Index for words including 乎


Almost, In, At, On, By, For Question, Exclamatory

Word Links for words containing 乎 (sorted via character pairs)

乎 hu¯
Almost, In, At, On, By, For Question, Exclamatory

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


乎尋 Unusual, Extraordinary


焉哉乎也 Grammar particles for interrogation, Amazement, Exclamation and completion


屬乎 Belong to a certain class, Be of a certain class or type


出乎 Contrary to

出乎自己的意料 Contrary to his own expectations, Surprised himself

出乎自己的意料自 Contrary to their own expectations


不亦樂乎 Excited


幾乎 Almost, Nearly, Hardly, Practically

幾乎 Almost, Nearly

幾乎 Almost

幾乎 Most of, Most, Almost all of, Almost all

他們的小孩幾乎 Almost all of their children, Most of their children

幾乎垂直 Almost vertical

幾乎無限 Nearly infinite

幾乎算是 Could be thought of as

幾乎想到了 Almost knew, Almost realized

幾乎看不見 Barely visible, Nearly invisible

幾乎遺忘了 Almost forgotten

幾乎消失了 Was almost gone, Had almost disappeared

幾乎不記得了 Barely remembered, Almost completely forgotten about

幾乎一百八十度 Nearly 180 degrees

幾乎勢必會去想 Would almost certainly have to wonder

幾乎一年到頭都如此 It was like this nearly the whole year round

幾乎打從一開始就知道 Had known from almost the very beginning

幾乎得以快樂地迅速解除 Happily resolved in practically no time

觀點幾乎所有人暗自都有 A point of view implicitly shared by almost everybody

幾乎能把所有的髒東西轉到 Could transfer almost all of the dirt to, Could transfer most of the dirt to

有著幾乎一百八十度的景觀 With an almost 180 degree view

幾乎沒有 Few, Very little

幾乎沒變 Had barely changed

幾乎所有人 Almost everyone

幾乎總是有用 Almost always helps


似乎 Seem, Seems, Seemed

看起來似乎 To look at it seems

情況看起來似乎 Situation seems

似乎 Seemed to be

似乎沒有 Doesn't seem

似乎只想要 Ever seemed to want

似乎很滿意 Seems satisfied

似乎感覺到 Seemed to feel

似乎沒注意到 Seemed not to notice, Seemed to ignore

似乎沒有那麼絕望 Doesn't seem that desparate

似乎無法將視線移開 Seemed unable to look away from

似乎已經過了很久 That seemed so long ago

聽起來似乎是華滋華斯 Sounds like Wordsworth

他臉上似乎閃過一道陰影 It seemed as if a shadow briefly passed over his face

似乎只能到達他的手肘前 Didn't seem to reach past his elbows

似乎能遮風避雨的小室 A small chamber that seemed to offer shelter fro the wind and rain, A small chamber that seemed able to provide shelter


近乎 Near, Close to

近乎 Try to get close to someone

近乎 Near to zero, Close to zero, Close to nothing

近乎圓形 Almost round, Nearly spherical

近乎大吼 Nearly shouted, Nearly shouting

近乎滿意 Nearly satisfied

近乎精微 Nearly microscopic

近乎驚嘆 Close to wonder, Akin to wonder

近乎黑色 Is nearly black, Was nearly black, Looked nearly black


視乎 To look at, How something looks

視乎場景而定 Depending on the scene, Depending on how scene looks


介乎 Somewhere between


合乎 Qualify, Measure up to, Tally

合乎生態學 Ecological, Ecologically friendly

合乎生態學 Not ecological, Not ecologically friendly

那麼做不合乎生態學 That wasn't ecological, Doing it that way would not have been ecological


也不在大乎 Didn't much care

我也不在大乎 I didn't much care


在乎 Depend on, Whether, Care, Mind

在乎 Doesn't care, Doesn't give a damn about it, Doesn't give a damn

不大在乎 Don't care much at all

不會在乎 Don't care, Wouldn't care, Don't have minded, Wouldn't have minded

他不會在乎 He doesn't care, He wouldn't care, He wouldn't have minded

但他不在乎 But he doesn't care, But he doesn't give a damn, But he didn't care

反正不在乎 Wouldn't care in any case, Totally wouldn't care

她不會在乎 She doesn't care, She wouldn't care, She wouldn't have minded

完全不在乎 Completely don't care at all

在乎 Who cares?

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