
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 熱


Mock enthusiasm, Pretend to be enthusiastic, Pretends to be enthusiastic, Pretending to be enthusiastic, Pretended to be enthusiastic, (Cats: Latest next)

jiaˇ zhuang¯ reˋ qieˋ

熱 reˋ
Hot, Heat, Thermal, Warm Up

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Phone , Tone


假裝 jiaˇ zhuang¯

熱切 reˋ qieˋ

Words that rhyme with 假裝熱切 (ia-wang)

Grouped by first phone

jia, xia

加裝 jia¯ zhuang¯

Install, Load, Reload

假裝 jiaˇ zhuang¯

Pretend, Feign, Simulate

假裝仔細聽過 jiaˇ zhuang¯ zi¯ xiˋ ting¯ guoˋ

Pretend to listen carefully, Pretending to listen carefully

假裝文明 jiaˇ zhuang¯ wenˊ mingˊ

Pretend to be civilized

假裝熱切 jiaˇ zhuang¯ reˋ qieˋ

Mock enthusiasm, Pretend to be enthusiastic, Pretends to be enthusiastic, Pretending to be enthusiastic, Pretended to be enthusiastic

假裝睡覺 jiaˇ zhuang¯ shuiˋ jiaoˋ

Pretend to sleep

假裝睡覺了 jiaˇ zhuang¯ shuiˋ jiaoˋ le˙

Pretended to sleep

甲狀腺 jiaˇ zhuangˋ xianˋ


嫁妝 jiaˋ zhuang¯


jia, xia

下床 xiaˋ chuangˊ

Get out of bed

Grouped in tone pairs

31, 11, 34, 41, 42

假裝 jiaˇ zhuang¯

Pretend, Feign, Simulate

假裝仔細聽過 jiaˇ zhuang¯ zi¯ xiˋ ting¯ guoˋ

Pretend to listen carefully, Pretending to listen carefully

假裝文明 jiaˇ zhuang¯ wenˊ mingˊ

Pretend to be civilized

假裝熱切 jiaˇ zhuang¯ reˋ qieˋ

Mock enthusiasm, Pretend to be enthusiastic, Pretends to be enthusiastic, Pretending to be enthusiastic, Pretended to be enthusiastic

假裝睡覺 jiaˇ zhuang¯ shuiˋ jiaoˋ

Pretend to sleep

假裝睡覺了 jiaˇ zhuang¯ shuiˋ jiaoˋ le˙

Pretended to sleep

31, 11, 34, 41, 42

加裝 jia¯ zhuang¯

Install, Load, Reload

31, 11, 34, 41, 42

甲狀腺 jiaˇ zhuangˋ xianˋ


31, 11, 34, 41, 42

嫁妝 jiaˋ zhuang¯


31, 11, 34, 41, 42

下床 xiaˋ chuangˊ

Get out of bed


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丿-亻 : > : > [假]-假裝 : > [假]-假裝熱切 >

𠄌-壯 : > : > [裝]-假裝 : > [裝]-假裝熱切 >

十-土 : > : > [熱]-熱切 : > [熱]-假裝熱切 >

十-乜 : > : > [切]-熱切 : > [切]-假裝熱切 >

假裝熱切 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 熱

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