Index for words including 候


Wait, Expect, Visit, Greet, Time, Season

Word Links for words containing 候 (sorted via character pairs)

候 houˋ
Wait, Expect, Visit, Greet, Time, Season

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


候群 Syndrome


候選 Candidate


候補 Candidate, Alternate candidate, Alternate

候補軍官學校受訓 Officer Candidate School


候車 Station waiting room


時候 Time, At that time

時候 By that time

時候 A long time ago, In ancient times, In the past

時候 Childhood, As a child, As a kid

時候 It's time

時候 Sometimes

時候 Then, At this moment, At this time

時候 That time, At that time

他小時候 His childhood, The days of his youth

她小時候 When she was young, When she was a child

你來的時候 When you come

大多數時候 The majority of the time, On most days

戰爭的時候 Time of war

散步的時候 While going for a walk, While walking

花開的時候 When the flowers bloom, When the flowers are blooming

趁這個時候 Utilized that time, Utilized this time, During this time

驚慌的時候 While panicking, When panic stricken, When panicked

上高中的時候 While I attended High School

他在家的時候 When he was home

躲貓貓的時候 When hiding from the cat

逛公園的時候 While strolling through the park

去年的這個時候 This time last year

夜裡很晚的時候 Late at night

接近中午的時候 Around lunch time, When it was close to noon, Near noon

當我睡著的時候 While I go to sleep

還有備胎的時候 Having spare time, In spare time

生在有戰爭的時候 Born in a time of war

在我還很年輕的時候 When I was still young, When I was young

每當你需要我的時候 Any time you needed me, Whenever you needed me

當她需要協助的時候 When she needed help

那還是在狀況好的時候 And that was if conditions were right, And that was on a good day

到我二十一歲左右的時候 When I was 21 years old or thereabouts

時候 As a child, When (I, He, She...) was a child

該告退的時候 It was time to leave, It was time to withdraw, It was time to quit

時候一待 Sometimes staying

時候到了 When the time came

什麼時候的事 When did this happen?, When did that happen?

時候令人難過 Sometimes saddening

時候就來不及了 By that time it would be too late

我想是時候放棄了 I think it's time to give up.

時候知道兩種管教 Knew two kinds of discipline as a child

時候的國語說得不好 When I was a child my Mandarin was not very good!

什麼時候才天亮 When will daybreak, When will it finally be daybreak

到底什麼時候才天亮 When will daybreak arrive, How long till daybreak finally arrives

他沒辦法在驚慌的時候使用 He couldn't do it while panicking

她沒辦法在驚慌的時候使用 She couldn't do it while panicking


問候 Inquire after, Send one's regards

問候 Greeting in correspondance


氣候 Climate, Weather

政治氣候 Political climate

氣候轉變 Climate change

在寒冷的氣候 In a cold climate

農作物因氣候轉變和疾病而經常欠收 Crops are failing due to climate change and disease

台灣只有很少數地方的氣候適合種植小麥 There are only a few places in Taiwan where the climate is suitable for growing wheat


伺候 Wait on, Attend to


侍候 Serve


稍候 Wait a moment


等候 Wait

等候 Waiting room

等候帶位 Please wait to be seated


守候 Waiting


火候 Heat


天候 Weather

由於天候因素 Due to weather


聽候 Await instructions, Awaiting instructions

聽候您的差遣 At your service


靜候 Wait quietly


持候 As a child, While (still) young

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