
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 甲



tieˇ jiaˇ

甲 jiaˇ
First, Covered, Armour, Armoured, Shell, Toenail, Fingernail, 1

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 鐵甲 (ye-ia)

Grouped by first phone

tie, jie, xie

鐵夾 tieˇ jia¯

Metal clamp, Steel clamp, Iron clamp

鐵甲 tieˇ jiaˇ


鐵架 tieˇ jiaˋ

Metal stand, Ring stand

tie, jie, xie

節假日 jieˊ jiaˇ riˋ

Holidays, Festivals

接洽 jie¯ xiaˊ

Approach, Contact, Negotiate, Discuss, Consult with

接下來 jie¯ xiaˋ laiˊ

Next, Next up, Following, After, Ensuing, In the ensuing

接下來就噁心了 jie¯ xiaˋ laiˊ jiuˋ eˇ xin¯ le˙

Then it became disgusting.

接下來怎麼辦 jie¯ xiaˋ laiˊ zenˇ me˙ banˋ

Then what's next?, What do we do next?

接下來要去哪裡 jie¯ xiaˋ laiˊ yaoˋ quˋ naˇ liˇ

Where to go next, Where do you want to go next?

tie, jie, xie

寫下 xieˇ xiaˋ

Wrote, Wrote down

寫下了 xieˇ xiaˋ le˙

Wrote down, Wrote

寫下你的發現 xieˇ xiaˋ niˇ de˙ fa¯ xianˋ

Write down your observations

Grouped in tone pairs

33, 12, 14, 23, 31, 34

鐵甲 tieˇ jiaˇ


33, 12, 14, 23, 31, 34

接洽 jie¯ xiaˊ

Approach, Contact, Negotiate, Discuss, Consult with

33, 12, 14, 23, 31, 34

接下來 jie¯ xiaˋ laiˊ

Next, Next up, Following, After, Ensuing, In the ensuing

接下來就噁心了 jie¯ xiaˋ laiˊ jiuˋ eˇ xin¯ le˙

Then it became disgusting.

接下來怎麼辦 jie¯ xiaˋ laiˊ zenˇ me˙ banˋ

Then what's next?, What do we do next?

接下來要去哪裡 jie¯ xiaˋ laiˊ yaoˋ quˋ naˇ liˇ

Where to go next, Where do you want to go next?

33, 12, 14, 23, 31, 34

節假日 jieˊ jiaˇ riˋ

Holidays, Festivals

33, 12, 14, 23, 31, 34

鐵夾 tieˇ jia¯

Metal clamp, Steel clamp, Iron clamp

33, 12, 14, 23, 31, 34

鐵架 tieˇ jiaˋ

Metal stand, Ring stand

寫下 xieˇ xiaˋ

Wrote, Wrote down

寫下了 xieˇ xiaˋ le˙

Wrote down, Wrote

寫下你的發現 xieˇ xiaˋ niˇ de˙ fa¯ xianˋ

Write down your observations


人-金 : > : > [鐵]-鐵甲 : > [鐵]-鐵甲 >

口-田 : > : > [甲]-鐵甲 : > [甲]-鐵甲 >

鐵甲 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 甲

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