
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 須


Should be able (to)

xu¯ nengˊ

須 xu¯
Must, Have, Short Moment, Beard, Mustache, Whiskers

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 須能 (yu-eng)

Grouped by first phone

xu, ju, luu, nuu, qu, yu

須能 xu¯ nengˊ

Should be able (to)

xu, ju, luu, nuu, qu, yu

鋸成 ju¯ chengˊ


鋸成木板 ju¯ chengˊ muˋ banˇ

Sawed into planks

xu, ju, luu, nuu, qu, yu

旅程 luuˇ chengˊ


率成功率 luuˋ chengˊ gong¯ luuˋ

Success rate

綠燈 luuˋ deng¯

Green light

綠燈亮了 luuˋ deng¯ liangˋ le˙

Light turned green, Traffic light turned green

xu, ju, luu, nuu, qu, yu

女朋友 nuuˇ pengˊ youˇ


女生 nuuˇ sheng¯

Girl, Female

女聲 nuuˇ sheng¯

Female voice, Feminine voice

女聲傳來 nuuˇ sheng¯ chuanˊ laiˊ

Female voice, Feminine voice

xu, ju, luu, nuu, qu, yu

祛風式 qu¯ feng¯ shiˋ

Wind Relieving Pose, Pavana Muktasana

取勝 quˇ sheng¯


xu, ju, luu, nuu, qu, yu

愚蒙 yuˊ mengˊ


雨聲 yuˇ sheng¯

The sound of rain

Grouped in tone pairs

12, 11, 22, 31, 32, 41, 42

鋸成 ju¯ chengˊ


鋸成木板 ju¯ chengˊ muˋ banˇ

Sawed into planks

須能 xu¯ nengˊ

Should be able (to)

12, 11, 22, 31, 32, 41, 42

祛風式 qu¯ feng¯ shiˋ

Wind Relieving Pose, Pavana Muktasana

12, 11, 22, 31, 32, 41, 42

愚蒙 yuˊ mengˊ


12, 11, 22, 31, 32, 41, 42

女生 nuuˇ sheng¯

Girl, Female

女聲 nuuˇ sheng¯

Female voice, Feminine voice

女聲傳來 nuuˇ sheng¯ chuanˊ laiˊ

Female voice, Feminine voice

取勝 quˇ sheng¯


雨聲 yuˇ sheng¯

The sound of rain

12, 11, 22, 31, 32, 41, 42

旅程 luuˇ chengˊ


女朋友 nuuˇ pengˊ youˇ


12, 11, 22, 31, 32, 41, 42

綠燈 luuˋ deng¯

Green light

綠燈亮了 luuˋ deng¯ liangˋ le˙

Light turned green, Traffic light turned green

12, 11, 22, 31, 32, 41, 42

率成功率 luuˋ chengˊ gong¯ luuˋ

Success rate


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須能 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 須

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