
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 香


Black Sausage, (Cats: Food-Meat next)

hei¯ xiang¯ changˊ

香 xiang¯
Fragrance, Perfume, Fragrant, Scented, Scent

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Phone , Tone


香腸 xiang¯ changˊ

Words that rhyme with 黑香腸 (ei-yang)

Grouped by first phone

hei, bei, fei, mei, nei, pei, zhei

黑亮 hei¯ liangˋ

Black and glossy, Glossy black

黑牆 hei¯ qiangˊ

Black wall

黑香腸 hei¯ xiang¯ changˊ

Black Sausage

hei, bei, fei, mei, nei, pei, zhei

被降級 beiˋ jiangˋ jiˊ

Demoted, Downgraded

被搶 beiˋ qiangˇ

Be mugged, Getting mugged, Mugged

被搶劫 beiˋ qiangˇ jieˊ

Mugged, Being mugged

被搶勢 beiˋ qiangˇ shiˋ

Being mugged, Been mugged

被搶走 beiˋ qiangˇ zouˇ

Stolen, Taken

被搶走的東西 beiˋ qiangˇ zouˇ de˙ dong¯ xi¯

Stolen item, Stolen items

hei, bei, fei, mei, nei, pei, zhei

飛翔 fei¯ xiangˊ


飛向天空 fei¯ xiangˋ tian¯ kong¯

Took flight

hei, bei, fei, mei, nei, pei, zhei

沒想到 meiˊ xiangˇ daoˋ

Does not think, Did not think (that), Can't believe, Don't believe, Can't imagine, Didn't imagine, Would never have imagined

沒想剛 meiˊ xiangˇ gang¯

Didn't think that just

沒向地方官報案 meiˊ xiangˋ diˋ fang¯ guan¯ baoˋ anˋ

Didn't report to the magistrate, Didn't report it to the magistrate

hei, bei, fei, mei, nei, pei, zhei

那輛 neiˋ liangˋ

That (vehicle)

內向 neiˋ xiangˋ


hei, bei, fei, mei, nei, pei, zhei

配糧 peiˋ liangˊ


培養 peiˊ yangˇ

Cultivate, Nurture

培養官吏 peiˊ yangˇ guan¯ liˋ

Training officials

培養皿 peiˊ yangˇ minˇ

Petri dish

hei, bei, fei, mei, nei, pei, zhei

這樣作 zheiˋ yangˋ zuoˋ

Do it this way, Doing it this way

這樣的話 zheiˋ yangˋ de˙ huaˋ

In this case

Grouped in tone pairs

11, 12, 14, 23, 24, 42, 43, 44

黑香腸 hei¯ xiang¯ changˊ

Black Sausage

11, 12, 14, 23, 24, 42, 43, 44

飛翔 fei¯ xiangˊ


黑牆 hei¯ qiangˊ

Black wall

11, 12, 14, 23, 24, 42, 43, 44

飛向天空 fei¯ xiangˋ tian¯ kong¯

Took flight

黑亮 hei¯ liangˋ

Black and glossy, Glossy black

11, 12, 14, 23, 24, 42, 43, 44

沒想到 meiˊ xiangˇ daoˋ

Does not think, Did not think (that), Can't believe, Don't believe, Can't imagine, Didn't imagine, Would never have imagined

沒想剛 meiˊ xiangˇ gang¯

Didn't think that just

培養 peiˊ yangˇ

Cultivate, Nurture

培養官吏 peiˊ yangˇ guan¯ liˋ

Training officials

培養皿 peiˊ yangˇ minˇ

Petri dish

11, 12, 14, 23, 24, 42, 43, 44

沒向地方官報案 meiˊ xiangˋ diˋ fang¯ guan¯ baoˋ anˋ

Didn't report to the magistrate, Didn't report it to the magistrate

11, 12, 14, 23, 24, 42, 43, 44

配糧 peiˋ liangˊ


11, 12, 14, 23, 24, 42, 43, 44

被搶 beiˋ qiangˇ

Be mugged, Getting mugged, Mugged

被搶劫 beiˋ qiangˇ jieˊ

Mugged, Being mugged

被搶勢 beiˋ qiangˇ shiˋ

Being mugged, Been mugged

被搶走 beiˋ qiangˇ zouˇ

Stolen, Taken

被搶走的東西 beiˋ qiangˇ zouˇ de˙ dong¯ xi¯

Stolen item, Stolen items

11, 12, 14, 23, 24, 42, 43, 44

被降級 beiˋ jiangˋ jiˊ

Demoted, Downgraded

那輛 neiˋ liangˋ

That (vehicle)

內向 neiˋ xiangˋ


這樣作 zheiˋ yangˋ zuoˋ

Do it this way, Doing it this way

這樣的話 zheiˋ yangˋ de˙ huaˋ

In this case


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丿-禾 : > : > [香]-香腸 : > [香]-黑香腸 >

冂-月 : > : > [腸]-香腸 : > [腸]-黑香腸 >

黑香腸 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 香

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