Index for words including 際


Border, Edge, Horizon, Boundary, Interval, Among, Between, During, While, Juncture

Word Links for words containing 際 (sorted via character pairs)

際 jiˋ
Border, Edge, Horizon, Boundary, Interval, Among, Between, During, While, Juncture

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


際關 Human relationships, Personal relationships, Relationships


際與組織間 Between people and organizations


國際 International

國際巨星 International superstar

一睹國際巨星 An international superstar

國際機場 International Airport

國際換日線 International Date Line


之際 Occasion, On the occasion of


交際 Social intercourse


實際 Real, Actual, Practical, Net

不切實際 Impractical

實際 Actually, For all intents and purposes, For all practical purposes

實際上是 Actually were, Actually was, Really were, Really was

實際下手 Actually performed the act

實際來說 Practically speaking, For all intents and purposes

實際執法 Actual law enforcement

實際應用 Practical applications

實際證據 Real evidence

實際下手殺害他的女人 The woman who did the actual killing, The woman who actually committed his murder

實際上扮演好幾個角色 I actually play several roles all at once

實際應用彷彿還有很長的路 Practical applications seemed a long way off


天際 Horizon, Skyline

飛至天際 Fly off into the horizon

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