
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 號


Multiplication symbol, (Cats: Math next)

chengˊ haoˋ

號 haoˋ, haoˊ
Code, Designation, Identification, Number, Mark, Symbol, Sign, (Hao2), Cry, Shout, Howl

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 乘號 (eng-ao)

Grouped by first phone

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, zeng, zheng

承包 chengˊ bao¯

Under contract, Contracted to, Contract work, Contract construction

承包商 chengˊ bao¯ shang¯


城堡 chengˊ baoˇ

Castle, Castles, Fortress, Fortifications, Fortified walls

撐到 cheng¯ daoˋ

Last until

盛到 chengˊ daoˋ


盛到半滿 chengˊ daoˋ banˋ manˇ

Fill halfway

稱號 cheng¯ haoˋ

Designation, Title

乘號 chengˊ haoˋ

Multiplication symbol

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, zeng, zheng

曾考慮 cengˊ kaoˇ luuˋ

Had already considered

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, zeng, zheng

等到 dengˇ daoˋ

Wait until, By the time

等到只剩下他一個人了 dengˇ daoˋ zhiˇ shengˋ xiaˋ ta¯ yiˊ ge˙ renˊ le˙

Wait until he is alone

等到只剩下她一個人了 dengˇ daoˋ zhiˇ shengˋ xiaˋ ta¯ yiˊ ge˙ renˊ le˙

Wait until she is alone

等到只剩下那個女孩一個人了 dengˇ daoˋ zhiˇ shengˋ xiaˋ neiˋ ge˙ nuuˇ haiˊ yiˊ ge˙ renˊ le˙

Wait until the girl is alone

登高 deng¯ gao¯

Climb high

登高望遠 deng¯ gao¯ wangˋ yuanˇ

Climb high to look far

等高 dengˇ gao¯

Of or at same height

等高的 dengˇ gao¯ de˙

Of or at same height

等高線 dengˇ gao¯ xianˋ

Contour line, Contour

燈泡 deng¯ pao¯

Light bulb

燈罩 deng¯ zhaoˋ

Lamp shade

燈罩蓋 deng¯ zhaoˋ gaiˋ

Burner cover, Lamp cover, Light cover

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, zeng, zheng

風暴 feng¯ baoˋ

Storm, Windstorm

風暴之中 feng¯ baoˋ zhi¯ zhong¯

Into midst of the storm

風暴大作 feng¯ baoˋ daˋ zuoˋ

A storm erupted, A storm arose, A storm did erupt, A storm did arise

風貌 feng¯ maoˋ


豐饒 feng¯ raoˊ

Abundant, Plentiful, Rich, Fertile

風騷 feng¯ sao¯


風騷型的 feng¯ sao¯ xingˊ de˙

Seductive type

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, zeng, zheng

更吵 gengˋ chaoˇ


更高 gengˋ gao¯


更好 gengˋ haoˇ

Better, Even better, To be better, To be even better

更好的 gengˋ haoˇ de˙

Better, Even better

更好的視角 gengˋ haoˇ de˙ shiˋ jiaoˇ

Better perspective

更好說服自己的解釋 gengˋ haoˇ shuo¯ fuˊ ziˋ jiˇ de˙ jieˇ shiˋ

Better explanation

更糟 gengˋ zao¯

Worse, And worse

更糟的是 gengˋ zao¯ de˙ shiˋ

What was worse, And worse

更糟糕 gengˋ zao¯ gao¯


cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, zeng, zheng

橫掃 hengˊ saoˇ

Sweep (across)

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, zeng, zheng

夢到 mengˋ daoˋ

Dream, Dreaming

夢到的都是惡夢 mengˋ daoˋ de˙ dou¯ shiˋ eˋ mengˋ

The dreams were all nightmares

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, zeng, zheng

能耗 nengˊ haoˋ

Energy consumption

能找到 nengˊ zhaoˇ daoˋ

Could find

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, zeng, zheng

碰到 pengˋ daoˋ

Bumped into, Met, Struck

碰到空罐 pengˋ daoˋ kong¯ guanˋ

Struck the empty container, Bumped into the empty canister

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, zeng, zheng

扔到 reng¯ daoˋ

Drop onto, Drops onto, Dropping onto, Dropped onto

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, zeng, zheng

升到 sheng¯ daoˋ

Rise, Float up to, Go up to

生到 sheng¯ daoˋ

Living, Alive

升高 sheng¯ gao¯

Raise, Increase

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, zeng, zheng

增高 zeng¯ gao¯

Increase, Heighten

cheng, ceng, deng, feng, geng, heng, meng, neng, peng, reng, sheng, zeng, zheng

爭吵 zheng¯ chaoˇ

Argument, Quarrel

正朝 zhengˋ chaoˊ

Towards, Facing

正道 zhengˋ daoˋ

The correct path, The right way

正好 zhengˋ haoˇ

Coincidentally, Just then, At that moment, Precisely, Exactly, Perfectly, Spot on, On the nose, Perfect, Exactly right

正好鳴響 zhengˋ haoˇ mingˊ xiangˇ

Were ringing

整套晚餐 zhengˇ taoˋ wanˇ can¯

Entire meal, Prepackaged meal

正逃亡中 zhengˋ taoˊ wangˊ zhong¯

In the midst of fleeing from the law

正著 zhengˋ zhaoˊ

Run into, Smash into, Meet face to face

Grouped in tone pairs

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

盛到 chengˊ daoˋ


盛到半滿 chengˊ daoˋ banˋ manˇ

Fill halfway

乘號 chengˊ haoˋ

Multiplication symbol

能耗 nengˊ haoˋ

Energy consumption

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

登高 deng¯ gao¯

Climb high

登高望遠 deng¯ gao¯ wangˋ yuanˇ

Climb high to look far

燈泡 deng¯ pao¯

Light bulb

風騷 feng¯ sao¯


風騷型的 feng¯ sao¯ xingˊ de˙

Seductive type

升高 sheng¯ gao¯

Raise, Increase

增高 zeng¯ gao¯

Increase, Heighten

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

豐饒 feng¯ raoˊ

Abundant, Plentiful, Rich, Fertile

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

爭吵 zheng¯ chaoˇ

Argument, Quarrel

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

撐到 cheng¯ daoˋ

Last until

稱號 cheng¯ haoˋ

Designation, Title

燈罩 deng¯ zhaoˋ

Lamp shade

燈罩蓋 deng¯ zhaoˋ gaiˋ

Burner cover, Lamp cover, Light cover

風暴 feng¯ baoˋ

Storm, Windstorm

風暴之中 feng¯ baoˋ zhi¯ zhong¯

Into midst of the storm

風暴大作 feng¯ baoˋ daˋ zuoˋ

A storm erupted, A storm arose, A storm did erupt, A storm did arise

風貌 feng¯ maoˋ


扔到 reng¯ daoˋ

Drop onto, Drops onto, Dropping onto, Dropped onto

升到 sheng¯ daoˋ

Rise, Float up to, Go up to

生到 sheng¯ daoˋ

Living, Alive

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

承包 chengˊ bao¯

Under contract, Contracted to, Contract work, Contract construction

承包商 chengˊ bao¯ shang¯


24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

曾考慮 cengˊ kaoˇ luuˋ

Had already considered

城堡 chengˊ baoˇ

Castle, Castles, Fortress, Fortifications, Fortified walls

橫掃 hengˊ saoˇ

Sweep (across)

能找到 nengˊ zhaoˇ daoˋ

Could find

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

等高 dengˇ gao¯

Of or at same height

等高的 dengˇ gao¯ de˙

Of or at same height

等高線 dengˇ gao¯ xianˋ

Contour line, Contour

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

等到 dengˇ daoˋ

Wait until, By the time

等到只剩下他一個人了 dengˇ daoˋ zhiˇ shengˋ xiaˋ ta¯ yiˊ ge˙ renˊ le˙

Wait until he is alone

等到只剩下她一個人了 dengˇ daoˋ zhiˇ shengˋ xiaˋ ta¯ yiˊ ge˙ renˊ le˙

Wait until she is alone

等到只剩下那個女孩一個人了 dengˇ daoˋ zhiˇ shengˋ xiaˋ neiˋ ge˙ nuuˇ haiˊ yiˊ ge˙ renˊ le˙

Wait until the girl is alone

整套晚餐 zhengˇ taoˋ wanˇ can¯

Entire meal, Prepackaged meal

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

更高 gengˋ gao¯


更糟 gengˋ zao¯

Worse, And worse

更糟的是 gengˋ zao¯ de˙ shiˋ

What was worse, And worse

更糟糕 gengˋ zao¯ gao¯


24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

正朝 zhengˋ chaoˊ

Towards, Facing

正逃亡中 zhengˋ taoˊ wangˊ zhong¯

In the midst of fleeing from the law

正著 zhengˋ zhaoˊ

Run into, Smash into, Meet face to face

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

更吵 gengˋ chaoˇ


更好 gengˋ haoˇ

Better, Even better, To be better, To be even better

更好的 gengˋ haoˇ de˙

Better, Even better

更好的視角 gengˋ haoˇ de˙ shiˋ jiaoˇ

Better perspective

更好說服自己的解釋 gengˋ haoˇ shuo¯ fuˊ ziˋ jiˇ de˙ jieˇ shiˋ

Better explanation

正好 zhengˋ haoˇ

Coincidentally, Just then, At that moment, Precisely, Exactly, Perfectly, Spot on, On the nose, Perfect, Exactly right

正好鳴響 zhengˋ haoˇ mingˊ xiangˇ

Were ringing

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

夢到 mengˋ daoˋ

Dream, Dreaming

夢到的都是惡夢 mengˋ daoˋ de˙ dou¯ shiˋ eˋ mengˋ

The dreams were all nightmares

碰到 pengˋ daoˋ

Bumped into, Met, Struck

碰到空罐 pengˋ daoˋ kong¯ guanˋ

Struck the empty container, Bumped into the empty canister

正道 zhengˋ daoˋ

The correct path, The right way


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乘號 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 號

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