Rain, Raining, Pouring Rain
Word Links for words containing 雨 (sorted via character pairs)
間似乎能遮風避雨的小室 A small chamber that seemed to offer shelter fro the wind and rain, A small chamber that seemed able to provide shelter
雨下得小 The rain was light
雨下個不停 Rains non-stop, Doesn't stop raining
哇雨下得這麼大 Wow! That's a lot of rain, Wow! That's a heavy rain
風雨 Wind and rain
暴風雨 Storm
歲月風雨 Years of wind and rain, Time and the elements
風雨雷電 Wind and rain
風風雨雨 Ups and downs
暴風雨鋒面 Storm front
在風雨摧殘下 Worn down by wind and rain, Worn by wind and rain
風雨交加導致不易出海捕魚 Wind and rain make it difficult to go out to sea to fish
被風雨雷霆摧折 Destroyed by wind rain and thunder
不被風雨雷霆摧折 Not broken by wind rain or thunder
躲雨 Escape the rain, Avoid the rain
在花傘下躲雨 Take cover under the foliage to avoid the rain, Use flowers like an umbrella to escape the rain
淋到雨 Get in the rain, Get wet from the rain, Get caught in the rain
免得淋到雨 Protect from the rain, Keep protected from the rain
雷雨 Thunder storm, Thunder storms
大雷雨 Thunderstorm, Heavy rain
有如灰色面紗的雷雨 Like gray veiled thunderstorms, Thunderstorms like a gray veil
大雨 Heavy rain
下起一陣大雨 It started to rain heavily
下過一陣大雨 A heavy rainfall
大雨過後 After the heavy rain
大雨還是下個不停 The heavy rain continued, It continued to rain heavily, non-stop
擋雨 Shelter from the rain, Provide shelter from rain
既能擋雨又能遮陽 Can not only provide shelter from the rain but also provide shade from the sun
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