On, Above, Up, High, Over, On Top Of, Before, Begin, Get On, Start
Word Links for words containing 上 (sorted via character pairs)
逼他們走上跳板 Make them walk the plank, Made them walk the plank
要逼他們走上跳板 Wanted to make them walk the plank
右上圖 Picture above right, Above right image
左上圖 Picture above left, Above left image
於上圖 In the above picture
上星期 Last week
出自上星期四的報紙 From last Thursday's paper
上星期一 Last Monday
上星期三 Last Wednesday
上星期四 Last Thursday
實際上是 Actually were, Actually was, Really were, Really was
基因上是亞洲人 Genetically asian
正下方地面上是什麼 What is on the ground below?, What is below us?
他覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 He thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, He thought it was pointless spending money on things he didn't need, He didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need
她覺得花錢在不需要的東西上是毫無意義的事 She thinks it's pointless spending money on things she doesn't need, She thought it was pointless spending money on things she didn't need, She didn't see the point in spending money on things she didn't need
將在液晶螢幕上顯示 Will then be displayed in the LCD monitor
拍攝的影像將在液晶螢幕上顯示 Captured image will then be displayed on the LCD monitor
天花板上懸 Hang from the ceiling, Hangs from the ceiling, Hanging from the ceiling, Hung from the ceiling
天花板上懸著 Hang from the ceiling, Hangs from the ceiling, Hanging from the ceiling, Hung from the ceiling
上岸 On the coast, Along the shore or coast, Come ashore
牽上岸 Take ashore, Pull ashore
上岸後 After landing, After coming ashore
上岸的 On the coast, Along the shore or coast, Come ashore
愛上她 Fall in love with her
讓第一次見到她的人愛上她 Make people fall in love with her when first meeting her, Making people fall in love with her when first meeting her
喜歡讓第一次見到她的人愛上她 Liked to make people fall in love with her on first site
愛上她了 Fallen in love with her
上好 Superior, Excellent, The best
得花上好幾個星期 It would take weeks
搞上好久 Take a while to take care of, Take a while
這要搞上好久 It's going to take a while
縫上幾針 Stitches (to fix a wound)
可能要花上幾個星期 May take a few weeks
他晚上要是能睡上幾個小時 If he could get a few hours sleep at night
她晚上要是能睡上幾個小時 If she could get a few hours sleep at night
腳上綁著 Legs strapped into, Legs strapped onto
覆蓋在架子上綁牢 Placed over the top of of the frame and fastened securely in place
上司 Boss, Bosses, Superior, Superiors
最高上司 Chairman
老闆上司 Boss
把成果呈現給他的上司 Present the results to his boss, Presenting the results to his boss, Presented the results to his boss
上了 Rode, Came up
愛上了 Fell in love, Fell in love with
用上了 Used
已經在飛機上了 Already on the plane, Already in the air, On the plane now, In the air now
上了蠟 Waxed
上了蠟的 Waxed
上了亮光漆 Varnished
上了好學校 Gone to a good school, Gone to good schools, Attended nice schools
跟著他上了三樓 Follow him to the third floor, Followed him to the third floor
跟著她上了三樓 Follow her to the third floor, Followed her to the third floor
上學 Go to school
去上學 Go to school, Goes to school, Going to school, Went to school
我都要去上學 I still have to go to school, I have to go to school anyway
沒有錢讓我去上學 Not enough money for me to go to school
上學時 At school, While at school
上學數年 Years of study, School years
沙土上留有帶爪大腳印的區域 Areas were large clawed paws left marks in the dirt, Areas were large clawed paw prints were left in the dirt
上午 Morning
上午的咖啡 Morning coffee
上午的時間 The morning
上午的時間一下子就過去了 The morning went by quickly
邊喝上午的咖啡邊將郵件粗略地過目一遍 Glance over the mail while drinking their morning coffee
從高塔上丟出去 Thrown from a tower, Thrown off of a tower
我今天晚上被人家從高塔上丟出去 I was thrown from a tower tonight
把我從高塔上丟下去 Throw me from a tower, Threw me from a tower
被人從飛機上丟下去的 Thrown out of an airplane, Dropped from an airplane
他是被人從飛機上丟下去的 He was thrown out of an airplane, Someone threw him out of an airplane
上千 Thousands
上千人 A thousand people, Over a thousand people, Over a thousand men
上千年 Over a thousand years
有上千個 Thousands
看過上千小時 Watched thousands of hours
樹齡上千年的樟樹 Camphor trees that are over a thousand years old
上手 Start, Started, Begin, Outset, Beginning, Seat of honor, Left-hand seat
還沒上手 Hadn't yet started, Hadn't even started, Hadn't even began to
趕不上和家人共進晚餐了 Missing dinner with the family, Late for dinner with the family
我為了這個快要趕不上和家人共進晚餐了 This is making me late for dinner with the family
上升 Rise, Ascend, Climb up to, Fly up to
溫度會上升 Temperature will rise, The temperature will rise
購得的樟腦成本上升 Cost of buying camphor is increasing
上升下降 Rising and falling, Climbing and dropping
上升載具 MAV (short for Mars Ascent Vehicle)
上升暖氣流 Thermal, Thermals, Rising currents of warm air
像上升火箭般 Like an ascending rocket
他在床上很放得開 He was very free in bed, He was uninhibited sexually
外觀上很不令人愉快 Externally unappealing, Unpleasant to look at
追溯到世界上第一批巫師 Traced back to the world's first sorcerers, Tracing the world's first wizards
上方 Above, Over, At the top of
正上方 Directly above or over
位於重心上方 Located above the center of gravity
在前腳掌上方 Over the forefoot, Over the forefeet, Above the forefoot, Above the forefeet
在雙水槽正上方 Located above the double sink
浴缸上方的窗戶 The window over the tub
上課 Go to class, Start class, In class
如果今天是她去上課 If she goes to class today, If she'd gone to class today
上課學 Learn in class, Learned in class, Been taught
上課時 During class
上課鐘 Class bell
典型的上課日程 A typical school day
他典型的上課日程包括 A typical school day includes, A typical school day would include
跟他上課學的一樣 Like he'd been taught
跟她上課學的一樣 Like she'd been taught
上廁所 Go to the toilet
除非上廁所 Unless going to the toilet
非上廁所不可 Need to use the toilet, Have to go to the bathroom
上的 On, On top of
座標上的原點 On the origin of a coordinate system
上的每一堂課都 Every class taken, Every class attended, Every class
儀表板上的時鐘 Dashboard clock
認出布上的花樣 Recognized the patterns on the cloth
在他嘴上的那一點 The spot over his mouth
分配班上的外掃區域 Assign outside area for the class to sweep, Assigns outside area for the class to sweep, Assigned outside area for the class to sweep
將手掌上的鮮血舔去 Licked the blood of their palms
從地板上的側肩背包中 From the shoulder bag on the floor
所有磁帶上的總資料量 Total amount of data stored on the tapes
班上的同學鐵定會偷笑 Those in class would definitely have snickered
電視上的百威啤酒廣造 A Budweiser ad on TV
你頭顱上的洞有點不平整 The hole in your skull is a little rough
架在類似牙醫器材的靈巧機械臂上的機器 A device that was on a nimble robotic arm similar to a dentist's tool
溢出到地板上的地方 Overflowed onto the floor
書架上的書本無故掉到地上 Books fell from the book shelf for no reason
上次 Last time
跟他上次來的樣子大不相同 Looked very different from the last time he came, Had changed a lot since last he came
上海 Shanghai
到上海 To Shanghai
老上海 Old Shanghai
過海進入上海 Cross the sea into Shanghai
看到太陽西沈入上海 Watch the sunset over Shanghai
上海話 Shanghainese
過海到上海的跨 Straddled the sea to Shanghai
過海到上海的跨海堤道 The causeway that straddled the sea to Shanghai, The sea straddling causeway to Shanghai
從架上拿回帽子和傘 Retrieve their hat and umbrella from the rack, Retrieved their hat and umbrella from the rack
上半身 Upper body
上半部 Upper half, Upper section
主體上半身 Subjects upper body
今年上半年 First half of this year
年上半 First half of the year, First six months of the year
上一份 Previous, Last, Occasion before
他上一份 His previous, His last
幹嘛再上一次 Why are we doing this?, Why are we going over this?
上一杯酒 Last drink one had
快上一百倍 A hundred times faster
比他快上一百倍 A hundred times faster than him
上頭 On top of
趴在肚子上頭 Lie on the belly, Lie belly down
他不理會上頭那個人的嘲諷 He ignored the goading of the person above
她不理會上頭那個人的嘲諷 She ignored the goading of the person above
上下 Top to bottom
不相上下 Comparable
上下來 Descended, Came down, Came down from
上下班 To and from work
上下的 Top to bottom
上下鋪 Bunk beds, Bunks
上上下下 Up and down, All
上下兩層 Two stories high
上下打量 Looked up and down, Conjectured
上下部份 The top and bottom, The top and bottom parts
上上下下跳了 Jumped up and down
上下鋪雙人床 Bunk bed, Bunk beds, Bunks
上下左右看一看 Looks around, Takes a look around
上班 Work, Go to work, Start work
去上班 Went to work
沒去上班 Didn't go to work, Missed work
上班了 Started work, Went to work
上班族 Office worker, Commuter
族上班族 Office workers
下一上班日 Next working day
得去上班了 Had gone to work
她得去上班了 She had gone to work
上班時間 Work hours
上班的地方 Place of work
上班的第三天 Third day of work
上百 Over a hundred
上百萬 Over a million
數目上百萬 Millions
多上百萬倍 A million times more
數目上百萬的話 If there are millions
冉冉升起上百縷炊煙 Rising wisps of smoke from a hundred cooking fires
上面 Above, On top of, On
坐到上面 Sat on it, Sat down on it
爬到上面 Climbed up on, Climbed on top of
跪在他上面 Knelt over him
上面的 On (top of)
上面有蓋 A roof above
上面的詩 The above poem, The poem above
將上面左式 Taking the left part above
從上面到底下 From top to bottom
從上面到底下的距離可不短 It was a long way down, It was not a short drop
上面有蓋的亭子 Covered pavilion, Open sided pavilion
造一個四面有柱子撐住上面有蓋的亭子 Built a pavilion with supporting pillars on four sides and a roof above
你得上教堂的量 The number of times you had to go to church, The amount of church you had to attend
上去 Go up
沒上去 Didn't go up
看上去 Looks like
站上去 Stood up on
一走上去 Went up, Went up onto
開不上去 Can't drive up (it)
放到稱上去 Place onto the scale
把自己舉上去 Pull yourself up, Pulled herself up, Pulled himself up, Pulled themselves up
將自己給舉了上去 Lifted himself up, Lifted herself up, Lifted themselves up, Lift yourself up
他將自己給舉了上去 He lifted himself up, He hauled himself up
上去了 Went up
撲上去抱住 Throw a hug around
看上去像是 Looked like, To look at seemed like
看上去十分寂寞 Looked lonely, Looking lonely
把耳朵貼上去偷聽 Placed her ear against it and listened, Placed his ear against it and listened
上大學想念哪個科系 Want to study what subject at university, Wants to study what subject at university, Wanted to study what subject at university
上來 Come up
沒上來 Didn't come up
送上來 Carry up to, Bring up to, Provide
送到火星上來 Deliver to Mars surface
是什麼風把你吹到我的地盤上來 What brings you to my neck of the woods
是什麼風把妳吹到我的地盤上來 What brings you to my neck of the woods
上來了 Came up
上樓 Go up, Go upstairs, Come up
一踢上樓 Kick upstairs, Kicked upstairs
沉著上樓 Calmly went upstairs
沒拿啤酒就上樓了 Didn't grab a beer before going upstairs
書上有 Book contains (information, Instructions etc)
策略上有弱點 Strategically unsound
地板上有足夠空間 There was enough room on the floor, There was plenty of room on the floor
桌子上有很多水果 There is lots of fruit on the table
在定義上有很大的不同 Have vastly different definitions, Are defined with vast differences
在雷達上有獨特的信號調 Has a unique radar signature
路上 On the way
一路上 Along the way
在路上 On the street, On the streets
圓石路上 Cobblestones
在網路上 On the internet
一大早路上 Getting on the road in the early morning
回家的路上 On the way home, While on the way home
在高速公路上 On the highway, On the motorway
在前往洛杉磯的路上 On the way to Los Angeles
走路上山去 Walk up the mountain
搭校車回家的路上吃 Eat while riding the school bus back home
留在搭校車回家的路上吃 Saved to eat while riding the school bus home
早上 Morning
今天早上 This morning
星期四早上 Thursday morning
禮拜六早上 Saturday morning
早上好 Good morning
從早上到晚上 From morning till night, From dawn till dusk
晚上 Evening, Night
一個晚上 A night, One night
今天晚上 Tonight, This evening
兩個晚上 Two nights
每天晚上 Every evening
當天晚上 That evening
那天晚上 That evening
前幾天晚上 A few nights ago
在當天晚上 In the evening, That same evening
待一個晚上 Stay one night, One night
某一個晚上 One particular night, For one night, For one particular night
後來有天晚上 Then one night
從早上到晚上 From morning till night, From dawn till dusk
然後會有一個晚上 Then there would be a night, Then would come one night
晚上出來活動 Come out at night
某一個晚上才 Only for one particular night
我今天晚上被人家從高塔上丟出去 I was thrown from a tower tonight
他晚上要是能睡上幾個小時 If he could get a few hours sleep at night
她晚上要是能睡上幾個小時 If she could get a few hours sleep at night
閉上 Close, Shut
緊閉上鎖 Tightly closed and locked
閉上你的嘴 Shut your mouth, Be quiet, Be silent
閉上眼睛 Shut eyes, Closed eyes
她閉上眼睛 She shut her eyes, She closed her eyes
你就閉上眼睛 You then close your eyes
當她閉上眼睛 When she closed her eyes
閉上雙眼 Closed both eyes
他閉上雙眼 He closed his eyes
闔上 Close, Shut
砰地闔上 Slam shut, Slammed shut
闔上書本 Close the book, Closed the book
砰地闔上書本 Slammed the book shut
關上 Close, Closes, Closing, Closed, Shut down, Shuts down, Shutting down, Turn off, Turns off, Turning off, Turned off
沒關上 Isn't shut, Aren't shut, Not closed
把門關上 Close the door, Closes the door, Closed the door
用力把門關上 Slammed the door shut
關上了 Closed (door or window), It's closed
關上門 Close the door
他關上門 He closed the door
才關上門 Just to get the door closed
不小心關上了 Closed by accident, Accidentally closed
砰一聲關上門 Slammed the door closed, Slammed the door
輕輕地關上門 Softly, Quietly, Gently
用盡力氣才關上門 Used all their strength just to get the door closed
關上背後的窗戶 Shut the window behind you, She shut the window behind her, He shut the window behind him
在腳上 Over the foot, On the foot
到單腳上 Onto one foot, To one foot
維持重心在腳上 Keep center of gravity over the foot, Keeping center of gravity over the foot
在支撐的那隻腳上 On the supporting foot, Over the supporting foot
把重量轉移到單腳上 Shift weight to one foot, Shifting weight to one foot, Shifted weight to one foot
臉上 Face, On the face
在她臉上 On her face
狠狠地打在他臉上 Hit his face hard, Hits his face hard, Hitting him hard in the face
狠狠地打在她臉上 Hit her face hard, Hits her face hard, Hitting her hard in the face
風將她的暗色頭髮吹打在臉上 The wind blew her dark hair across her face
臉上帶著沉思 With a pensive face
臉上很多皺紋 A lined face, A wrinkled face
微笑從臉上消失 The smile faded from their face
他臉上似乎閃過一道陰影 It seemed as if a shadow briefly passed over his face
以上 Or more, Any of the above
以上皆有可能 All of the above are possible
一扇可以上鎖的門 A door that locked, A door that can be locked
在牆上 On the wall, On a wall
在深溝邊緣的矮牆上 At the low wall at the edge of the pit, On the low wall at the pit's edge
台上 On the stage
站到陽台上 Stand on the balcony, Stands on the balcony, Standing on the balcony, Stood on a balcony
網上 Online
放在陶瓷纖維網上 Should be placed on a ceramic fiber mesh
黏在黑蛛網上的蒼蠅 Fly stuck in a spider's web
線上 Online (over the internet)
在電話線上 Was on the line
僅是籠罩在地平線上 Encompassed the horizon
在線上等待 Put on hold
桌子上 On the table
在鍊子上 On a chain, On the chain
站在椅子上 Stood on a chair
綁在柱子上 Tied to a pillar, Tied to a post
繫在鍊子上 Connected to a chain, On a chain, On the chain
掛在吊大衣的鉤子上 Hang on a coat hook, Hangs on a coat hook, Hanging on a coat hook, Hanging on the coat hook, Hung on a coat hook
爬上 Climbing up
爬上了床 Climbed into bed
爬上來 Climb up to
爬上去 Climbed up
爬上樓 Climb upstairs, Climbing upstairs
爬上樓梯 Climb the stairs, Climbs, Climbing the stairs, Climbed the stairs
他們爬上樓梯 They climbed the stairs
馬上 Immediately, Right away, On horseback
馬上來 Coming now, Coming right up, Coming immediately
馬上就啟程 Immediately set out, Depart immediately
手上 On hand, Available
手上的 On hand, Available, At hand
叫助手上茶 Call an assistant for tea, Calls an assistant for tea, Calling an assistant for tea, Called for tea from an assistant
手上拿著 Carrying
手上的工作 Task at hand
為手上的工作特別設計 Designed specifically for the task at hand
街上 On the street
在街上 On the street
一條街上 Street
在大街上 On the street
哪一條街上 Which street
背躺在街上 Lie back on the street
在人潮洶湧的街上 On a crowded street
街上所有人 Everyone on the street
在街上小馳步奔來 Coming down the street at a moderate gallop
這條街上有 This street has
在人潮洶湧的街上玩 Playing in a crowded street, Having fun in a crowded street
往上 Upwards, Going up
往上爬升 Climbed higher, Went higher, The higher one climbed
往上爬 Climbed up, Climbing up
往上看 Look up
掛得上 Can hang up
稱得上 Considered, Sort of
算得上 Be considered
跟得上 Kept up with, Kept up to date with
關得上 Closable, Can close, Has the potential to be closed
聯絡得上 Get in contact with
向上 Upwards
筆直向上 Straight up, Straight upwards
向上爬 Climb up, Climbs up, Climbing up, Climbed up, Clamber up, Clambers up, Clambering up, Clambered up
向上踢 Kick up, Kicks up, Kicked up
向上飛 Fly up, Flies up, Flying up, Flew up
向上一跳 Jump up, Jumps up, Jumped up, Jumped
將腿筆直向上抬起 Lift your leg straight up, Lift your legs straight up, Lift the leg straight up, Lift the legs straight up
向上箭號 Upward pointing arrow symbol, Upward pointing arrow
加一向上箭號 Add an upward pointing arrow symbol
在床上 In bed, On the bed
回到床上 Went back to bed
在海床上 On the seafloor, On the seabed
坐在床上 Sit on the bed, Sits on the bed, Sitting on the bed, Sat on the bed, Sit up in bed, Sitting up in bed
抬到床上 Lift onto the bed
躺在床上 Lie on a bed, Lies on a bed, Lie in bed, Lies in bed, Lying in bed
便回到床上 Then went back to bed
又回到床上 Went back to bed
身上 Body, On the body
我身上 On my body, Attached to my body
照在他身上 Shining on him, Illuminating him
仍集中在他身上 Still focused on him
把那些劍帶在身上 Carry those swords
拿手電筒照在他身上 Holding a flashlight on him, Illuminating him with a flashlight
她的注意力集中在他身上 Her awareness was focused on him
如果這件事發生在你身上 If this happened to you
我把一束炸藥丟到他身上 I dropped a bunch of dynamite on him, I threw a bundle of dynamite on him
有一天意外降臨在你身上 If unforeseen circumstances befall you
身上的 Carrying (on one's person)
身上缺錢 Not having much money, Short of money
大人多數留在飛船上 Most of the grown ups stayed on the airship, Most of the adults remained on the spaceship
海上 Off shore, Out to sea, On the sea
從海上 From over the sea, From the sea
風從海上 The wind from over the sea
懸浮在南中國海上 Hovering over the South China Sea, Hovered over the South China Sea
海上的 Off shore
風從海上吹來時 When the wind blew in from the sea
遇上 Encounter
遇上了 Encountered, Has encountered
會遇上一些阻礙 Will encounter some obstacles, Will have some obstacles, Will have some obstacles to overcome
遇上時速一百七十五公里的沙塵暴 Encountered a 175 kph sandstorm
遇上了麻煩 Ran into some trouble, Am in trouble, Was in trouble
遇上了大麻煩 Had ran into some major trouble
頭上 Overhead
從頭上 Overhead
伸到頭上 Stretched overhead
手臂伸到頭上 Arms stretched overhead
將荷葉摘下來高舉在頭上 Holding plucked lotus leaves high up over their head(s)
從頭上經過 Passing overhead, Overhead
頭上帶紅點 Dothead, Dotheads
枕頭上的薄荷糖 A mint on the pillow
吃不上 Miss a meal
寫不上 Can't write on it, Can't be written on
比不上 Can not compare (with)
說不上 Can't say
談不上 Not to mention
趕不上 Too slow, Late, Inferior, Miss, Unable to catch up
跟不上 Can't keep up
關不上 Cannot be closed (because door or window is broken or blocked)
顧不上 Can't care
聯絡不上 Can't communicate with, Can't get in contact with
天上 The heavens, In the sky
從天上 From the sky
天上的 In the sky, Up in the air
向天上跑 Rise upwards, Head for the sky
第一天上學 First day of school
映出天上的月 Reflected the moon, Reflected moonlight
高到了天上去了 Ascended towards the sky
而上 Above, Over
一躍而上 Leap up, Vault up
蜿蜒而上 Meandered upwards
沿著山側蜿蜒而上 Meandered up a hillside
在林子裡沿著山側蜿蜒而上 Winding through trees up the hillside, Wound up the hillside through the woods
表面上 Superficial, Superficially, On the surface, Apparent, Apparently
在水面上 On the water, On the surface of the water
在頁面上 On the page
桌上 Desktop
擲回桌上 Threw back onto the table
放在桌上 Put on the table, Placed on the table
在他的桌上 On his desk
都放在桌上 Placed them all on the table, Place them all on the table
摞在他的桌上 Sitting on his desk, Piled on his desk
當飛盤擲回桌上 Tossed back on to the table like a frisbee
老師的辦公桌上 Teacher's desk
桌上出版 Desktop-publishing
桌上型款式 Desktop model
桌上出版系統 Desktop-publishing system
朝上 Upwards
朝上游 Upstream
朝上彎過去 Bent upwards
朝上游掃去 Sweep upstream, Sweeps upstream, Sweeping upstream, Swept upstream
封上 Sealed
破洞封上 Sealed the hole, Sealed the breach
把破洞封上 Cause the rupture to be sealed
封上了 Sealed
地上 Ground, The ground, Ground level, On the ground
在地上 On the floor
倒在地上 Fell to the ground, Fell
掉到地上 Drop down to the ground, Dropped down, Dropped
摔在地上 Fell to the ground, Fell
落在地上 Fall to the floor, Falls to the floor, Fell to the floor, Drop to the floor, Drops to the floor, Dropped to the floor, Land, Lands, Landed
趴在地上 Crawl on the floor
蹲在地上 Crouch, Crouches, Crouching, Crouched, Squat, Squats, Squatting, Squatted
重重摔在地上 Fell hard
差一點摔到地上 Almost fell down, Almost fell on their ass
書架上的書本無故掉到地上 Books fell from the book shelf for no reason
從地上拉抬起 Hoisted off of the ground
從陸地上看到 In sight of the land
加上 Plus, Additionally, In addition, Also, Combined with
再加上 Then adding on, Then in addition, Then taking into account
加上去 Add, Added
加上我對歷史的研究 In addition to my historical studies
從架上 From the rack, From the shelf
夾在鐵架上 Clamped to ring stand, Clamp to ring stand
可夾在鐵架上 Can be clamped to a ring stand
在地板上 On the floor
掛到天花板上 Hang from the ceiling
畫在我黑板上 Drew on my blackboard
躺臥在地板上 Lying on the floor
樓上 Upstairs
拿到樓上他的房間 Took up to their room
聽到樓上傳來放水聲 Heard the sound of running water from upstairs
樹上 Up in the tree
從樹上 From the tree top
在這棵樹上 Up in this tree, Upon this tree
往樹上跑走了 Ran up a tree, Went up a tree
從樹上摔下來 Fell from a tree
在這事上 In this matter, In this case
在這件事上 On this matter, With respect to this matter
在這種事上 In such matters, In this sort of thing
在上 On the top
在上位 In a high position, In high positions
在上海 In Shanghai
在上面 On top
保持在上方 Stayed aloft, Kept station overhead
我剛剛在上網 I was just online
在上床前 Before going to bed
在上車前 Before boarding, Before getting on
在上週二 On last Tuesday, Last Tuesday
在上海開會期間 During the time of the conference in Shanghai
拉上 Pull, One way or another
毯子拉上蓋到它們下巴 Pulled the blanket up to their chins
拉上了 Pulled onto/into
把自己拉上去 Pulled himself up, Pulled herself up, Pulled themselves up, Pull yourself up
換上 Replaced, Changed into
換上了 Put on, Changed into
換上新裝 Put on new clothes, Face lift, Renewed
換上晚禮服 Changed into evening wear
他們換上晚禮服 They changed into their evening wear
搭上 Board, Get on board, Travel by
搭上巴士 Board a bus, Get onto a bus
搭上另一班巴士 Boarded another bus, Got onto another bus
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