
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 條


Two pieces, 2 pieces

erˋ tiaoˊ

條 tiaoˊ
Strip, Orderly, Logical, In Order, Sequentially, One By One, Article, Section, Clause, Legal Document, String, Stripe, River, MW For Long And Slender Objects

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 二條 (er-yao)

Grouped by first phone


而叫來了 erˊ jiaoˋ laiˊ le˙

And so called

二條 erˋ tiaoˊ

Two pieces, 2 pieces

二條德式香腸 erˋ tiaoˊ deˊ shiˋ xiang¯ changˊ

Two pieces of German Style Sausage, 2 pieces of German Style Sausage

Grouped in tone pairs

42, 24

二條 erˋ tiaoˊ

Two pieces, 2 pieces

二條德式香腸 erˋ tiaoˊ deˊ shiˋ xiang¯ changˊ

Two pieces of German Style Sausage, 2 pieces of German Style Sausage

42, 24

而叫來了 erˊ jiaoˋ laiˊ le˙

And so called


一-二 : > : > [二]-二條 : > [二]-二條 >

丿-亻 : > : > [條]-二條 : > [條]-二條 >

二條 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 條

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