
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 活



lingˊ huoˊ nengˊ

活 huoˊ
Alive, Live, Lively, Active, Energetic, Flowing, Mobile, Survive, Exist, Vocation, Work, Movable, Flexible, Loose

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Phone , Tone


靈活 lingˊ huoˊ

Words that rhyme with 靈活能 (ying-wo)

Grouped by first phone

ling, ding, jing, ping, qing, ting, xing, ying

靈活 lingˊ huoˊ

Energetic, Nimble, Quick-witted, Flexible

靈活地 lingˊ huoˊ de˙

Energetically, Nimbly, With quick wits

靈活能 lingˊ huoˊ nengˊ


令我感到 lingˋ woˇ ganˇ daoˋ

Makes me feel

ling, ding, jing, ping, qing, ting, xing, ying

頂多 dingˇ duo¯

At most, At best

定做 dingˋ zuoˋ


訂做 dingˋ zuoˋ

Made to order, Custom made, Bespoke

ling, ding, jing, ping, qing, ting, xing, ying

敬多於畏 jingˋ duo¯ yuˊ weiˋ

More respect than fear, More awe than fear

經過 jing¯ guoˋ

Move past, Pass, Pass through, After, An experience, Ins and outs of an experience

經過了 jing¯ guoˋ le˙

Pass, Move past

經過多道工序 jing¯ guoˋ duo¯ daoˋ gong¯ xuˋ

Undergoing multiple processes

經過市區後不久 jing¯ guoˋ shiˋ qu¯ houˋ buˋ jiuˇ

Not long after passing through the city center

經過的 jing¯ guoˋ de˙


經過的人都 jing¯ guoˋ de˙ renˊ dou¯

Everyone passing by

經過答詢 jing¯ guoˋ daˊ xunˊ


經過長期 jing¯ guoˋ changˊ qiˊ

After a long period of time, Over a long period of time

警佐 jingˇ zuoˇ


靜坐 jingˋ zuoˋ

Meditate, Sit quietly

ling, ding, jing, ping, qing, ting, xing, ying

蘋果 pingˊ guoˇ


蘋果汁 pingˊ guoˇ zhi¯

Apple Juice

蘋果西打 pingˊ guoˇ xi¯ daˇ

Apple Soda

蘋果鳳梨汁 pingˊ guoˇ fengˋ liˊ zhi¯

Apple And Pineapple Juice

ling, ding, jing, ping, qing, ting, xing, ying

情火 qingˊ huoˇ

Flames of love, Passion

請妥善保存 qingˇ tuoˇ shanˋ baoˇ cunˊ

Please retain, Please keep

輕握 qing¯ woˋ

Lightly grip, Lightly hold

請坐 qingˇ zuoˋ

Please sit down, Please have a seat

ling, ding, jing, ping, qing, ting, xing, ying

聽錯 ting¯ cuoˋ

Hear incorrectly, Misunderstand

聽過 ting¯ guoˋ


聽過所有關利率的狗屁 ting¯ guoˋ suoˇ youˇ guan¯ liˋ luuˋ de˙ gouˇ piˋ

Listened to all the crap about interest rates, Heard all the crap about interest rates

挺過 tingˇ guoˋ

Handle, Stand up to, Withstand

挺過了 tingˇ guoˋ le˙

Handled, Stood up to, Withstood

挺過來了 tingˇ guoˋ laiˊ le˙

Am dealing with it, Can deal with it, Have dealt with it

聽說 ting¯ shuo¯

Hear, Hears, Heard, Be told, Been told, Heard say, Has been said

聽說了 ting¯ shuo¯ le˙

Heard, Been told

停妥 tingˊ tuoˇ

Parked, Docked, Berthed, Properly secured

聽我說 ting¯ woˇ shuo¯

Listen to me

聽我說些教訓 ting¯ woˇ shuo¯ xie¯ jiaoˋ xunˋ

Listen to me and learn something

ling, ding, jing, ping, qing, ting, xing, ying

杏果 xingˋ guoˇ


星座 xing¯ zuoˋ


ling, ding, jing, ping, qing, ting, xing, ying

英國 ying¯ guoˊ

England, English

英國人 ying¯ guoˊ renˊ

British, English person, English people, British person, British people

英國口音 ying¯ guoˊ kouˇ yin¯

British accent

英國文學 ying¯ guoˊ wenˊ xueˊ

English Literature

英國軍艦 ying¯ guoˊ jun¯ jianˋ

British warship, British warships

螢火 yingˊ huoˇ


硬說 yingˋ shuo¯

Assert, Insist, Insist on saying, Obstinate, Insistant

Grouped in tone pairs

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

靈活 lingˊ huoˊ

Energetic, Nimble, Quick-witted, Flexible

靈活地 lingˊ huoˊ de˙

Energetically, Nimbly, With quick wits

靈活能 lingˊ huoˊ nengˊ


22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

聽說 ting¯ shuo¯

Hear, Hears, Heard, Be told, Been told, Heard say, Has been said

聽說了 ting¯ shuo¯ le˙

Heard, Been told

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

英國 ying¯ guoˊ

England, English

英國人 ying¯ guoˊ renˊ

British, English person, English people, British person, British people

英國口音 ying¯ guoˊ kouˇ yin¯

British accent

英國文學 ying¯ guoˊ wenˊ xueˊ

English Literature

英國軍艦 ying¯ guoˊ jun¯ jianˋ

British warship, British warships

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

聽我說 ting¯ woˇ shuo¯

Listen to me

聽我說些教訓 ting¯ woˇ shuo¯ xie¯ jiaoˋ xunˋ

Listen to me and learn something

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

經過 jing¯ guoˋ

Move past, Pass, Pass through, After, An experience, Ins and outs of an experience

經過了 jing¯ guoˋ le˙

Pass, Move past

經過多道工序 jing¯ guoˋ duo¯ daoˋ gong¯ xuˋ

Undergoing multiple processes

經過市區後不久 jing¯ guoˋ shiˋ qu¯ houˋ buˋ jiuˇ

Not long after passing through the city center

經過的 jing¯ guoˋ de˙


經過的人都 jing¯ guoˋ de˙ renˊ dou¯

Everyone passing by

經過答詢 jing¯ guoˋ daˊ xunˊ


經過長期 jing¯ guoˋ changˊ qiˊ

After a long period of time, Over a long period of time

輕握 qing¯ woˋ

Lightly grip, Lightly hold

聽錯 ting¯ cuoˋ

Hear incorrectly, Misunderstand

聽過 ting¯ guoˋ


聽過所有關利率的狗屁 ting¯ guoˋ suoˇ youˇ guan¯ liˋ luuˋ de˙ gouˇ piˋ

Listened to all the crap about interest rates, Heard all the crap about interest rates

星座 xing¯ zuoˋ


22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

蘋果 pingˊ guoˇ


蘋果汁 pingˊ guoˇ zhi¯

Apple Juice

蘋果西打 pingˊ guoˇ xi¯ daˇ

Apple Soda

蘋果鳳梨汁 pingˊ guoˇ fengˋ liˊ zhi¯

Apple And Pineapple Juice

情火 qingˊ huoˇ

Flames of love, Passion

停妥 tingˊ tuoˇ

Parked, Docked, Berthed, Properly secured

螢火 yingˊ huoˇ


22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

頂多 dingˇ duo¯

At most, At best

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

警佐 jingˇ zuoˇ


請妥善保存 qingˇ tuoˇ shanˋ baoˇ cunˊ

Please retain, Please keep

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

請坐 qingˇ zuoˋ

Please sit down, Please have a seat

挺過 tingˇ guoˋ

Handle, Stand up to, Withstand

挺過了 tingˇ guoˋ le˙

Handled, Stood up to, Withstood

挺過來了 tingˇ guoˋ laiˊ le˙

Am dealing with it, Can deal with it, Have dealt with it

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

敬多於畏 jingˋ duo¯ yuˊ weiˋ

More respect than fear, More awe than fear

硬說 yingˋ shuo¯

Assert, Insist, Insist on saying, Obstinate, Insistant

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

令我感到 lingˋ woˇ ganˇ daoˋ

Makes me feel

杏果 xingˋ guoˇ


22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

定做 dingˋ zuoˋ


訂做 dingˋ zuoˋ

Made to order, Custom made, Bespoke

靜坐 jingˋ zuoˋ

Meditate, Sit quietly


一-雨 : > : > [靈]-靈活 : > [靈]-靈活能 >

丶-氵 : > : > [活]-靈活 : > [活]-靈活能 >

𠄌-厶 : > : > [能]-活能 : > [能]-靈活能 >

靈活能 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 活

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