew off

飛掉了 fei¯ diaoˋ le˙

Flew off

肥料 feiˊ liaoˋ


pei, bei, dei, fei, gei, lei, mei, nei, shei

給叫醒 geiˇ jiaoˋ xingˇ

Roused, Woke up

pei, bei, dei, fei, gei, lei, mei, nei, shei

雷鳥 leiˊ niaoˇ


pei, bei, dei, fei, gei, lei, mei, nei, shei

美嬌娘 meiˇ jiao¯ niangˊ

Beautiful girl, Beautiful woman

每秒 meiˇ miaoˇ

Each second, Every second

美妙 meiˇ miaoˋ

Exquisite, Wonderful

每條線 meiˇ tiaoˊ xianˋ

Each wire

每條街 meiˇ tiaoˊ jie¯

Every street

每小時 meiˇ xiaoˇ shiˊ

Each hour (as in mph or kph), Per hour

每小時一百卡嗒 meiˇ xiaoˇ shiˊ yi¯ baiˇ kaˇ taˋ

A hundred clicks an hour

每小時被看守 meiˇ xiaoˇ shiˊ beiˋ kanˋ shouˇ

For every hour been watched, Watched hourly, Hourly watched

pei, bei, dei, fei, gei, lei, mei, nei, shei

內銷 neiˋ xiao¯

For domestic sale

pei, bei, dei, fei, gei, lei, mei, nei, shei

誰料 sheiˊ liaoˋ

Who would have known? Who would have thought?

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 11, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41

配料 peiˋ liaoˋ


44, 11, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41

飛鏢 fei¯ biao¯

Dart, Darts

44, 11, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41

飛掉 fei¯ diaoˋ

Flew off

飛掉了 fei¯ diaoˋ le˙

Flew off

44, 11, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41

雷鳥 leiˊ niaoˇ


44, 11, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41

肥料 feiˊ liaoˋ


誰料 sheiˊ liaoˋ

Who would have known? Who would have thought?

44, 11, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41

美嬌娘 meiˇ jiao¯ niangˊ

Beautiful girl, Beautiful woman

44, 11, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41

每條線 meiˇ tiaoˊ xianˋ

Each wire

每條街 meiˇ tiaoˊ jie¯

Every street

44, 11, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41

得小心謹慎 deiˇ xiaoˇ xin¯ jinˇ shenˋ

Have to be careful

每秒 meiˇ miaoˇ

Each second, Every second

每小時 meiˇ xiaoˇ shiˊ

Each hour (as in mph or kph), Per hour

每小時一百卡嗒 meiˇ xiaoˇ shiˊ yi¯ baiˇ kaˇ taˋ

A hundred clicks an hour

每小時被看守 meiˇ xiaoˇ shiˊ beiˋ kanˋ shouˇ

For every hour been watched, Watched hourly, Hourly watched

44, 11, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41

得要有 deiˇ yaoˋ youˇ

Have to have, Need to have

給叫醒 geiˇ jiaoˋ xingˇ

Roused, Woke up

美妙 meiˇ miaoˋ

Exquisite, Wonderful

44, 11, 14, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41

被消散 beiˋ xiao¯ sanˋ


被銷毀 beiˋ xiao¯ huiˇ

Been destroyed, Been erased

內銷 neiˋ xiao¯

For domestic sale


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配料 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 料

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