
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 去


Thrown out, Dropped, Discarded

diu¯ xiaˋ quˋ

去 quˋ
Go, Go To, Leave, Depart, Remove, Get Rid Of, Discard, Play A Role

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Phone , Tone


丟下 diu¯ xiaˋ

下去 xiaˋ quˋ

Words that rhyme with 丟下去 (you-ia)

Grouped by first phone

diu, jiu, liu, xiu, you

丟下 diu¯ xiaˋ

Drop, Reject, Turn away from, Discard

丟下去 diu¯ xiaˋ quˋ

Thrown out, Dropped, Discarded

diu, jiu, liu, xiu, you

酒駕 jiuˇ jiaˋ

Drunk driver, Driving while drunk

diu, jiu, liu, xiu, you

流下 liuˊ xiaˋ

Stream down, Streams down, Streaming down, Streamed down

留下 liuˊ xiaˋ

Leaves, Leaves behind, Left behind

留下了 liuˊ xiaˋ le˙

Left behind, Left a message

留下痕跡 liuˊ xiaˋ henˊ ji¯

Leave a trace, Leaves a trace, Leaving a trace, Left a trace

留下的 liuˊ xiaˋ de˙

Left behind, Stay

留下的行跡 liuˊ xiaˋ de˙ xingˊ ji¯

Marks, Tracks, Traces

diu, jiu, liu, xiu, you

休假 xiu¯ jiaˋ

Rest, Vacation, Day off

diu, jiu, liu, xiu, you

有家人 youˇ jia¯ renˊ

Have family

游俠 youˊ xiaˊ

Roving swordsman

右下勢獨立 youˋ xiaˋ shiˋ duˊ liˋ

Right Low Form To Standing On One Leg

右下圖 youˋ xiaˋ tuˊ

Picture below right, Below right image

Grouped in tone pairs

14, 22, 24, 31, 34, 44

丟下 diu¯ xiaˋ

Drop, Reject, Turn away from, Discard

丟下去 diu¯ xiaˋ quˋ

Thrown out, Dropped, Discarded

休假 xiu¯ jiaˋ

Rest, Vacation, Day off

14, 22, 24, 31, 34, 44

游俠 youˊ xiaˊ

Roving swordsman

14, 22, 24, 31, 34, 44

流下 liuˊ xiaˋ

Stream down, Streams down, Streaming down, Streamed down

留下 liuˊ xiaˋ

Leaves, Leaves behind, Left behind

留下了 liuˊ xiaˋ le˙

Left behind, Left a message

留下痕跡 liuˊ xiaˋ henˊ ji¯

Leave a trace, Leaves a trace, Leaving a trace, Left a trace

留下的 liuˊ xiaˋ de˙

Left behind, Stay

留下的行跡 liuˊ xiaˋ de˙ xingˊ ji¯

Marks, Tracks, Traces

14, 22, 24, 31, 34, 44

有家人 youˇ jia¯ renˊ

Have family

14, 22, 24, 31, 34, 44

酒駕 jiuˇ jiaˋ

Drunk driver, Driving while drunk

14, 22, 24, 31, 34, 44

右下勢獨立 youˋ xiaˋ shiˋ duˊ liˋ

Right Low Form To Standing On One Leg

右下圖 youˋ xiaˋ tuˊ

Picture below right, Below right image


丿-千 : > : > [丟]-丟下 : > [丟]-丟下去 >

一-一 : > : > [下]-丟下 : > [下]-丟下去 >

十-土 : > : > [去]-下去 : > [去]-丟下去 >

丟下去 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 去

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