Index for words including 醒


Awaken, Wake Up, Startle, Sober Up

Word Links for words containing 醒 (sorted via character pairs)

醒 xingˇ
Awaken, Wake Up, Startle, Sober Up

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


醒目 Eye-catching


醒了 Woken up, Awake, Woke up

早就醒了 Woke up earlier, Woke up early, Already woke up


醒得很早 Woke up extra early, Work up early


醒悟 Wake up


醒來 Wake up, Wakes up, Waking up, Woke up, Awaken, Awakens, Awakening, Had awakened

醒來 He woke up

醒來 She wakes up, She woke up, She awakened

在女人身旁醒來 Woke up next to a woman

沒有宿醉地醒來 Wake up without a hangover

因為需要小便而醒來 Woke up needing to pee

醒來 After waking up

醒來時心想 He woke up thinking

醒來時會口渴 Wake up feeling thirsty

醒來在枕下找到 She woke up and found beneath her pillow, On awakening she found beneath her pillow, She had awakened and found beneath her pillow


叫醒 Wake, Awake, Woke

叫醒 Roused, Woke up

把我叫醒 Wake me, Woke me


吵醒 Wake up by being too noisy

免得吵醒 To avoid waking up, So as not to wake up


喚醒 Waken, Wake, Wake up, Woke up

喚醒 Woke her, Awakened her


覺醒 Wake up

覺醒 Wake up


清醒 Wide awake, Sober

保持清醒 Stayed sober, Stayed wide awake

意識清醒 Conscious

神智清醒 Sane, Sober

腦子清醒 Clear headed

清醒 He had woken up, He was wide awake

任何腦子清醒的人都不敢 None in their right mind would dare, Anyone clear headed wouldn't dare

腦子清醒的人 Clear headed person

任何腦子清醒的人 Anyone clear headed, Anyone in their right mind


酒醒 Drunken

酒醒 Drunken

酒醒的大漢 A fellow who was drunk


蘇醒 Wake


驚醒 Woke up

驚醒 Was startled awake


甦醒 Wake up, Wakes up, Waking up, Woke up


提醒 Remind, Inform, Alarm, Alert

應該被提醒 Should be reminded

禮貌的提醒 Polite reminder, A polite reminder

提醒一句 Remind, Reminder

提醒眾人 To remind everyone, Reminding everyone

好像在提醒眾人 As if to remind everyone, As if reminding everyone

那麼我得提醒 Then I must remind you

那麼我得提醒 Then I must remind you

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