
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 月


2 months, Two months, (Cats: Time-Date-Duration next)

erˋ ge˙ yueˋ

月 yueˋ
Moon, Month, Monthly, Calendar, Female, Menses, Platform, Station Platform

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 二個月 (er-e)

Grouped by first phone


而得到的回報 erˊ deˊ daoˋ de˙ huiˊ baoˋ

And in return, And get the report

二個月 erˋ ge˙ yueˋ

2 months, Two months

兒科 erˊ ke¯


二者的分別 erˋ zheˇ de˙ fen¯ bieˊ

Distinction between the two

Grouped in tone pairs

45, 21, 22, 43

二個月 erˋ ge˙ yueˋ

2 months, Two months

45, 21, 22, 43

兒科 erˊ ke¯


45, 21, 22, 43

而得到的回報 erˊ deˊ daoˋ de˙ huiˊ baoˋ

And in return, And get the report

45, 21, 22, 43

二者的分別 erˋ zheˇ de˙ fen¯ bieˊ

Distinction between the two


Return to Time-Date-Duration...

一-二 : > : > [二]-二個 : > [二]-二個月 >

丿-亻 : > : > [個]-個月 : > [個]-二個月 >

冂-月 : > : > [月]-個月 : > [月]-二個月 >

二個月 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 月

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