Index for words including 備


Prepare, Get Ready, Provide, Provision, Equip

Word Links for words containing 備 (sorted via character pairs)

備 beiˋ
Prepare, Get Ready, Provide, Provision, Equip

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


備用 Spare, Stand by, Alternative, Back up

暫時備用 Short term spare, Temporary spare

備用 Alternate, Stand by, Back up

暫時備用 Short term spare device, Short term replacement device or piece of equipment

一臺暫時備用 A short term spare device, Short term replacement device or piece of equipment

備用降落傘 Spare parachute, Reserve parachute


備胎 Spare tire

備胎 Spare tire

還有備胎的時候 Having spare time, In spare time


備及 Seen, Have seen, Met, Have met


備份鑰匙 Spare key or keys


備受 Well received


備課 Lesson preparation


備案 Record, Recollect, For the record

沒有備案 Does not recall, No recollection


備有 Equipped with, Equipped


具備 Complete, Completely, Have/having

具備 He had


裝備 Equipment, Outfit, Equip

裝備 Quarter Master

裝備 Equipment rack


預備 Ready, Prepared (for action)

預備 Preparation

是可以預備 Be prepared for


儲備 Savings, Reserves


後備 Reserve

後備 Trunk


籌備 To prepare


設備 Equipment, Pieces of equipment, Items of equipment, Facilities

監控設備 Surveillance equipment

監聽設備 Surveillance equipment

監視設備 Surveillance equipment

碼頭設備 Port Facilities

蒸餾設備 Distillery

通訊設備 Communications equipment

降落設備 Landing gear (aircraft or space craft)

器材或設備 Apparatus or equipment

各種器材與設備 Varius pieces of apparatus and equipment


完備 Complete, Completeness


戒備 Alert, On the alert, Guard against

戒備森嚴 Guard against, Heavily guarded, Well protected

高度戒備狀態 High state of alertness

在高度戒備狀態 In a high state of alertness


准備 Prepared

准備 Prepared


準備 Ready, Prepare, Get ready, Supply (with)

準備 Get ready, Got ready

準備 Prepared extra, Prepared an extra, Prepared an additional

做好準備 Complete preparations, Well prepared, Ready

需要準備 Needs, Needs to prepare, Requires,

使用前準備 Getting Started

我做好準備 I was ready, I am ready

為一天的活動做準備 Got ready for the day's activities, Prepare for the day's activities, Prepared for the day's activities

準備 Ready to

準備 Ready (to), Get ready, Prepare

準備 Prepare to hunt, Get ready to hunt, Preparing to hunt

準備 She is ready, She got ready, She was ready

準備 Not ready

繼續準備 Keep ready, Keep prepared

準備好了 Ready, Is ready, Am ready, Are ready, Prepared

已經準備好了 Was ready, Was prepared

準備就緒 Ready, Prepared

準備晚餐 Prepare dinner

準備起飛 Ready for take off!

準備及預防 Being ready to prevent, Prepared to prevent

準備好了沒 Ready or not?

準備所需的 Supplied with necessary, Equipped with necessary, Provided with necessary

準備見你了 Is ready to see you

準備頭倒立式 Headstand Prep, Sirsasana

為她準備了什麼 What have we got for her

準備為此付出代價 You're going to pay for this, You'll pay for this

學生若準備好老師自會出現 When the student is ready the teacher or master shall appear

準備一罐 Prepare one more can,

需要多準備一罐 Need to prepare one more can, Need one more can

準備狩獵的貓一般 Like a cat ready to hunt, Like a hunting cat ready to hunt

準備就緒後 Is ready then, Was ready then, After you are ready then

一切都準備就緒後 After all of these preparations where completed


必備 Mandatory, Essential


配備 Issue, Equip, Equipped, Outfit

標準配備 Standard equipment, Standard component


責備 Reproach, Blame

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