Substitute, Intercede, Stand In For, Equivalent, Replacement, Generation, Era, Age, Dynasty
Word Links for words containing 代 (sorted via character pairs)
代價 Cost
付出代價 Pay
付出這種代價 Pay the price, The price to pay
得付出這種代價 Have to pay the price
無論付出什麼代價 No matter what the cost
你準備為此付出代價 You're going to pay for this, You'll pay for this
總要有代價的嘛 There is always a cost, There was always a cost, That was the cost
時代 Period, Era, Epoch, Age, Time, Periods, Eras, Epochs, Ages, Times
劃時代 Epoch-making
這時代 This age, This era, Nowadays, These days
史前時代 Prehistoric period, Prehistoric era
奴隸時代 Slave days, Era of slavery
工業時代 Industrial era
歷史時代 Historical era
石器時代 Stone age
在這個時代 These days, Nowadays, At this time, Now
在這新時代 In this modern era, In these new times
在那個時代 In those days, At the time
大航海時代 Age of discovery
新石器時代 Neolithic age
舊石器時代 Paleolithic age, Early stone age
時代廣場 Times Square
時代變了 Times have changed
同時代的人 Contemporary
這時代不用再 It was no longer necessary
交代 Explain, Explanation, Excuse, Hand over responsibility
一旦交代完畢 Once the explanation was complete
一代 A generation
下一代 Next generation
這一代 This generation
一代代流傳下來 Passed down from generation to generation
現代 Modern
現代化 Modernize
現代科技 Modern technology, The latest technology
在現代用法上 In modern usage, In the modern usage
在現代用法上意思就是 In the modern usage meant that
取代 Replace, Replaced, Substitute for, Replacement for, Displace, Supplant
逐漸取代 Gradually replaced
逐漸被取代 Gradually replaced, Gradually supplanted
樟腦的重要性才逐漸被取代 Camphor's importance was gradually supplanted, Camphor increasingly became less important
取代了 Replaced, Substituted for, Displaced
古代 Ancient (times)
古代中國 Ancient China
古代人類 Ancestors
古代的神 Ancient spirit, Ancient spirits, Ancient god, Ancient gods, Ancient one, Ancient ones
古代中國以天干與地支的組合來紀年 Ancient China used the combination of heavenly stems and earthly branches to record the year
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