
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 庸


Golden mean, Doctrine of the Mean, Ordinary, Common, Mediocre

zhong¯ yong¯

庸 yong¯
Mediocre, Common

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 中庸 (wong-yong)

Grouped by first phone

zhong, dong, gong, song, tong, zong

中庸 zhong¯ yong¯

Golden mean, Doctrine of the Mean, Ordinary, Common, Mediocre

重用 zhongˋ yongˋ

Assign to important tasks, Assigned to important tasks

zhong, dong, gong, song, tong, zong

動用 dongˋ yongˋ

Use, Utilize, Draw on

zhong, dong, gong, song, tong, zong

公用 gong¯ yongˋ

Public, For public use, Utility

公用電話 gong¯ yongˋ dianˋ huaˋ

Public pay phone, Pay phone

功用 gong¯ yongˋ

Function, Use

共用 gongˋ yongˋ


zhong, dong, gong, song, tong, zong

慫恿 songˇ yongˇ

Instigate, Incite, Rouse

zhong, dong, gong, song, tong, zong

通用 tong¯ yongˋ

All-around, General, Universal

通用測光模式 tong¯ yongˋ ceˋ guang¯ moˊ shiˋ

All-around metering mode, General metering mode

zhong, dong, gong, song, tong, zong

棕熊 zong¯ xiongˊ

Brown Bear

Grouped in tone pairs

11, 12, 14, 33, 44

中庸 zhong¯ yong¯

Golden mean, Doctrine of the Mean, Ordinary, Common, Mediocre

11, 12, 14, 33, 44

棕熊 zong¯ xiongˊ

Brown Bear

11, 12, 14, 33, 44

公用 gong¯ yongˋ

Public, For public use, Utility

公用電話 gong¯ yongˋ dianˋ huaˋ

Public pay phone, Pay phone

功用 gong¯ yongˋ

Function, Use

通用 tong¯ yongˋ

All-around, General, Universal

通用測光模式 tong¯ yongˋ ceˋ guang¯ moˊ shiˋ

All-around metering mode, General metering mode

11, 12, 14, 33, 44

慫恿 songˇ yongˇ

Instigate, Incite, Rouse

11, 12, 14, 33, 44

動用 dongˋ yongˋ

Use, Utilize, Draw on

共用 gongˋ yongˋ


重用 zhongˋ yongˋ

Assign to important tasks, Assigned to important tasks


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中庸 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 庸

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