Index for words including 傍

pangˊ, bang¯, bangˋ

Side, Beside (At Side Of), (Bang1), Near, (Bang4), Depend On

Word Links for words containing 傍 (sorted via character pairs)

傍 pangˊ, bang¯, bangˋ
Side, Beside (At Side Of), (Bang1), Near, (Bang4), Depend On

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


傍晚 Dusk, Twilight, Early evening, Late in the afternoon, Late afternoon

傍晚洗澡 Bathe in the early evening


傍著 Beside

建築靜靜傍著鄰居矗立 The building stood quietly next to its neighbors

新的建築靜靜傍著鄰居矗立 The new building stood quietly next to its neighbors

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