
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 口


Five different tasting varieties

wuˇ zhongˇ buˋ tongˊ kouˇ weiˋ

口 kouˇ
Mouth, Opening, Entrance, Gate, MW For Members Of A Family

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Phone , Tone


不同 buˋ tongˊ

種不同 zhongˇ buˋ tongˊ

口味 kouˇ weiˋ

Words that rhyme with 五種不同口味 (wu-wong)

Grouped by first phone

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

無動 wuˊ dongˋ

Unmoved, Unaffected

梧桐 wuˊ tongˊ

Phoenix tree, Firmiana, Parasol tree

無中生有 wuˊ zhong¯ sheng¯ youˇ

Made up out of nothing, Make up out of thin air

無重力狀態 wuˊ zhongˋ liˋ zhuangˋ taiˋ

Null-gravity, Zero gravity, No gravity, Without gravity

無重量 wuˊ zhongˋ liangˋ


五種不同 wuˇ zhongˇ buˋ tongˊ

Five different varieties, Five types

五種不同口味 wuˇ zhongˇ buˋ tongˊ kouˇ weiˋ

Five different tasting varieties

五種顏色 wuˇ zhongˇ yanˊ seˋ

Five colors

物種 wuˋ zhongˇ


物種的 wuˋ zhongˇ de˙


wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

補充 buˇ chong¯

Added, Supplementary, Additional

補充知識 buˇ chong¯ zhi¯ shiˋ

Supplemental knowledge

補充道 buˇ chong¯ daoˋ

Said in addition, Added

不動 buˊ dongˋ

Unmoving, Still

不動產 buˊ dongˋ chanˇ

Real estate, Immobile assets

不懂 buˋ dongˇ

Not understand, Don't understand

不懂事 buˋ dongˇ shiˋ


不懂得 buˋ dongˇ de˙

Doesn't know, Doesn't understand, Doesn't comprehend

不公 buˋ gong¯

Unjust, Unfair

布隆迪 buˋ long¯ diˊ


布農 buˋ nongˊ


布農族人 buˋ nongˊ zuˊ renˊ

Bunun tribe

不容 buˋ rongˊ

Not tolerate, Not allow, Unwelcome

不容忽視 buˋ rongˊ hu¯ shiˋ

Cannot be ignored, Unignorable

不容易 buˋ rongˊ yiˋ

Not easy

不送 buˊ songˋ

Not send, Not give

不通 buˋ tong¯

Blocked, Impassable, Illogical, Non-sensical

不同 buˋ tongˊ

Different, Distinctive, Varying, Various, Diverse

不同人 buˋ tongˊ renˊ

Various people, Different people

不同口味 buˋ tongˊ kouˇ weiˋ

Different tastes, Different tasting, Taste different

不同尋常 buˋ tongˊ xunˊ changˊ


不同意 buˋ tongˊ yiˋ

Not agree

不同方向 buˋ tongˊ fang¯ xiangˋ

Different directions

不同於 buˋ tongˊ yuˊ

Wasn't the same as

不同於一般 buˋ tongˊ yuˊ yiˋ ban¯

Differently than usual, Different than usual

不同時期 buˋ tongˊ shiˊ qiˊ

Different periods of time, Different periods

不同深淺 buˋ tongˊ shen¯ qianˇ

Different shades, Different depths

不同玩意 buˋ tongˊ wanˊ yiˋ

Different toys, Different things, Different gadgets, Different stuff

不同的 buˋ tongˊ de˙

Different, Varying, Various, Diverse

不同的情緒 buˋ tongˊ de˙ qingˊ xuˋ

Different moods, Different feelings, Different emotions

不同的是 buˋ tongˊ de˙ shiˋ

The difference is

不同的氣體 buˋ tongˊ de˙ qiˋ tiˇ

Different gasses

不同種族 buˋ tongˊ zhongˇ zuˊ

Different races, Multicultural

不重要 buˊ zhongˋ yaoˋ

Unimportant, Nonessential

不總是 buˋ zongˇ shiˋ

Not always

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

出動 chu¯ dongˋ

Dispatch, Send out

觸動 chuˋ dongˋ

Touch, Connect to, Move

觸動了 chuˋ dongˋ le˙

Touches, Connects to, Moves

初中 chu¯ zhong¯

Junior high school

初衷 chu¯ zhong¯

Original intention

出眾 chu¯ zhongˋ


wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

粗隆 cu¯ long¯

Tuberosity, Tuberosities

粗重 cu¯ zhongˋ

Bulky, Manual labor

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

讀懂 duˊ dongˇ

Read, Read and understand, Read and comprehend

獨棟房子 duˊ dongˋ fangˊ ziˇ


wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

俯衝 fuˇ chong¯

Dive, Dives, Diving, Dived

俯衝角 fuˇ chong¯ jiaoˇ

Angle of dive

俯衝轟炸機 fuˇ chong¯ hong¯ zhaˊ ji¯

Dive bomber

服從 fuˊ congˊ

Follow, Obey, Submit, Act obediently, Act with obedience

浮動 fuˊ dongˋ

Waft, Drift, Float

浮龍賭場 fuˊ longˊ duˇ changˇ

Floating Dragon Casino

浮龍賭場的 fuˊ longˊ duˇ changˇ de˙

Floating Dragon Casino

撫弄 fuˇ nongˋ

Stroke, Stroked, Stroking

浮筒 fuˊ tongˇ


富翁 fuˋ weng¯

Rich man

腹中一緊 fuˋ zhong¯ yiˋ jinˇ

A tightening in the belly, Lost hope

腹中的飢餓 fuˋ zhong¯ de˙ ji¯ eˋ

Hunger, Deep hunger, Gnawing hunger

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

股東 guˇ dong¯

Share holder

古董 guˇ dongˇ

Antique, Antiques

古董男士理髮座椅 guˇ dongˇ nanˊ shiˋ liˇ faˇ zuoˋ yiˇ

Antique barber's chair

鼓動 guˇ dongˋ


鼓動聲 guˇ dongˋ sheng¯

Drumming sound, Thrumming

雇工 guˋ gong¯

Hired laborer, Employ a laborer, Employ

雇工辦公室 guˋ gong¯ banˋ gong¯ shiˋ

Employment office

咕噥 gu¯ nongˊ


咕噥一聲 gu¯ nongˊ yiˋ sheng¯

Grunt, Grunts, Grunted

咕噥出 gu¯ nongˊ chu¯

Muttered, Mumbled, Muttered to

咕噥出指令 gu¯ nongˊ chu¯ zhiˇ lingˋ

Muttered an order, Muttered a command

古銅色 guˇ tongˊ seˋ

Copper Colored, Bronze, Bronzed, Tanned

穀種 guˇ zhongˇ

Seed corn, Seed rice

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

互動 huˋ dongˋ

Interactive, Interaction, Interactions

互動性 huˋ dongˋ xingˋ

Interactiveness, Interactivity

護送 huˋ songˋ

Protective escort, Escort(ed)

胡同兒 huˊ tongˊ erˊ

Alley, Lane

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

苦工 kuˇ gong¯

Hard labor, Toil

窟窿 ku¯ long˙


苦衷 kuˇ zhong¯

A reason for doing something not readily understood by others, A rational that is hard to fathom by others

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

魯貢丸蛋 luˇ gongˋ wanˊ danˋ

Marinated egg, Tea egg, Iron egg

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

目送 muˋ songˋ

Watch, Send off

目中無人 muˋ zhong¯ wuˊ renˊ

Arrogant, Supercilious

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

奴工 nuˊ gong¯

Slave labour

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

浦東 puˇ dong¯


蒲公英 puˊ gong¯ ying¯


撲通 pu¯ tong¯

Thump, Thud, Plop, Splash, Make a big splash, Spend extravagantly, Dance awkwardly

撲通撲通 pu¯ tong¯ pu¯ tong¯

Thumped, Thudded repeatedly

普通 puˇ tong¯

Ordinary, Mediocre, Common, Regular, Plain

普通人 puˇ tong¯ renˊ

Normal people

普通的直覺 puˇ tong¯ de˙ zhiˊ jueˊ

Ordinary intution, Run-of-the-mill intuition

普通話 puˇ tong¯ huaˋ


wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

如同 ruˊ tongˊ


wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

樹叢 shuˋ congˊ

Grove, Groves

輸送 shu¯ songˋ


輸送帶 shu¯ songˋ daiˋ

Conveyor, Conveyor belt

疏通 shu¯ tong¯

Dredge, Improve relations, Reconcile, Bridge misunderstandings

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

速控畫面 suˋ kongˋ huaˋ mianˋ

Quick control screen

訴訟 suˋ songˋ


wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

途中 tuˊ zhong¯

On the way

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

主動 zhuˇ dongˋ

Take the initiative, Act of their own accord, Be proactive, Act proactively

主動通報 zhuˇ dongˋ tong¯ baoˋ

Self reported

朱紅 zhu¯ hongˊ


竹筒 zhuˊ tongˇ

Bamboo tube

注重 zhuˋ zhongˋ

Attach great importance to, Emphasize, Stress

wu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, hu, ku, lu, mu, nu, pu, ru, shu, su, tu, zhu, zu

祖宗 zuˇ zong¯


Grouped in tone pairs

33, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

古董 guˇ dongˇ

Antique, Antiques

古董男士理髮座椅 guˇ dongˇ nanˊ shiˋ liˇ faˇ zuoˋ yiˇ

Antique barber's chair

穀種 guˇ zhongˇ

Seed corn, Seed rice

五種不同 wuˇ zhongˇ buˋ tongˊ

Five different varieties, Five types

五種不同口味 wuˇ zhongˇ buˋ tongˊ kouˇ weiˋ

Five different tasting varieties

五種顏色 wuˇ zhongˇ yanˊ seˋ

Five colors

33, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

初中 chu¯ zhong¯

Junior high school

初衷 chu¯ zhong¯

Original intention

粗隆 cu¯ long¯

Tuberosity, Tuberosities

撲通 pu¯ tong¯

Thump, Thud, Plop, Splash, Make a big splash, Spend extravagantly, Dance awkwardly

撲通撲通 pu¯ tong¯ pu¯ tong¯

Thumped, Thudded repeatedly

疏通 shu¯ tong¯

Dredge, Improve relations, Reconcile, Bridge misunderstandings

33, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

咕噥 gu¯ nongˊ


咕噥一聲 gu¯ nongˊ yiˋ sheng¯

Grunt, Grunts, Grunted

咕噥出 gu¯ nongˊ chu¯

Muttered, Mumbled, Muttered to

咕噥出指令 gu¯ nongˊ chu¯ zhiˇ lingˋ

Muttered an order, Muttered a command

朱紅 zhu¯ hongˊ


33, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

出動 chu¯ dongˋ

Dispatch, Send out

出眾 chu¯ zhongˋ


粗重 cu¯ zhongˋ

Bulky, Manual labor

輸送 shu¯ songˋ


輸送帶 shu¯ songˋ daiˋ

Conveyor, Conveyor belt

33, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

窟窿 ku¯ long˙


33, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

奴工 nuˊ gong¯

Slave labour

蒲公英 puˊ gong¯ ying¯


途中 tuˊ zhong¯

On the way

無中生有 wuˊ zhong¯ sheng¯ youˇ

Made up out of nothing, Make up out of thin air

33, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

服從 fuˊ congˊ

Follow, Obey, Submit, Act obediently, Act with obedience

浮龍賭場 fuˊ longˊ duˇ changˇ

Floating Dragon Casino

浮龍賭場的 fuˊ longˊ duˇ changˇ de˙

Floating Dragon Casino

胡同兒 huˊ tongˊ erˊ

Alley, Lane

如同 ruˊ tongˊ


梧桐 wuˊ tongˊ

Phoenix tree, Firmiana, Parasol tree

33, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

讀懂 duˊ dongˇ

Read, Read and understand, Read and comprehend

浮筒 fuˊ tongˇ


竹筒 zhuˊ tongˇ

Bamboo tube

33, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

不動 buˊ dongˋ

Unmoving, Still

不動產 buˊ dongˋ chanˇ

Real estate, Immobile assets

不送 buˊ songˋ

Not send, Not give

不重要 buˊ zhongˋ yaoˋ

Unimportant, Nonessential

獨棟房子 duˊ dongˋ fangˊ ziˇ


浮動 fuˊ dongˋ

Waft, Drift, Float

無動 wuˊ dongˋ

Unmoved, Unaffected

無重力狀態 wuˊ zhongˋ liˋ zhuangˋ taiˋ

Null-gravity, Zero gravity, No gravity, Without gravity

無重量 wuˊ zhongˋ liangˋ


33, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

補充 buˇ chong¯

Added, Supplementary, Additional

補充知識 buˇ chong¯ zhi¯ shiˋ

Supplemental knowledge

補充道 buˇ chong¯ daoˋ

Said in addition, Added

俯衝 fuˇ chong¯

Dive, Dives, Diving, Dived

俯衝角 fuˇ chong¯ jiaoˇ

Angle of dive

俯衝轟炸機 fuˇ chong¯ hong¯ zhaˊ ji¯

Dive bomber

股東 guˇ dong¯

Share holder

苦工 kuˇ gong¯

Hard labor, Toil

苦衷 kuˇ zhong¯

A reason for doing something not readily understood by others, A rational that is hard to fathom by others

浦東 puˇ dong¯


普通 puˇ tong¯

Ordinary, Mediocre, Common, Regular, Plain

普通人 puˇ tong¯ renˊ

Normal people

普通的直覺 puˇ tong¯ de˙ zhiˊ jueˊ

Ordinary intution, Run-of-the-mill intuition

普通話 puˇ tong¯ huaˋ


祖宗 zuˇ zong¯


33, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

古銅色 guˇ tongˊ seˋ

Copper Colored, Bronze, Bronzed, Tanned

33, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

撫弄 fuˇ nongˋ

Stroke, Stroked, Stroking

鼓動 guˇ dongˋ


鼓動聲 guˇ dongˋ sheng¯

Drumming sound, Thrumming

魯貢丸蛋 luˇ gongˋ wanˊ danˋ

Marinated egg, Tea egg, Iron egg

主動 zhuˇ dongˋ

Take the initiative, Act of their own accord, Be proactive, Act proactively

主動通報 zhuˇ dongˋ tong¯ baoˋ

Self reported

33, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

不公 buˋ gong¯

Unjust, Unfair

布隆迪 buˋ long¯ diˊ


不通 buˋ tong¯

Blocked, Impassable, Illogical, Non-sensical

富翁 fuˋ weng¯

Rich man

腹中一緊 fuˋ zhong¯ yiˋ jinˇ

A tightening in the belly, Lost hope

腹中的飢餓 fuˋ zhong¯ de˙ ji¯ eˋ

Hunger, Deep hunger, Gnawing hunger

雇工 guˋ gong¯

Hired laborer, Employ a laborer, Employ

雇工辦公室 guˋ gong¯ banˋ gong¯ shiˋ

Employment office

目中無人 muˋ zhong¯ wuˊ renˊ

Arrogant, Supercilious

33, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

布農 buˋ nongˊ


布農族人 buˋ nongˊ zuˊ renˊ

Bunun tribe

不容 buˋ rongˊ

Not tolerate, Not allow, Unwelcome

不容忽視 buˋ rongˊ hu¯ shiˋ

Cannot be ignored, Unignorable

不容易 buˋ rongˊ yiˋ

Not easy

不同 buˋ tongˊ

Different, Distinctive, Varying, Various, Diverse

不同人 buˋ tongˊ renˊ

Various people, Different people

不同口味 buˋ tongˊ kouˇ weiˋ

Different tastes, Different tasting, Taste different

不同尋常 buˋ tongˊ xunˊ changˊ


不同意 buˋ tongˊ yiˋ

Not agree

不同方向 buˋ tongˊ fang¯ xiangˋ

Different directions

不同於 buˋ tongˊ yuˊ

Wasn't the same as

不同於一般 buˋ tongˊ yuˊ yiˋ ban¯

Differently than usual, Different than usual

不同時期 buˋ tongˊ shiˊ qiˊ

Different periods of time, Different periods

不同深淺 buˋ tongˊ shen¯ qianˇ

Different shades, Different depths

不同玩意 buˋ tongˊ wanˊ yiˋ

Different toys, Different things, Different gadgets, Different stuff

不同的 buˋ tongˊ de˙

Different, Varying, Various, Diverse

不同的情緒 buˋ tongˊ de˙ qingˊ xuˋ

Different moods, Different feelings, Different emotions

不同的是 buˋ tongˊ de˙ shiˋ

The difference is

不同的氣體 buˋ tongˊ de˙ qiˋ tiˇ

Different gasses

不同種族 buˋ tongˊ zhongˇ zuˊ

Different races, Multicultural

樹叢 shuˋ congˊ

Grove, Groves

33, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

不懂 buˋ dongˇ

Not understand, Don't understand

不懂事 buˋ dongˇ shiˋ


不懂得 buˋ dongˇ de˙

Doesn't know, Doesn't understand, Doesn't comprehend

不總是 buˋ zongˇ shiˋ

Not always

物種 wuˋ zhongˇ


物種的 wuˋ zhongˇ de˙


33, 11, 12, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

觸動 chuˋ dongˋ

Touch, Connect to, Move

觸動了 chuˋ dongˋ le˙

Touches, Connects to, Moves

互動 huˋ dongˋ

Interactive, Interaction, Interactions

互動性 huˋ dongˋ xingˋ

Interactiveness, Interactivity

護送 huˋ songˋ

Protective escort, Escort(ed)

目送 muˋ songˋ

Watch, Send off

速控畫面 suˋ kongˋ huaˋ mianˋ

Quick control screen

訴訟 suˋ songˋ


注重 zhuˋ zhongˋ

Attach great importance to, Emphasize, Stress


一-一 : > : > [五]-五種 : > [五]-五種不同口味 >

丿-禾 : > : > [種]-種不 : > [種]-五種不同口味 >

一-一 : > : > [不]-不同 : > [不]-五種不同口味 >

冂-冂 : > : > [同]-不同 : > [同]-五種不同口味 >

口-口 : > : > [口]-口味 : > [口]-五種不同口味 >

口-口 : > : > [味]-口味 : > [味]-五種不同口味 >

五種不同口味 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 口

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