Index for words including 關


Concern, Concerned With, Relate, Relationship, Shut, Close, Frontier Passage

Word Links for words containing 關 (sorted via character pairs)

關 guan¯
Concern, Concerned With, Relate, Relationship, Shut, Close, Frontier Passage

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


關照 Care


關門 Close the door

從不關門 Never closed the door

是誰忘了關門 Who forgot to close the door?


關閉 Turn off, Shut down

自動關閉 Automatic Power-off, Automatic shut-down

避免液晶螢幕自動關閉 Preventing LCD automatic shut off

關閉 Closed, Closed down

關閉電源時間 Turn-off power, Power shut-down

自動關閉電源時間 Auto Power-off Time

設定自動關閉電源時間 Setting Auto Power-off Time


關關 Close

開開關關 Repeatedly opening and closing

不安地把錶蓋開開關關 Nervously opening and closing the watch cover


把門關好 Shut the door, Closed the door


關系 Relationship

關系 No problem, It doesn't matter

間的關系 Relationship, Relationship between

關系未了 The relationship wasn't over yet, The relationship hadn't yet ended


關係 Relationship, Connection

關係 Not related to, No problem, It isn't a problem, Don't worry about it, That's fine, It's fine

人際關係 Human relationships, Personal relationships, Relationships

工作關係 Working relationship, Work together

父子關係 Father and son's relationship

脫離關係 Severe relations, Divorce, Disown

間的關係 Relationship between

建立起關係 Establish a relationship, Established a relationship

我們的關係 Our relationship

有哪些關係 Had what relationship?, Have what kind of relationship?, Had what kind of relationship?, What is the relationship?, What was the relationship?

分分合合關係 A break-up and then make-up relationship, A relationship where the involved parties continually break-up and then make-up

國與國的關係 Inter-country relations

密切合作關係 Close working relationship

與我們的關係 Relationship with us

維繫與列國的關係 Maintain 維繫 relationships with other countries

曾有過密切合作關係 Had a close working relationship

正方形的面積與邊長的關係 The relationship between a square's area and side length

商人與周邊民族或國家的關係 The relationships between the people of Shang 商人 and neighboring nations 民族 or countries 國家

關係 Relates to, Has to do with

在與我們的關係 In our relationship

為正方形面積與邊長的關係 Shows the relationship between the area of a square and its side length

一段關係之下 In a relationship

他們之間關係密切 They were very close, They shared a bond

跟他把你打傷一點關係都沒有 It has nothing to do with him hurting you

所以跟他把你打傷一點關係都沒有囉 So it has nothing to do with him hurting you?


關重 Essential, Vital, Extremely important


關稅 Tariff


關愛 Show concern for, Care for, Care about


關得 Closable, Can close, Has the potential to be closed


關節 Joint

關節 Knuckles, Finger joints

關節 Elbow Joint

關節 Hip Joint

關節 Shoulder Joint

關節 Wrist Joint

關節 Knee Joint

關節 Toe Joint

關節 Ankle Joint

關節 Hip Joint

手指關節 Finger Joints

樞軸關節 Pivot Joint, Trochoid joint, Rotary joint, Joint that rotates

肩鎖關節 Acromio-Clavicular Joint

脊椎關節 Vertebral Joint

下尺橈關節 Radio-Ulnar Joint

峰鎖骨關節 Acromio-Clavicular Joint

胸鎖骨關節 Sterno-Clavicular Joint

關節 Articular Process

關節 Joint Facet

關節 Upper Articular Process

關節 Lower Articular Process

關節軟骨 Articular Cartilage


關於 About, About that, Regarding, Related to

光是關於 Just about, Just focused on

關於這點 About this, On this point

借本關於古希臘和羅馬的書 Borrow books on ancient Greece and Rome


關島 Guam (U.S.)


關注 Interest, Concern


關連 Connection, Correlation, Relevance

關連 Correlation, Connection, Relevance


關懷 Care, Concern

誠意的關懷 Sincere concern


關心 Concern, Concerned about

才不關心 Just don't care, Just didn't care, Not concerned (with)

關心其中一個 Only cared about one of them, Was only concerned about one of them


親密關人 Intimacy, Intimate relationship


關鍵 Key point, Important turning point, Pivotal moment

關鍵特點 Key feature, Key features


關著 Turned off, Closed, Shut

關著 Door was shut, Closed door

牢牢關著 Shut tight, Securely closed

關著的浴室門 Closed door of the bathroom


關頭 Critical moment


關不 Cannot be closed (because door or window is broken or blocked)


關聯 Connection, Relationship, Relevant, Relevance, Connected, Related, Involved


關上 Close, Closes, Closing, Closed, Shut down, Shuts down, Shutting down, Turn off, Turns off, Turning off, Turned off

關上 Isn't shut, Aren't shut, Not closed

把門關上 Close the door, Closes the door, Closed the door

用力把門關上 Slammed the door shut

關上 Closed (door or window), It's closed

關上 Close the door

關上 He closed the door

關上 Just to get the door closed

不小心關上 Closed by accident, Accidentally closed

砰一聲關上 Slammed the door closed, Slammed the door

輕輕地關上 Softly, Quietly, Gently

用盡力氣才關上 Used all their strength just to get the door closed

關上背後的窗戶 Shut the window behind you, She shut the window behind her, He shut the window behind him


關起 Shut down, Shut off, Closed


關機 Shutdown, Turn off


關在那兒 Locked up there

關在那兒示眾 Locked up there for public display,


關掉 Turn off


關切 Be concerned about, Show concern


開關 Ignition, Open and close

油箱開關 Pet cock, Fuel switch

冰箱的開關 Sound of the fridge door being opened and closed

開關 Repeatedly opening and closing

不安地把錶蓋開開關 Nervously opening and closing the watch cover

開關按鈕 Ignition button


無關 Not relevant

跟工作無關 Not job related, Not work related

無關緊要 Not important, Doesn't matter, Didn't matter


海關 Customs, Border control


過關 Pass the level


被關 Covered, Protected, Imprisoned

你會被關 You will be held, You will be locked up

被關 Being shut in

被關起來 Locked up, Held in captivity, In captivity

你會被關在離家不遠的地點 You will be held at a location close to home


公關 PR, Public relations


難關 Difficulty


咬緊牙關 Teeth clenched in pain


攻關 Research


報關 Customs, Customs clearance, Customs declaration


機關 Organization, Institution, Mechanism, Gear

機關 Tiny devices, Small machines

機關 Machine gun


相關 Relevant, Associated, Related

息息相關 Closely related

毒品相關 Drugs related

疫苗施打相關 Vaccine related

須立即採取相關 Require immediate action, Requiring immediate action, Must take immediate action

相關優點 Relative merits, Relative advantages

毒品相關職業 Drug related occupations

一幅相關的圖照 A relevant photo, A relevant image


有關 Relevant, Is relevant, Related to

自由有關 Related to freedom

跟工作有關 Work related, Related to work

好像跟黑板內容有關 It seems related to what is on the blackboard

有關 Had connections, Had relations, Had relationships

有關 Does not have a problem, No problem, That's fine

和細胞有關 Cell related

有關利率的狗屁 Crap about interest rates

聽過所有關利率的狗屁 Listened to all the crap about interest rates, Heard all the crap about interest rates

和細胞有關的現象 Cell related phenomena


把關 Guard, Check on

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