Index for words including 凌


Ride, Rise, Soar, Traverse, Bully, Insult, Relentless, Encroach, Accumulation Of Ice, Ice Build Up

Word Links for words containing 凌 (sorted via character pairs)

凌 lingˊ
Ride, Rise, Soar, Traverse, Bully, Insult, Relentless, Encroach, Accumulation Of Ice, Ice Build Up

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


凌晨 Early morning

凌晨兩點 Two o'clock in the morning

凌晨時分 Early hours, Wee hours

原來才凌晨四點 It was only four in the morning


凌辱 Insult, Treat badly, Assault


凌亂 Mess, Messy, Shambles, Untidy, Disordered, In disarray

一片凌亂 A mess, Messy


盛氣凌人 Domineering

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