Index for words including 需


Require, Need, Must

Word Links for words containing 需 (sorted via character pairs)

需 xu¯
Require, Need, Must

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


需時較久 Took longer, Took more time

需時較久 This took longer, This took more time


做好的蛋糕需妥善冷藏 The finished cake still needs to be properly refrigerated


需求 Requirements, Requests, Needs

每個人的需求 Every persons needs, Every persons requirements


任軍需官 Quarter Master


需視 Depending on, Subject to, Need to see, Need to look at


需要 Need, Need to, Needing, Requiring

需要 Don't need, Doesn't need, Didn't need

需要 Only need, Just need

並不需要 Does not need, Does not require

如有需要 And if need be

我們需要 We need

萬一需要 Just in case

不真的需要 Don't really need, Didn't really need

他們不需要 They don't need

需要 Necessities, Essential items, Essential requirements

需要 Need

需要 Not needed, Didn't need

他得到他需要 He got what he needed

她得到她需要 She got what she needed

需要協助 Needed help

需要準備 Needs, Needs to prepare, Requires,

需要提嗎 Does it need mentioning?, Do I need to bring it up?

需要你留意 Require your attention, Requires you attention

需要存款給 Look for a pay phone, Looking for a pay phone

需要用梯子 Need to use ladder, Needs to use a ladder, Needed to use a ladder

需要什麼服務 What do you need?

需要三十分鐘 I need 30 minutes, Give me 30 minutes

需要和你談談 I need to talk with you

需要請幾天假 I need a few days off, I need to request some time off

需要的說清楚 Make it clear what you need, Make it clear what is needed

需要顆阿斯匹靈 Need an aspirin, Needed an aspirin

因為需要小便而醒來 Woke up needing to pee

需要什麼樣的幫助呢 What kind of help does she need?

花錢在不需要的東西上 Spending money on things that weren't needed

需要許多的人力和巧思 Requires the effort and ingenuity of many people

需要顆阿斯匹靈止手痛 He needed an aspirin for the pain in his hand

她不需要人幫她打理床單 She didn't need turn-down service (at a hotel), She didn't need anyone making her bed for her

我們需要某種神奇的藥物 We need some sort of wonder drug

需要幫忙 Needs help, Needs assistance

需要什麼幫助 Do you need some kind of help or assistance, What kind of help or assistance do you need

竟然有需要別人幫忙 Actually needing someone else's help

需要一半 Just need half, Only need half

需要多準備一罐 Need to prepare one more can, Need one more can

需要教訓他一下 He needs to be taught a lesson

需要教訓她一下 She needs to be taught a lesson

需要有人陪伴 Would like some company

需要有人陪伴 She would like some company

需要你好好休息 Need you to rest, Need you well rested

需要妳好好休息 Need you to rest, Need you well rested

需要的東西也不多 Don't need much, Doesn't need much, Didn't need much

需要的東西也不多 He doesn't need much, He didn't need much

需要的東西也不多 She doesn't need much, She didn't need much

需要召魂士的法力 He needs the power of a necromancer, He needed the power of a spirit summoner

需要召魂士的法力 She needs the power of a necromancer, She needed the power of a spirit summoner

每當你需要我的時候 Any time you needed me, Whenever you needed me

當她需要協助的時候 When she needed help

需要好幾個小時呢 It will take several hours, It will be a few hours yet, It would be a few hours yet

你有什麼急事需要幫忙了 What is the urgent matter that you need help with

妳有什麼急事需要幫忙了 What is the urgent matter that you need help with

他覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 He thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, He thought it was pointless spending money on things he didn't need, He didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need

她覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 She thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, She thought it was pointless spending money on things she didn't need, She didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need


需處 Military procurement


需十五分鐘 Takes 15 minutes


需款 Need money


只需 Just need to, Only need to

只需 Just needed to, Just had to

只需 All you needed


內需 Domestic demand


所需 Needs, Requirements

所需 Necessary, All necessary

準備所需 Supplied with necessary, Equipped with necessary, Provided with necessary

所需處理 Had to handle

所需要的 Required

粹取出所需的原子 Extract the necessary atoms, Extracting the desired atoms

所需的數量 Required amount

超過所需的數量 More than was needed

所需要的量 The amount required

不夠我所需要的量 Not quite the amount that I need


急需 In urgent need


必需 Necessary to, Need to

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