Index for words including 隻


One Of A Pair, Single, Lone, MW For Animals

Word Links for words containing 隻 (sorted via character pairs)

隻 zhi¯
One Of A Pair, Single, Lone, MW For Animals

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


隻眼閉隻眼 Play dumb, Open one eye and close the other, Deliberately turn a blind eye

難道他不能睜隻眼閉隻眼 Couldn't he play dumb, Wouldn't he have played dumb

難道她不能睜隻眼閉隻眼 Couldn't she play dumb, Wouldn't she have played dumb


在支撐的那隻腳 On the supporting foot, Over the supporting foot


第二隻兔 Second rabbit


隻生 A specific creature


隻隻 One by one


隻手 Other hand

隻手 That hand

他空著的那隻手 His empty hand

抓起他空著的那隻手 Grabbed his empty hand


隻烏 A raven


隻小 This little dog, This puppy


隻蒼 Like an insect


隻蜘 The spider, That spider


隻老 A rat, A mouse


隻都 Each (animal), Every, All


隻揪緊的手 That single grabbing hand


幾隻 A few, Some

幾隻小狗 These puppies

幾隻恐龍寶寶 A few baby dinosaurs


船隻 Ship, Boat, Vessel


一隻 One, A (e.g. a hand), An (e.g. an animal), A (e.g. a beast or creature)

一隻 Another

一隻 The other

其中一隻 One of the (creatures)

一隻 One hand, A hand

一隻 A Foot, foot

一隻 A Cicada

一隻 One by one

一隻 A bird

一隻 Other hand

一隻 Other foot

把重量轉移到另一隻 Shift weight to the other foot

一隻兔子 A rabbit

一隻公雞 One rooster, One cock

一隻孔雀 A peacock

一隻老鼠 One mouse, A mouse

一隻蜜蜂 A honeybee

一隻蝴蝶 A butterfly

一隻鱷魚 An alligator

一隻麒麟 A unicorn

一隻大黑鳥 A big black bird

一隻小海豹 A seal, One seal

一隻小毛毛蟲 A caterpillar

一隻腿站立 Stand on one leg, Stands on one leg, Standing on one leg, Stood on one leg

一隻蜜蜂嗡嗡尋花蜜 A honeybee buzzing around looking for nectar

把重量轉移到另一隻腳時 While shifting weight to the other foot, As weight is shifted to the other foot

一隻手肘 An elbow

一隻手臂 One arm

一隻眼睛 Other eye

一隻蜘蛛 A spider

一隻蜘蛛 Another spider

一隻腳踢中他的小腿 A foot kicked his lower leg

一隻腳踢中她的小腿 A foot kicked her lower leg

一隻手肘撞進他的胸口 An elbow crashed into his chest

一隻手肘撞進她的胸口 An elbow crashed into her chest


兩隻 Two, Both (creatures)

兩隻 Both feet

兩隻公雞 Two roosters, Two cocks

兩隻水鴨 Two ducks

兩隻小兔子 Two rabbits

兩隻手臂伸到 Reach both arms

牢牢抓住他的兩隻胳臂 Grabbed him firmly by the arms

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