Index for words including 亡


Perish, Lose, Flee, Subjugated, Conquered, Dead, Destroyed, Die

Word Links for words containing 亡 (sorted via character pairs)

亡 wangˊ
Perish, Lose, Flee, Subjugated, Conquered, Dead, Destroyed, Die

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


亡國 Subjugated nation, Conquered country


亡羊補牢 Make up for it


陣亡 Killed in action

探員陣亡 Agent down


傷亡 Casualties


身亡 Die, Perish, Was killed

墜樓身亡 Fall to death (from a high building)

嘗試降低鍋爐的蒸汽壓力失敗後身亡 Perished after an unsuccessful attempt to lower the boiler's steam pressure


滅亡 Perish, Be doomed, Loose independence as a country


逃亡 Fugitive, Run from the law, Take flight, Run away, Flee

危險逃亡 Dangerous escape

他甘冒生命危險逃亡 He was willing to risk his life to escape

逃亡 In the midst of fleeing from the law


心碎而亡 Die of heartbreak, Die from heartbreak, Die from a broken heart


死亡 Death, Perish, Die

死亡 And so die(s)

已經死亡 Already dead

而被認定已經死亡 And so was assumed to be dead

死亡魔法 Death magic

接近死亡時刻 Perimortem, Close to time of death

得不到死亡的眷顧 Hadn't the grace to die

死亡魔法的巫師 A sorcerer of death magic

修練死亡魔法的巫師 A sorcerer who practiced death magic

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