
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 八


280, Two hundred and eighty

liangˇ baiˇ ba¯ shiˊ

八 ba¯
Eight, Number, 8

(hide char details)

Phone , Tone


兩百 liangˇ baiˇ

八十 ba¯ shiˊ

Words that rhyme with 兩百八十 (yang-ai)

Grouped by first phone

liang, jiang, xiang, yang

兩百 liangˇ baiˇ


兩百一十磅 liangˇ baiˇ yiˋ shiˊ bangˋ

Two hundred and ten pounds

兩百一十磅重 liangˇ baiˇ yiˋ shiˊ bangˋ zhongˋ

Weighing two hundred and ten pounds

兩百八十 liangˇ baiˇ ba¯ shiˊ

280, Two hundred and eighty

兩百八十八 liangˇ baiˇ ba¯ shiˊ ba¯

Two hundred and eight eight, 288

liang, jiang, xiang, yang

將才 jiang¯ caiˊ

A moment ago

將來 jiang¯ laiˊ


將來時 jiang¯ laiˊ shiˊ

Future Tense

將來有天 jiang¯ laiˊ youˇ tian¯

Some day

獎牌 jiangˇ paiˊ

The medal

僵在那 jiang¯ zaiˋ naˋ

Stuck in place, Froze up, Didn't move

將在液晶螢幕上顯示 jiang¯ zaiˋ yeˋ jing¯ yingˊ muˋ shangˋ xianˇ shiˋ

Will then be displayed in the LCD monitor

liang, jiang, xiang, yang

相愛 xiang¯ aiˋ

Love each other, In love

香菜 xiang¯ caiˋ

Parsley, Corriander

相待 xiang¯ daiˋ


向該 xiangˋ gai¯

To each, To the

想開 xiangˇ kai¯

Get over a loss, Thoughts opening up after getting over a loss

向來 xiangˋ laiˊ

Hitherto, Until now, Always, At all times

想賣 xiangˇ maiˋ

Wanted to sell

像在想念 xiangˋ zaiˋ xiangˇ nianˋ

Seems to miss, Seemingly reminiscing

liang, jiang, xiang, yang

洋白菜 yangˊ baiˊ caiˋ


洋白銅 yangˊ baiˊ tongˊ

Copper alloy, White copper

洋財 yangˊ caiˊ


陽台 yangˊ taiˊ


Grouped in tone pairs

33, 12, 14, 22, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

兩百 liangˇ baiˇ


兩百一十磅 liangˇ baiˇ yiˋ shiˊ bangˋ

Two hundred and ten pounds

兩百一十磅重 liangˇ baiˇ yiˋ shiˊ bangˋ zhongˋ

Weighing two hundred and ten pounds

兩百八十 liangˇ baiˇ ba¯ shiˊ

280, Two hundred and eighty

兩百八十八 liangˇ baiˇ ba¯ shiˊ ba¯

Two hundred and eight eight, 288

33, 12, 14, 22, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

將才 jiang¯ caiˊ

A moment ago

將來 jiang¯ laiˊ


將來時 jiang¯ laiˊ shiˊ

Future Tense

將來有天 jiang¯ laiˊ youˇ tian¯

Some day

33, 12, 14, 22, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

僵在那 jiang¯ zaiˋ naˋ

Stuck in place, Froze up, Didn't move

將在液晶螢幕上顯示 jiang¯ zaiˋ yeˋ jing¯ yingˊ muˋ shangˋ xianˇ shiˋ

Will then be displayed in the LCD monitor

相愛 xiang¯ aiˋ

Love each other, In love

香菜 xiang¯ caiˋ

Parsley, Corriander

相待 xiang¯ daiˋ


33, 12, 14, 22, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

洋白菜 yangˊ baiˊ caiˋ


洋白銅 yangˊ baiˊ tongˊ

Copper alloy, White copper

洋財 yangˊ caiˊ


陽台 yangˊ taiˊ


33, 12, 14, 22, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

想開 xiangˇ kai¯

Get over a loss, Thoughts opening up after getting over a loss

33, 12, 14, 22, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

獎牌 jiangˇ paiˊ

The medal

33, 12, 14, 22, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

想賣 xiangˇ maiˋ

Wanted to sell

33, 12, 14, 22, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

向該 xiangˋ gai¯

To each, To the

33, 12, 14, 22, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

向來 xiangˋ laiˊ

Hitherto, Until now, Always, At all times

33, 12, 14, 22, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 44

像在想念 xiangˋ zaiˋ xiangˇ nianˋ

Seems to miss, Seemingly reminiscing


一-一 : > : > [兩]-兩百 : > [兩]-兩百八十 >

一-丆 : > : > [百]-兩百 : > [百]-兩百八十 >

人-八 : > : > [八]-八十 : > [八]-兩百八十 >

十-十 : > : > [十]-八十 : > [十]-兩百八十 >

兩百八十 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 八

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