
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 怪


Cookie monster

bingˇ guaiˋ

怪 guaiˋ
Blame, Strange, Unusual, Queer, Peculiar

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 餅怪 (ying-wai)

Grouped by first phone

bing, jing, ling, qing, xing

餅怪 bingˇ guaiˋ

Cookie monster

冰塊 bing¯ kuaiˋ

Ice, Piece of ice, Block of ice, Ice cube(s)

bing, jing, ling, qing, xing

境外 jingˋ waiˋ


bing, jing, ling, qing, xing

另外 lingˋ waiˋ

Also, Furthermore, Another, In addition

另外一個 lingˋ waiˋ yiˊ ge˙


另外一邊 lingˋ waiˋ yiˋ bian¯

On the other side

另外三分之一 lingˋ waiˋ san¯ fen¯ zhi¯ yi¯

Another third

另外還有 lingˋ waiˋ haiˊ youˇ

Moreover, There is also, There are also

bing, jing, ling, qing, xing

情懷 qingˊ huaiˊ

Feeling, Mood

輕快 qing¯ kuaiˋ

Agile, Nimble, Brisk, Spry, Lively, Light-hearted

輕快的 qing¯ kuaiˋ de˙

Lively, Sprightly, Briskly, With agility, Agilely, Nimbly

輕快走下 qing¯ kuaiˋ zouˇ xiaˋ

Quickly walk down, Quickly walking down, Happily walking down

輕率 qing¯ shuaiˋ

Careless, Reckless, rash, Curt, Indiscreet, Hardy, Make light of, Neglect, Slight, ignore

輕率的操作 qing¯ shuaiˋ de˙ cao¯ zuoˋ

Curt maneuver, Abrupt maneuver

bing, jing, ling, qing, xing

興衰 xing¯ shuai¯

Rise and fall

Grouped in tone pairs

34, 11, 14, 22, 44

餅怪 bingˇ guaiˋ

Cookie monster

34, 11, 14, 22, 44

興衰 xing¯ shuai¯

Rise and fall

34, 11, 14, 22, 44

冰塊 bing¯ kuaiˋ

Ice, Piece of ice, Block of ice, Ice cube(s)

輕快 qing¯ kuaiˋ

Agile, Nimble, Brisk, Spry, Lively, Light-hearted

輕快的 qing¯ kuaiˋ de˙

Lively, Sprightly, Briskly, With agility, Agilely, Nimbly

輕快走下 qing¯ kuaiˋ zouˇ xiaˋ

Quickly walk down, Quickly walking down, Happily walking down

輕率 qing¯ shuaiˋ

Careless, Reckless, rash, Curt, Indiscreet, Hardy, Make light of, Neglect, Slight, ignore

輕率的操作 qing¯ shuaiˋ de˙ cao¯ zuoˋ

Curt maneuver, Abrupt maneuver

34, 11, 14, 22, 44

情懷 qingˊ huaiˊ

Feeling, Mood

34, 11, 14, 22, 44

境外 jingˋ waiˋ


另外 lingˋ waiˋ

Also, Furthermore, Another, In addition

另外一個 lingˋ waiˋ yiˊ ge˙


另外一邊 lingˋ waiˋ yiˋ bian¯

On the other side

另外三分之一 lingˋ waiˋ san¯ fen¯ zhi¯ yi¯

Another third

另外還有 lingˋ waiˋ haiˊ youˇ

Moreover, There is also, There are also


人-食 : > : > [餅]-餅怪 : > [餅]-餅怪 >

丶-忄 : > : > [怪]-餅怪 : > [怪]-餅怪 >

餅怪 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 怪

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