Index for words including 係


Relate, Bind, Tie, Involve, Connect

Word Links for words containing 係 (sorted via character pairs)

係 xiˋ
Relate, Bind, Tie, Involve, Connect

Words containing

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係數 Coefficient

係數 Coefficient

膨脹係數 Coefficient of expansion

一次項係數 First order (linear) coefficient

三次項係數 Third order (cubic) coefficient

二次項係數 Second order (quadratic) coefficient

五次項係數 Fifth order (quintic) coefficient

四次項係數 Fourth order (quartic) coefficient

係數定為 Its coefficient is set to

係數化為最簡單整數 Reduce the coefficients to the simplest integers

一次項係數 The first order (linear) coefficient is

三次項係數 The third order (cubic) coefficient is

二次項係數 The second order (quadratic) coefficient is

五次項係數 The fifth order (quintic) coefficient is

四次項係數 The fourth order (quartic) coefficient is


關係 Relationship, Connection

關係 Had connections, Had relations, Had relationships

關係 Not related to, No problem, It isn't a problem, Don't worry about it, That's fine, It's fine

人際關係 Human relationships, Personal relationships, Relationships

工作關係 Working relationship, Work together

沒有關係 Does not have a problem, No problem, That's fine

父子關係 Father and son's relationship

脫離關係 Severe relations, Divorce, Disown

間的關係 Relationship between

建立起關係 Establish a relationship, Established a relationship

我們的關係 Our relationship

有哪些關係 Had what relationship?, Have what kind of relationship?, Had what kind of relationship?, What is the relationship?, What was the relationship?

分分合合關係 A break-up and then make-up relationship, A relationship where the involved parties continually break-up and then make-up

國與國的關係 Inter-country relations

密切合作關係 Close working relationship

與我們的關係 Relationship with us

維繫與列國的關係 Maintain 維繫 relationships with other countries

曾有過密切合作關係 Had a close working relationship

正方形的面積與邊長的關係 The relationship between a square's area and side length

商人與周邊民族或國家的關係 The relationships between the people of Shang 商人 and neighboring nations 民族 or countries 國家

關係 Relates to, Has to do with

在與我們的關係 In our relationship

為正方形面積與邊長的關係 Shows the relationship between the area of a square and its side length

一段關係之下 In a relationship

他們之間關係密切 They were very close, They shared a bond

跟他把你打傷一點關係都沒有 It has nothing to do with him hurting you

所以跟他把你打傷一點關係都沒有囉 So it has nothing to do with him hurting you?


親密關人係 Intimacy, Intimate relationship

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