
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 前


Previously memorized

xian¯ qianˊ beiˋ xiaˋ

前 qianˊ
Before, Forwards, Front, Former, Advance, Proceed

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Phone , Tone


先前 xian¯ qianˊ

背下 beiˋ xiaˋ

Words that rhyme with 先前背下 (yan-yan)

Grouped by first phone

xian, bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, yan

線電 xianˋ dianˋ


先前 xian¯ qianˊ

Before, Previously

先前所寫 xian¯ qianˊ suoˇ xieˇ

Previously written, That had been written before, That had already been written

先前背下 xian¯ qianˊ beiˋ xiaˋ

Previously memorized

現錢 xianˋ qianˊ


先天 xian¯ tian¯

Innate, Inherent

閒閒 xianˊ xianˊ


鹹鹹 xianˊ xianˊ


鹹鹹的 xianˊ xianˊ de˙


險險 xianˇ xianˇ

Narrowly avoid, Narrowly avoids, Narrowly avoiding, Narrowly avoided

顯現 xianˇ xianˋ


鮮豔 xian¯ yanˋ

Colorful, Bright colored, Resplendent

閒宴 xianˊ yanˋ

Peaceful and quiet

顯眼 xianˇ yanˇ


xian, bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, yan

扁扁 bianˇ bianˇ

Flat, Flattened

變變變 bianˋ bianˋ bianˋ


便簽 bianˋ qian¯

Note, Note card, Memo

變遷 bianˋ qian¯


便前往 bianˋ qianˊ wangˇ

And so goes

鞭天線 bian¯ tian¯ xianˋ

Whip antenna

xian, bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, yan

掂掂重量 dian¯ dian¯ zhongˋ liangˋ

Test its weight, Tests its weight, Testing its weight, Tested its weight, Heft, Hefts, Hefting, Hefted

點點 dianˇ dianˇ

Dots, Specks

點點的 dianˇ dianˇ de˙


點點頭 dianˇ dianˇ touˊ

Nod head, Nod, Nods, Nodding, Nodded

墊片 dianˋ pianˋ


電線 dianˋ xianˋ

Wire, Wires, Cord, Cords, Power line, Power lines

電眼 dianˋ yanˇ

Electric eye, Camera

電眼監視 dianˋ yanˇ jian¯ shiˋ

Security camera

xian, bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, yan

間變得 jian¯ bianˋ deˊ

Become, Became

漸變 jianˋ bianˋ

Gradual change

尖點 jian¯ dianˇ


間間都 jian¯ jian¯ dou¯

Each (house, Room, Office), Every, All

簡簡單單 jianˇ jianˇ dan¯ dan¯

Simple, Easy

漸減 jianˋ jianˇ

Gradually decrease, Decrease gradually

健健康康的 jianˋ jianˋ kang¯ kang¯ de˙

Health, Good shape

漸漸 jianˋ jianˋ

Gradual, Gradually

漸漸回來了 jianˋ jianˋ huiˊ laiˊ le˙

Gradually returned, Gradually returning

漸漸恢復意識 jianˋ jianˋ hui¯ fuˋ yiˋ shiˋ

Gradually came to, Gradually regained consciousness

漸漸普及 jianˋ jianˋ puˇ jiˊ

Slowly became popular

漸漸消失 jianˋ jianˋ xiao¯ shi¯

Fading, Gradually disappearing, Gradually fading

漸漸稀疏的頭髮 jianˋ jianˋ xi¯ shu¯ de˙ touˊ faˇ

Thinning hair, Gradually thinning hair

漸漸褪色 jianˋ jianˋ tunˋ seˋ

Faded over the course of time

漸漸變為 jianˋ jianˋ bianˋ weiˊ

Slowly became, Slowly turned, Moved towards

濺濺 jianˋ jianˋ

Gurgle of flowing water

減免 jianˇ mianˇ


見面 jianˋ mianˋ

Meet, Get together

見錢眼開 jianˋ qianˊ yanˇ kai¯

See money

艱險 jian¯ xianˇ


漸顯 jianˋ xianˇ

Fade in

檢驗 jianˇ yanˋ

Examine, Check, Inspect

檢驗了 jianˇ yanˋ le˙

Examined, Examination

諫言 jianˋ yanˊ

Admonition, Remonstration, Warning

xian, bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, yan

戀奸情熱 lianˋ jian¯ qingˊ reˋ

Passionate and illicit love affair

連連 lianˊ lianˊ


戀戀不捨 lianˋ lianˋ buˋ sheˋ


連綿 lianˊ mianˊ


連綿不絕 lianˊ mianˊ buˋ jueˊ

Incessant, Uninterrupted, Endless

連綿不絕的山巒 lianˊ mianˊ buˋ jueˊ de˙ shan¯ luanˊ

An endless range of mountains, Unbroken mountain ridge

連線 lianˊ xianˋ

Continuous, Connect, Connection

xian, bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, yan

緬甸 mianˇ dianˋ


面面俱到 mianˋ mianˋ juˋ daoˋ


面面觀 mianˋ mianˋ guan¯

View from different angles, Get different perspectives, Different points of view

面前 mianˋ qianˊ

In front of

面前說起 mianˋ qianˊ shuo¯ qiˇ

Say in front of

綿延 mianˊ yanˊ

Extending over a long distance, Extending far into the distance

綿延不絕 mianˊ yanˊ buˋ jueˊ

Endless, Extending far into the distance without end

xian, bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, yan

年電價率 nianˊ dianˋ jiaˋ luuˋ

Annual electricity rate

年鑑報 nianˊ jianˋ baoˋ

Annal, Annals

黏黏 nianˊ nianˊ


黏黏的 nianˊ nianˊ de˙


念念不忘 nianˋ nianˋ buˊ wangˋ

Bear in mind constantly

年前 nianˊ qianˊ

Before the New Year

年限 nianˊ xianˋ

Number of years

xian, bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, yan

偏見 pian¯ jianˋ

Beliefs, Prejudices, Biases

片面 pianˋ mianˋ

Unilateral, One-sided, Unfair

片面之交 pianˋ mianˋ zhi¯ jiao¯

Casual acquaintance

片面之言 pianˋ mianˋ zhi¯ yanˊ

One side of a story

偏偏 pian¯ pian¯

Tend to, As it happened, As tends to happen

片片 pianˋ pianˋ

Pieces, Patches

片片都 pianˋ pianˋ dou¯

Each (piece(s) of bread, Meat, Leaf), Every, All

xian, bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, yan

千變萬化 qian¯ bianˋ wanˋ huaˋ


前邊 qianˊ bian¯


牽連 qian¯ lianˊ

Involved, Implicated

前面 qianˊ mianˋ

Front, In front of, Front surface

前面口袋 qianˊ mianˋ kouˇ daiˋ

Front Pocket

千年 qian¯ nianˊ

Thousand year, Thousand year old

千年前 qian¯ nianˊ qianˊ

A thousand years ago, A thousand years before, A thousand years earlier

前年 qianˊ nianˊ

Previous year, Year before

前天 qianˊ tian¯

Day before yesterday

前先 qianˊ xian¯


前線 qianˊ xianˋ


淺顯 qianˇ xianˇ

Obvious, Easily understood, Readily apparent, Plain to see

前沿 qianˊ yanˊ

Cutting edge

xian, bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, yan

甜點 tianˊ dianˇ


天天 tian¯ tian¯

Every day, Daily

甜甜 tianˊ tianˊ


甜甜的 tianˊ tianˊ de˙


甜甜的煙 tianˊ tianˊ de˙ yan¯

Sweet smoke

舔舔 tianˇ tianˇ

Licked, Tasted, Lapped

天險 tian¯ xianˇ

Impregnable natural barriers, Defensive natural barriers

天線 tian¯ xianˋ

Antennae, Antennas

甜言蜜語 tianˊ yanˊ miˋ yuˇ

Sweet words, Honeyed language

xian, bian, dian, jian, lian, mian, nian, pian, qian, tian, yan

演變 yanˇ bianˋ

Evolve, Develop, Develop and change

演變出 yanˇ bianˋ chu¯


演變而來的 yanˇ bianˋ erˊ laiˊ de˙

Evolved, Evolved from, Came from, Developed from

眼瞼 yanˇ jianˇ


掩臉 yanˇ lianˇ

Covering the face

演練 yanˇ lianˋ

Drill, Drills, Practice

顏面 yanˊ mianˋ


顏面所受的傷 yanˊ mianˋ suoˇ shouˋ de˙ shang¯

Facial injury, Facial injuries

眼前 yanˇ qianˊ

In front of, See in front of

眼前右手邊 yanˇ qianˊ youˋ shouˇ bian¯

Ahead and to the right, Ahead and on the right

眼前有金星飛舞 yanˇ qianˊ youˇ jin¯ xing¯ fei¯ wuˇ

Saw stars

眼前的 yanˇ qianˊ de˙

In front of

沿線 yanˊ xianˋ

Along the line

眼線 yanˇ xianˋ


奄奄 yan¯ yan¯

Weak breathing

奄奄一息 yan¯ yan¯ yiˋ xiˊ

On the verge of death

演演看 yanˇ yanˇ kanˋ

Practice, Try out

Grouped in tone pairs

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

牽連 qian¯ lianˊ

Involved, Implicated

千年 qian¯ nianˊ

Thousand year, Thousand year old

千年前 qian¯ nianˊ qianˊ

A thousand years ago, A thousand years before, A thousand years earlier

先前 xian¯ qianˊ

Before, Previously

先前所寫 xian¯ qianˊ suoˇ xieˇ

Previously written, That had been written before, That had already been written

先前背下 xian¯ qianˊ beiˋ xiaˋ

Previously memorized

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

鞭天線 bian¯ tian¯ xianˋ

Whip antenna

掂掂重量 dian¯ dian¯ zhongˋ liangˋ

Test its weight, Tests its weight, Testing its weight, Tested its weight, Heft, Hefts, Hefting, Hefted

間間都 jian¯ jian¯ dou¯

Each (house, Room, Office), Every, All

偏偏 pian¯ pian¯

Tend to, As it happened, As tends to happen

天天 tian¯ tian¯

Every day, Daily

先天 xian¯ tian¯

Innate, Inherent

奄奄 yan¯ yan¯

Weak breathing

奄奄一息 yan¯ yan¯ yiˋ xiˊ

On the verge of death

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

尖點 jian¯ dianˇ


艱險 jian¯ xianˇ


天險 tian¯ xianˇ

Impregnable natural barriers, Defensive natural barriers

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

間變得 jian¯ bianˋ deˊ

Become, Became

偏見 pian¯ jianˋ

Beliefs, Prejudices, Biases

千變萬化 qian¯ bianˋ wanˋ huaˋ


天線 tian¯ xianˋ

Antennae, Antennas

鮮豔 xian¯ yanˋ

Colorful, Bright colored, Resplendent

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

前邊 qianˊ bian¯


前天 qianˊ tian¯

Day before yesterday

前先 qianˊ xian¯


12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

連連 lianˊ lianˊ


連綿 lianˊ mianˊ


連綿不絕 lianˊ mianˊ buˋ jueˊ

Incessant, Uninterrupted, Endless

連綿不絕的山巒 lianˊ mianˊ buˋ jueˊ de˙ shan¯ luanˊ

An endless range of mountains, Unbroken mountain ridge

綿延 mianˊ yanˊ

Extending over a long distance, Extending far into the distance

綿延不絕 mianˊ yanˊ buˋ jueˊ

Endless, Extending far into the distance without end

黏黏 nianˊ nianˊ


黏黏的 nianˊ nianˊ de˙


年前 nianˊ qianˊ

Before the New Year

前年 qianˊ nianˊ

Previous year, Year before

前沿 qianˊ yanˊ

Cutting edge

甜甜 tianˊ tianˊ


甜甜的 tianˊ tianˊ de˙


甜甜的煙 tianˊ tianˊ de˙ yan¯

Sweet smoke

甜言蜜語 tianˊ yanˊ miˋ yuˇ

Sweet words, Honeyed language

閒閒 xianˊ xianˊ


鹹鹹 xianˊ xianˊ


鹹鹹的 xianˊ xianˊ de˙


12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

甜點 tianˊ dianˇ


12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

連線 lianˊ xianˋ

Continuous, Connect, Connection

年電價率 nianˊ dianˋ jiaˋ luuˋ

Annual electricity rate

年鑑報 nianˊ jianˋ baoˋ

Annal, Annals

年限 nianˊ xianˋ

Number of years

前面 qianˊ mianˋ

Front, In front of, Front surface

前面口袋 qianˊ mianˋ kouˇ daiˋ

Front Pocket

前線 qianˊ xianˋ


閒宴 xianˊ yanˋ

Peaceful and quiet

顏面 yanˊ mianˋ


顏面所受的傷 yanˊ mianˋ suoˇ shouˋ de˙ shang¯

Facial injury, Facial injuries

沿線 yanˊ xianˋ

Along the line

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

眼前 yanˇ qianˊ

In front of, See in front of

眼前右手邊 yanˇ qianˊ youˋ shouˇ bian¯

Ahead and to the right, Ahead and on the right

眼前有金星飛舞 yanˇ qianˊ youˇ jin¯ xing¯ fei¯ wuˇ

Saw stars

眼前的 yanˇ qianˊ de˙

In front of

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

扁扁 bianˇ bianˇ

Flat, Flattened

點點 dianˇ dianˇ

Dots, Specks

點點的 dianˇ dianˇ de˙


點點頭 dianˇ dianˇ touˊ

Nod head, Nod, Nods, Nodding, Nodded

簡簡單單 jianˇ jianˇ dan¯ dan¯

Simple, Easy

減免 jianˇ mianˇ


淺顯 qianˇ xianˇ

Obvious, Easily understood, Readily apparent, Plain to see

舔舔 tianˇ tianˇ

Licked, Tasted, Lapped

險險 xianˇ xianˇ

Narrowly avoid, Narrowly avoids, Narrowly avoiding, Narrowly avoided

顯眼 xianˇ yanˇ


眼瞼 yanˇ jianˇ


掩臉 yanˇ lianˇ

Covering the face

演演看 yanˇ yanˇ kanˋ

Practice, Try out

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

檢驗 jianˇ yanˋ

Examine, Check, Inspect

檢驗了 jianˇ yanˋ le˙

Examined, Examination

緬甸 mianˇ dianˋ


顯現 xianˇ xianˋ


演變 yanˇ bianˋ

Evolve, Develop, Develop and change

演變出 yanˇ bianˋ chu¯


演變而來的 yanˇ bianˋ erˊ laiˊ de˙

Evolved, Evolved from, Came from, Developed from

演練 yanˇ lianˋ

Drill, Drills, Practice

眼線 yanˇ xianˋ


12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

便簽 bianˋ qian¯

Note, Note card, Memo

變遷 bianˋ qian¯


戀奸情熱 lianˋ jian¯ qingˊ reˋ

Passionate and illicit love affair

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

便前往 bianˋ qianˊ wangˇ

And so goes

見錢眼開 jianˋ qianˊ yanˇ kai¯

See money

諫言 jianˋ yanˊ

Admonition, Remonstration, Warning

面前 mianˋ qianˊ

In front of

面前說起 mianˋ qianˊ shuo¯ qiˇ

Say in front of

現錢 xianˋ qianˊ


12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

電眼 dianˋ yanˇ

Electric eye, Camera

電眼監視 dianˋ yanˇ jian¯ shiˋ

Security camera

漸減 jianˋ jianˇ

Gradually decrease, Decrease gradually

漸顯 jianˋ xianˇ

Fade in

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

變變變 bianˋ bianˋ bianˋ


墊片 dianˋ pianˋ


電線 dianˋ xianˋ

Wire, Wires, Cord, Cords, Power line, Power lines

漸變 jianˋ bianˋ

Gradual change

健健康康的 jianˋ jianˋ kang¯ kang¯ de˙

Health, Good shape

漸漸 jianˋ jianˋ

Gradual, Gradually

漸漸回來了 jianˋ jianˋ huiˊ laiˊ le˙

Gradually returned, Gradually returning

漸漸恢復意識 jianˋ jianˋ hui¯ fuˋ yiˋ shiˋ

Gradually came to, Gradually regained consciousness

漸漸普及 jianˋ jianˋ puˇ jiˊ

Slowly became popular

漸漸消失 jianˋ jianˋ xiao¯ shi¯

Fading, Gradually disappearing, Gradually fading

漸漸稀疏的頭髮 jianˋ jianˋ xi¯ shu¯ de˙ touˊ faˇ

Thinning hair, Gradually thinning hair

漸漸褪色 jianˋ jianˋ tunˋ seˋ

Faded over the course of time

漸漸變為 jianˋ jianˋ bianˋ weiˊ

Slowly became, Slowly turned, Moved towards

濺濺 jianˋ jianˋ

Gurgle of flowing water

見面 jianˋ mianˋ

Meet, Get together

戀戀不捨 lianˋ lianˋ buˋ sheˋ


面面俱到 mianˋ mianˋ juˋ daoˋ


面面觀 mianˋ mianˋ guan¯

View from different angles, Get different perspectives, Different points of view

念念不忘 nianˋ nianˋ buˊ wangˋ

Bear in mind constantly

片面 pianˋ mianˋ

Unilateral, One-sided, Unfair

片面之交 pianˋ mianˋ zhi¯ jiao¯

Casual acquaintance

片面之言 pianˋ mianˋ zhi¯ yanˊ

One side of a story

片片 pianˋ pianˋ

Pieces, Patches

片片都 pianˋ pianˋ dou¯

Each (piece(s) of bread, Meat, Leaf), Every, All

線電 xianˋ dianˋ



丿-⺧ : > : > [先]-先前 : > [先]-先前背下 >

人-丷 : > : > [前]-先前 : > [前]-先前背下 >

丨-北 : > : > [背]-背下 : > [背]-先前背下 >

一-一 : > : > [下]-背下 : > [下]-先前背下 >

先前背下 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 前

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