
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 溫


Lower the temperature, Drop in temperature

jiangˋ wen¯

溫 wen¯
Warm, Pleasant, Kind, Just Right

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 降溫 (yang-wen)

Grouped by first phone

jiang, xiang, yang

降溫 jiangˋ wen¯

Lower the temperature, Drop in temperature

jiang, xiang, yang

鄉村 xiang¯ cun¯


鄉村俱樂部 xiang¯ cun¯ ju¯ leˋ buˋ

Country club

鄉村到城市 xiang¯ cun¯ daoˋ chengˊ shiˋ

Rural to urban

像準備狩獵的貓一般 xiangˋ zhunˇ beiˋ shouˋ lieˋ de˙ mao¯ yiˋ ban¯

Like a cat ready to hunt, Like a hunting cat ready to hunt

jiang, xiang, yang

洋文 yangˊ wenˊ

Foreign language

Grouped in tone pairs

41, 11, 22, 43

降溫 jiangˋ wen¯

Lower the temperature, Drop in temperature

41, 11, 22, 43

鄉村 xiang¯ cun¯


鄉村俱樂部 xiang¯ cun¯ ju¯ leˋ buˋ

Country club

鄉村到城市 xiang¯ cun¯ daoˋ chengˊ shiˋ

Rural to urban

41, 11, 22, 43

洋文 yangˊ wenˊ

Foreign language

41, 11, 22, 43

像準備狩獵的貓一般 xiangˋ zhunˇ beiˋ shouˋ lieˋ de˙ mao¯ yiˋ ban¯

Like a cat ready to hunt, Like a hunting cat ready to hunt


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丶-氵 : > : > [溫]-降溫 : > [溫]-降溫 >

降溫 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 溫

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