
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 捏


Freshly fabricated, Freshly made, Freshly composed

quanˊ xin¯ nie¯ zaoˋ

捏 nie¯
Pinch, Knead, Mold, Fabricate, Make Up, Trump Up, Pretend, Feign, (揑)

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Phone , Tone


全新 quanˊ xin¯

捏造 nie¯ zaoˋ

Words that rhyme with 全新捏造 (yuan-yin)

Grouped by first phone

quan, juan, xuan, yuan

全心 quanˊ xin¯

Preoccupied, Focused on

全心全意 quanˊ xin¯ quanˊ yiˋ

Whole heartedly

全新 quanˊ xin¯

New, Brand new

全新捏造 quanˊ xin¯ nie¯ zaoˋ

Freshly fabricated, Freshly made, Freshly composed

quan, juan, xuan, yuan

捲進 juanˇ jinˋ

Drawn into

捲心菜 juanˇ xin¯ caiˋ


quan, juan, xuan, yuan

選民 xuanˇ minˊ


quan, juan, xuan, yuan

遠近知名 yuanˇ jinˋ zhi¯ mingˊ

Famous, Well know (known far and wide)

遠近聞名 yuanˇ jinˋ wenˊ mingˊ


園林 yuanˊ linˊ

Garden, Gardens

遠心力 yuanˇ xin¯ liˋ

Centrifugal force

元音 yuanˊ yin¯


原因 yuanˊ yin¯

Cause, Reason

原因在哪裡 yuanˊ yin¯ zaiˋ naˇ liˇ

What is the reason, What is the cause

原因很多 yuanˊ yin¯ henˇ duo¯

For many reasons, This was for many reasons

Grouped in tone pairs

21, 22, 31, 32, 34

全心 quanˊ xin¯

Preoccupied, Focused on

全心全意 quanˊ xin¯ quanˊ yiˋ

Whole heartedly

全新 quanˊ xin¯

New, Brand new

全新捏造 quanˊ xin¯ nie¯ zaoˋ

Freshly fabricated, Freshly made, Freshly composed

元音 yuanˊ yin¯


原因 yuanˊ yin¯

Cause, Reason

原因在哪裡 yuanˊ yin¯ zaiˋ naˇ liˇ

What is the reason, What is the cause

原因很多 yuanˊ yin¯ henˇ duo¯

For many reasons, This was for many reasons

21, 22, 31, 32, 34

園林 yuanˊ linˊ

Garden, Gardens

21, 22, 31, 32, 34

捲心菜 juanˇ xin¯ caiˋ


遠心力 yuanˇ xin¯ liˋ

Centrifugal force

21, 22, 31, 32, 34

選民 xuanˇ minˊ


21, 22, 31, 32, 34

捲進 juanˇ jinˋ

Drawn into

遠近知名 yuanˇ jinˋ zhi¯ mingˊ

Famous, Well know (known far and wide)

遠近聞名 yuanˇ jinˋ wenˊ mingˊ



人-人 : > : > [全]-全新 : > [全]-全新捏造 >

丶-立 : > : > [新]-全新 : > [新]-全新捏造 >

十-扌 : > : > [捏]-捏造 : > [捏]-全新捏造 >

丶-辶 : > : > [造]-捏造 : > [造]-全新捏造 >

全新捏造 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 捏

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