
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 高


Kaohsiung (Or Gao Xiong) City, (Cats: Place-Name-City next)

gao¯ xiongˊ shiˋ

高 gao¯
Tall, High, Elevated, Noble, Renown, Golf, Translit for Go

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Phone , Tone


高雄 gao¯ xiongˊ

Words that rhyme with 高雄市 (ao-yong)

Grouped by first phone

gao, hao, lao, mao, tao

高雄 gao¯ xiongˊ


高雄市 gao¯ xiongˊ shiˋ

Kaohsiung (Or Gao Xiong) City

gao, hao, lao, mao, tao

好用 haoˇ yongˋ

Handy tip, Handy pointer

好用得多 haoˇ yongˋ deˊ duo¯

Was better

好用的提示 haoˇ yongˋ de˙ tiˊ shiˋ

Handy tip, Handy pointer

gao, hao, lao, mao, tao

老兄 laoˇ xiong¯

Dude, Man, brother

gao, hao, lao, mao, tao

貓熊 mao¯ xiongˊ


gao, hao, lao, mao, tao

套用 taoˋ yongˋ

Apply indiscriminately, Apply mechanically, Use without thought or awareness

Grouped in tone pairs

12, 31, 34, 44

高雄 gao¯ xiongˊ


高雄市 gao¯ xiongˊ shiˋ

Kaohsiung (Or Gao Xiong) City

貓熊 mao¯ xiongˊ


12, 31, 34, 44

老兄 laoˇ xiong¯

Dude, Man, brother

12, 31, 34, 44

好用 haoˇ yongˋ

Handy tip, Handy pointer

好用得多 haoˇ yongˋ deˊ duo¯

Was better

好用的提示 haoˇ yongˋ de˙ tiˊ shiˋ

Handy tip, Handy pointer

12, 31, 34, 44

套用 taoˋ yongˋ

Apply indiscriminately, Apply mechanically, Use without thought or awareness


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高雄市 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 高

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