Index for words including 鐘


Bell, Clock, Time, Hour, O'Clock

Word Links for words containing 鐘 (sorted via character pairs)

鐘 zhong¯
Bell, Clock, Time, Hour, O'Clock

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


鐘樂 Sound of ringing bells, Bell sounds


鐘組終於敲響六點 The bells finally chimed 6 o'clock


在第一聲鐘響 On the first stroke, On the first ring


鐘錶 Watch

鐘錶 Look at a watch, Check time


鐘頭 Hour


教堂鐘聲 Ringing church bells, Sound of church bells ringing, Church bells


鐘樓 Clock tower


吊鐘 Bells, Church bells, Clock tower bells

聖馬克的吊鐘 The bells of St. Mark's


時鐘 Clock

時鐘 This clock

牆上時鐘 The clock on the wall

儀表板上的時鐘 Dashboard clock


點鐘 Hours


秒鐘 Seconds

二十秒鐘 Twenty seconds

有幾秒鐘 For a few seconds

害怕一秒鐘 Instant of fright

那麼一秒鐘 For an instant, For a moment, For a second

擔心了那麼一秒鐘 Felt a moment of worry

秒鐘 After a few seconds, A few seconds later


課鐘 Class bell


分鐘 Minute, Minutes

分鐘 One minute

分鐘 Seven minutes

分鐘 A few minutes

分鐘 Each minute, Every minute, Per minute

二十分鐘 Twenty minutes

每七分鐘 Every seven minutes

沒過幾分鐘 Within minutes, Within a short time

過了五分鐘 After five minutes, Five minutes later

需十五分鐘 Takes 15 minutes

又行駛了五分鐘 Drove for another five minutes

我需要三十分鐘 I need 30 minutes, Give me 30 minutes

才剛我看見他了三分鐘 I just saw him three minutes ago

分鐘 Within 5 minutes

分鐘 Ten minutes ago

分鐘 A few minutes ago

分鐘 A few minutes later, After a few minutes

分鐘 A few minutes long

二十分鐘 Twenty minutes later

在幾分鐘 A few minutes ago

也許再過二十分鐘 Maybe about 20 more minutes

一切發生在僅僅二十分鐘 It had all happened in just 20 minutes

分鐘炸彈 Seven minute time bomb

分鐘特餐 Seven minute special

分鐘變為小時 Minutes seem like hours

分鐘前到的 Arrived ten minutes ago

分鐘慢吞吞地過去 A minute dragged by slowly

高速公路往北一分鐘路程處 One minute north of the highway


警鐘 Alarm bell


鬧鐘 Alarm clock

設定時間響起的鬧鐘 An alarm clock set to go of at a particular time

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