
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 太


Aether, (Cats: Name next)

yiˇ taiˋ

太 taiˋ
Greatest, Great, Utmost, Ultimate, Highest, Very, Extreme

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 乙太 (yi-ai)

Grouped by first phone

yi, bi, di, ji, li, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi

一百 yi¯ baiˇ

One hundred, 100

一百七十五 yi¯ baiˇ qi¯ shiˊ wuˇ

One hundred and seventy five, 175

一百九十磅 yi¯ baiˇ jiuˇ shiˊ bangˋ

One hundred and ninety pounds

一百五 yi¯ baiˇ wuˇ

One hundred and fifty, 150

一百五十 yi¯ baiˇ wuˇ shiˊ

One hundred and fifty, 150

一百五十人 yi¯ baiˇ wuˇ shiˊ renˊ

One-hundred and fifty men

一百倍 yi¯ baiˇ beiˋ

A hundred times, 100 x

一百八十度 yi¯ baiˇ ba¯ shiˊ duˋ

180 degrees, One-hundred and eighty degrees

一百年 yi¯ baiˇ nianˊ

One hundred years

一百發 yi¯ baiˇ fa¯

One hundred rounds, A hundred rounds

一百碼 yi¯ baiˇ maˇ

One hundred yards

一百萬 yiˋ baiˇ wanˋ

One million, A million

一代 yiˊ daiˋ

A generation

一代代流傳下來 yiˊ daiˋ daiˋ liuˊ chuanˊ xiaˋ laiˊ

Passed down from generation to generation

一帶 yiˊ daiˋ

Region, District

一待 yiˊ daiˋ

Stay, Stays

一袋 yiˊ daiˋ

Bag of

異代 yiˋ daiˋ

Different era, Different age

一概 yiˊ gaiˋ

All, Everything, Without exception

一概而論 yiˊ gaiˋ erˊ lunˋ


遺骸 yiˊ haiˊ


移開 yiˊ kai¯

Move away, Moves away, Moving away, Moved away, Remove, Removes, Removing, Removed

一開始 yiˋ kai¯ shiˇ

Began to, Started to, At first, Initially

一開始頁面佈滿 yiˋ kai¯ shiˇ yeˋ mianˋ buˋ manˇ

Initially the page was covered with

依賴 yi¯ laiˋ

Depend on

以來 yiˇ laiˊ

Until now

以來第一次 yiˇ laiˊ diˋ yi¯ ciˋ

For the first time

一來 yiˋ laiˊ

When someone arrives, On one hand

一拍即合 yiˋ pai¯ jiˊ heˊ

Become good friends

一排古炮 yiˋ paiˊ guˇ paoˋ

An old cannon

一排帶刺的鐵籬 yiˋ paiˊ daiˋ ciˋ de˙ tieˇ liˊ

A spiked iron fence

一排杜鵑 yiˋ paiˊ duˋ juan¯

A row of rhododendrons

一排瓦罐 yiˋ paiˊ waˇ guanˋ

A row of mason jars

儀態 yiˊ taiˋ


乙太 yiˇ taiˋ


乙太號 yiˇ taiˋ haoˋ


一台 yiˋ taiˊ

A (e.g. a plane)

一台複製機 yiˋ taiˊ fuˋ zhiˋ ji¯

A copy machine

一臺 yiˋ taiˊ


一臺暫時備用機 yiˋ taiˊ zhanˋ shiˊ beiˋ yongˋ ji¯

A short term spare device, Short term replacement device or piece of equipment

一再 yiˊ zaiˋ


已在佛前求了 yiˇ zaiˋ foˊ qianˊ qiuˊ le˙

Prayed to the Buddha

已在那裡 yiˇ zaiˋ naˋ liˇ

Was there, Was already there

yi, bi, di, ji, li, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi

避開 biˋ kai¯

Avoid, Avoided, Dodge, Dodged, Skirt, Skirted, Go around, Went around

避開某處 biˋ kai¯ mouˇ chuˋ

Avoid someplace, Head away from someplace, Avoid something, Head away from something

比賽 biˇ saiˋ

Compete, Competition, Contest

yi, bi, di, ji, li, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi

低矮 di¯ aiˇ


地帶 diˋ daiˋ

Zone, Area, Region, Vicinity

低窄 di¯ zhaiˇ

Low and narrow

yi, bi, di, ji, li, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi

幾百個 jiˇ baiˇ geˋ

Hundreds, A few hundred

幾百公尺 jiˇ baiˇ gong¯ chiˇ

A few hundred meters

幾百年 jiˇ baiˇ nianˊ

A few hundred years

幾百萬 jiˇ baiˇ wanˋ

Few million

幾百里 jiˇ baiˇ liˇ

Few hundred miles

幾殆 ji¯ daiˋ

In great danger, In peril

及帶 jiˊ daiˋ

And with

寄還給 jiˋ haiˊ geiˇ

Sent back

肌耐力 ji¯ naiˋ liˋ

Muscular Endurance

擠在 jiˇ zaiˋ

Crowded (in)

擠在一起 jiˇ zaiˋ yiˋ qiˇ

Crowd together

記載 jiˋ zaiˋ


yi, bi, di, ji, li, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi

李白 liˇ baiˊ

Li Bi (Tang Dynasty Poet)

禮拜 liˇ baiˋ

Worship, Pray, Week

禮拜六 liˇ baiˋ liuˋ


禮拜六早上 liˇ baiˋ liuˋ zaoˇ shangˋ

Saturday morning

禮拜天 liˇ baiˋ tian¯


禮拜日 liˇ baiˋ riˋ


理財 liˇ caiˊ

Manage finances

理睬 liˇ caiˇ


利害 liˋ haiˋ


厲害 liˋ haiˋ

Awesome, Excellent, Fearsome, Switched on

離開 liˊ kai¯

Leave, Separate, Move away from, Get away, Get away from

離開之前 liˊ kai¯ zhi¯ qianˊ

Before leaving

離開了 liˊ kai¯ le˙


離開了人群 liˊ kai¯ le˙ renˊ qunˊ

Left the crowd, Separated from the crowd

離開前 liˊ kai¯ qianˊ

Before leaving

離開地面 liˊ kai¯ diˋ mianˋ

Lift off of the ground, Lift up, Lift

離開家 liˊ kai¯ jia¯

Leave home

離開後 liˊ kai¯ houˋ

After leaving

離開房間 liˊ kai¯ fangˊ jian¯

Left the room

離開那裡 liˊ kai¯ naˋ liˇ

Get out of there, Leave that place

歷來 liˋ laiˊ


yi, bi, di, ji, li, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi

溺愛 niˋ aiˋ

Spoil, Pamper, Lavish love upon

你猜對了 niˇ cai¯ duiˋ le˙

You guess correctly, You guessed correctly, You assume correctly, You assumed correctly

妳猜對了 niˇ cai¯ duiˋ le˙

You guess correctly, You guessed correctly, You assume correctly, You assumed correctly

你才不喜歡他 niˇ caiˊ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ ta¯

You don't like him

你才不喜歡她 niˇ caiˊ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ ta¯

You don't like her

你才會一輩子都忘不了 niˇ caiˊ huiˋ yiˊ beiˋ zi˙ dou¯ wangˋ buˋ liaoˇ

You'll never forget

你才會快樂 niˇ caiˊ huiˋ kuaiˋ leˋ

Only then will you be happy

妳才會一輩子都忘不了 niˇ caiˊ huiˋ yiˊ beiˋ zi˙ dou¯ wangˋ buˋ liaoˇ

You'll never forget

妳帶我來這裡幹嘛 niˇ daiˋ woˇ laiˊ zheˋ liˇ ganˋ ma˙

Why did you bring me here?

你該 niˇ gai¯

You should, You need

你該去一趟 niˇ gai¯ quˋ yiˊ tangˋ

I think you should go there, I think you should take a trip

你該想想 niˇ gai¯ xiangˇ xiangˇ

You should think about it, You should do some thinking

你該死了 niˇ gai¯ siˇ le˙

Damn you, Time for you to die

妳該死了 niˇ gai¯ siˇ le˙

Damn you, Time for you to die

你還好嗎 niˇ haiˊ haoˇ ma˙

Are you alright?, You alright?

你還是懂得自我管理 niˇ haiˊ shiˋ dongˇ de˙ ziˋ woˇ guanˇ liˇ

You still know how to control yourself, You're still in control of yourself

你還記得多少 niˇ haiˊ jiˋ deˊ duo¯ shaoˇ

How much do you remember

妳還好嗎 niˇ haiˊ haoˇ ma˙

Are you all right?, You all right?

你來 niˇ laiˊ

You come, Come

你來幹嘛 niˇ laiˊ ganˋ ma˙

Why are you here?, What are you doing here?

你來的時候 niˇ laiˊ de˙ shiˊ houˋ

When you come

你來過 niˇ laiˊ guoˋ

You came by, You were here

妳來幹嘛 niˇ laiˊ ganˋ ma˙

Why are you here?, What are you doing here?

你再 niˇ zaiˋ

You then

你再睜開眼時 niˇ zaiˋ zheng¯ kai¯ yanˇ shiˊ

Then when you open your eyes

你在嗎 niˇ zaiˋ maˇ

Are you there

你在幹嘛 niˇ zaiˋ ganˋ ma˙

What are you doing?

你在想什麼 niˇ zaiˋ xiangˇ shenˊ me˙

What are you thinking?

你在開什麼玩笑 niˇ zaiˋ kai¯ shenˊ me˙ wanˊ xiaoˋ

You gotta be kidding me?, You're joking right?

yi, bi, di, ji, li, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi

皮帶 piˊ daiˋ


批改 pi¯ gaiˇ

Mark, Correct, Correction

yi, bi, di, ji, li, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi

七百七十 qi¯ baiˇ qi¯ shiˊ

Seven hundred and seventy, 770

七彩 qi¯ caiˇ

Colorful, Multicolored, Seven colors, Seven colored, Colors of the rainbow, Rainbow colored

器材 qiˋ caiˊ

Equipment, Piece of equipment, Pieces of equipment, Apparatus, Gear, Device, Devices, Instrument, Instruments

器材或設備 qiˋ caiˊ huoˋ sheˋ beiˋ

Apparatus or equipment

期待 qiˊ daiˋ

Expect, Hope, Look forward to, Waiting for

乞丐 qiˇ gaiˋ


氣概 qiˋ gaiˋ

Bearing, Spirit, Manner, Air

起來 qiˇ laiˊ

Get up, In the process of, While doing, (gp verb ending)

起來活動了 qiˇ laiˊ huoˊ dongˋ le˙

Up and about

氣派 qiˋ paiˋ

Impressive-seeming, Dignified air, Dignified manner

氣態 qiˋ taiˋ

Gaseous, Gas state

yi, bi, di, ji, li, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi

題材 tiˊ caiˊ


替代 tiˋ daiˋ

Substitute, Act on behalf of

踢開 ti¯ kai¯

Kick away, Kick out of the way, Kicked out of the way

體態 tiˇ taiˋ


yi, bi, di, ji, li, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi

喜愛 xiˇ aiˋ

Like, Love, Be keen on

洗菜 xiˇ caiˋ

Wash vegetables

膝蓋 xi¯ gaiˋ

Knee, Knees

西海岸 xi¯ haiˇ anˋ

West coast

襲來 xiˊ laiˊ

Attack, Strike

喜來登 xiˇ laiˊ deng¯


繫在背上 xiˋ zaiˋ beiˋ shangˋ

Strapped on their back, Strapped to their back

繫在鍊子上 xiˋ zaiˋ lianˋ ziˇ shangˋ

Connected to a chain, On a chain, On the chain

Grouped in tone pairs

34, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

比賽 biˇ saiˋ

Compete, Competition, Contest

擠在 jiˇ zaiˋ

Crowded (in)

擠在一起 jiˇ zaiˋ yiˋ qiˇ

Crowd together

禮拜 liˇ baiˋ

Worship, Pray, Week

禮拜六 liˇ baiˋ liuˋ


禮拜六早上 liˇ baiˋ liuˋ zaoˇ shangˋ

Saturday morning

禮拜天 liˇ baiˋ tian¯


禮拜日 liˇ baiˋ riˋ


妳帶我來這裡幹嘛 niˇ daiˋ woˇ laiˊ zheˋ liˇ ganˋ ma˙

Why did you bring me here?

你再 niˇ zaiˋ

You then

你再睜開眼時 niˇ zaiˋ zheng¯ kai¯ yanˇ shiˊ

Then when you open your eyes

你在嗎 niˇ zaiˋ maˇ

Are you there

你在幹嘛 niˇ zaiˋ ganˋ ma˙

What are you doing?

你在想什麼 niˇ zaiˋ xiangˇ shenˊ me˙

What are you thinking?

你在開什麼玩笑 niˇ zaiˋ kai¯ shenˊ me˙ wanˊ xiaoˋ

You gotta be kidding me?, You're joking right?

乞丐 qiˇ gaiˋ


體態 tiˇ taiˋ


喜愛 xiˇ aiˋ

Like, Love, Be keen on

洗菜 xiˇ caiˋ

Wash vegetables

乙太 yiˇ taiˋ


乙太號 yiˇ taiˋ haoˋ


已在佛前求了 yiˇ zaiˋ foˊ qianˊ qiuˊ le˙

Prayed to the Buddha

已在那裡 yiˇ zaiˋ naˋ liˇ

Was there, Was already there

34, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

踢開 ti¯ kai¯

Kick away, Kick out of the way, Kicked out of the way

34, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

低矮 di¯ aiˇ


低窄 di¯ zhaiˇ

Low and narrow

批改 pi¯ gaiˇ

Mark, Correct, Correction

七百七十 qi¯ baiˇ qi¯ shiˊ

Seven hundred and seventy, 770

七彩 qi¯ caiˇ

Colorful, Multicolored, Seven colors, Seven colored, Colors of the rainbow, Rainbow colored

西海岸 xi¯ haiˇ anˋ

West coast

一百 yi¯ baiˇ

One hundred, 100

一百七十五 yi¯ baiˇ qi¯ shiˊ wuˇ

One hundred and seventy five, 175

一百九十磅 yi¯ baiˇ jiuˇ shiˊ bangˋ

One hundred and ninety pounds

一百五 yi¯ baiˇ wuˇ

One hundred and fifty, 150

一百五十 yi¯ baiˇ wuˇ shiˊ

One hundred and fifty, 150

一百五十人 yi¯ baiˇ wuˇ shiˊ renˊ

One-hundred and fifty men

一百倍 yi¯ baiˇ beiˋ

A hundred times, 100 x

一百八十度 yi¯ baiˇ ba¯ shiˊ duˋ

180 degrees, One-hundred and eighty degrees

一百年 yi¯ baiˇ nianˊ

One hundred years

一百發 yi¯ baiˇ fa¯

One hundred rounds, A hundred rounds

一百碼 yi¯ baiˇ maˇ

One hundred yards

34, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

幾殆 ji¯ daiˋ

In great danger, In peril

肌耐力 ji¯ naiˋ liˋ

Muscular Endurance

膝蓋 xi¯ gaiˋ

Knee, Knees

依賴 yi¯ laiˋ

Depend on

34, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

離開 liˊ kai¯

Leave, Separate, Move away from, Get away, Get away from

離開之前 liˊ kai¯ zhi¯ qianˊ

Before leaving

離開了 liˊ kai¯ le˙


離開了人群 liˊ kai¯ le˙ renˊ qunˊ

Left the crowd, Separated from the crowd

離開前 liˊ kai¯ qianˊ

Before leaving

離開地面 liˊ kai¯ diˋ mianˋ

Lift off of the ground, Lift up, Lift

離開家 liˊ kai¯ jia¯

Leave home

離開後 liˊ kai¯ houˋ

After leaving

離開房間 liˊ kai¯ fangˊ jian¯

Left the room

離開那裡 liˊ kai¯ naˋ liˇ

Get out of there, Leave that place

移開 yiˊ kai¯

Move away, Moves away, Moving away, Moved away, Remove, Removes, Removing, Removed

34, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

題材 tiˊ caiˊ


襲來 xiˊ laiˊ

Attack, Strike

遺骸 yiˊ haiˊ


34, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

及帶 jiˊ daiˋ

And with

皮帶 piˊ daiˋ


期待 qiˊ daiˋ

Expect, Hope, Look forward to, Waiting for

一代 yiˊ daiˋ

A generation

一代代流傳下來 yiˊ daiˋ daiˋ liuˊ chuanˊ xiaˋ laiˊ

Passed down from generation to generation

一帶 yiˊ daiˋ

Region, District

一待 yiˊ daiˋ

Stay, Stays

一袋 yiˊ daiˋ

Bag of

一概 yiˊ gaiˋ

All, Everything, Without exception

一概而論 yiˊ gaiˋ erˊ lunˋ


儀態 yiˊ taiˋ


一再 yiˊ zaiˋ


34, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

你猜對了 niˇ cai¯ duiˋ le˙

You guess correctly, You guessed correctly, You assume correctly, You assumed correctly

妳猜對了 niˇ cai¯ duiˋ le˙

You guess correctly, You guessed correctly, You assume correctly, You assumed correctly

你該 niˇ gai¯

You should, You need

你該去一趟 niˇ gai¯ quˋ yiˊ tangˋ

I think you should go there, I think you should take a trip

你該想想 niˇ gai¯ xiangˇ xiangˇ

You should think about it, You should do some thinking

你該死了 niˇ gai¯ siˇ le˙

Damn you, Time for you to die

妳該死了 niˇ gai¯ siˇ le˙

Damn you, Time for you to die

34, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

李白 liˇ baiˊ

Li Bi (Tang Dynasty Poet)

理財 liˇ caiˊ

Manage finances

你才不喜歡他 niˇ caiˊ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ ta¯

You don't like him

你才不喜歡她 niˇ caiˊ buˋ xiˇ huan¯ ta¯

You don't like her

你才會一輩子都忘不了 niˇ caiˊ huiˋ yiˊ beiˋ zi˙ dou¯ wangˋ buˋ liaoˇ

You'll never forget

你才會快樂 niˇ caiˊ huiˋ kuaiˋ leˋ

Only then will you be happy

妳才會一輩子都忘不了 niˇ caiˊ huiˋ yiˊ beiˋ zi˙ dou¯ wangˋ buˋ liaoˇ

You'll never forget

你還好嗎 niˇ haiˊ haoˇ ma˙

Are you alright?, You alright?

你還是懂得自我管理 niˇ haiˊ shiˋ dongˇ de˙ ziˋ woˇ guanˇ liˇ

You still know how to control yourself, You're still in control of yourself

你還記得多少 niˇ haiˊ jiˋ deˊ duo¯ shaoˇ

How much do you remember

妳還好嗎 niˇ haiˊ haoˇ ma˙

Are you all right?, You all right?

你來 niˇ laiˊ

You come, Come

你來幹嘛 niˇ laiˊ ganˋ ma˙

Why are you here?, What are you doing here?

你來的時候 niˇ laiˊ de˙ shiˊ houˋ

When you come

你來過 niˇ laiˊ guoˋ

You came by, You were here

妳來幹嘛 niˇ laiˊ ganˋ ma˙

Why are you here?, What are you doing here?

起來 qiˇ laiˊ

Get up, In the process of, While doing, (gp verb ending)

起來活動了 qiˇ laiˊ huoˊ dongˋ le˙

Up and about

喜來登 xiˇ laiˊ deng¯


以來 yiˇ laiˊ

Until now

以來第一次 yiˇ laiˊ diˋ yi¯ ciˋ

For the first time

34, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

幾百個 jiˇ baiˇ geˋ

Hundreds, A few hundred

幾百公尺 jiˇ baiˇ gong¯ chiˇ

A few hundred meters

幾百年 jiˇ baiˇ nianˊ

A few hundred years

幾百萬 jiˇ baiˇ wanˋ

Few million

幾百里 jiˇ baiˇ liˇ

Few hundred miles

理睬 liˇ caiˇ


34, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

避開 biˋ kai¯

Avoid, Avoided, Dodge, Dodged, Skirt, Skirted, Go around, Went around

避開某處 biˋ kai¯ mouˇ chuˋ

Avoid someplace, Head away from someplace, Avoid something, Head away from something

一開始 yiˋ kai¯ shiˇ

Began to, Started to, At first, Initially

一開始頁面佈滿 yiˋ kai¯ shiˇ yeˋ mianˋ buˋ manˇ

Initially the page was covered with

一拍即合 yiˋ pai¯ jiˊ heˊ

Become good friends

34, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

寄還給 jiˋ haiˊ geiˇ

Sent back

歷來 liˋ laiˊ


器材 qiˋ caiˊ

Equipment, Piece of equipment, Pieces of equipment, Apparatus, Gear, Device, Devices, Instrument, Instruments

器材或設備 qiˋ caiˊ huoˋ sheˋ beiˋ

Apparatus or equipment

一來 yiˋ laiˊ

When someone arrives, On one hand

一排古炮 yiˋ paiˊ guˇ paoˋ

An old cannon

一排帶刺的鐵籬 yiˋ paiˊ daiˋ ciˋ de˙ tieˇ liˊ

A spiked iron fence

一排杜鵑 yiˋ paiˊ duˋ juan¯

A row of rhododendrons

一排瓦罐 yiˋ paiˊ waˇ guanˋ

A row of mason jars

一台 yiˋ taiˊ

A (e.g. a plane)

一台複製機 yiˋ taiˊ fuˋ zhiˋ ji¯

A copy machine

一臺 yiˋ taiˊ


一臺暫時備用機 yiˋ taiˊ zhanˋ shiˊ beiˋ yongˋ ji¯

A short term spare device, Short term replacement device or piece of equipment

34, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

一百萬 yiˋ baiˇ wanˋ

One million, A million

34, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

地帶 diˋ daiˋ

Zone, Area, Region, Vicinity

記載 jiˋ zaiˋ


利害 liˋ haiˋ


厲害 liˋ haiˋ

Awesome, Excellent, Fearsome, Switched on

溺愛 niˋ aiˋ

Spoil, Pamper, Lavish love upon

氣概 qiˋ gaiˋ

Bearing, Spirit, Manner, Air

氣派 qiˋ paiˋ

Impressive-seeming, Dignified air, Dignified manner

氣態 qiˋ taiˋ

Gaseous, Gas state

替代 tiˋ daiˋ

Substitute, Act on behalf of

繫在背上 xiˋ zaiˋ beiˋ shangˋ

Strapped on their back, Strapped to their back

繫在鍊子上 xiˋ zaiˋ lianˋ ziˇ shangˋ

Connected to a chain, On a chain, On the chain

異代 yiˋ daiˋ

Different era, Different age


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乙太 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 太

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