
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 呈


Show respectively

fen¯ bieˊ chengˊ xianˋ chu¯

呈 chengˊ
Appear, Appears, Looks As If, Position In Such A Way That, Make To Look As If, Show, Present

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Phone , Tone


分別 fen¯ bieˊ

呈現 chengˊ xianˋ

呈現出 chengˊ xianˋ chu¯

Words that rhyme with 分別呈現出 (en-ye)

Grouped by first phone

fen, ben, chen, hen, ken, nen, shen, zhen

分別 fen¯ bieˊ

Separate, Distinguish, Part from, Respectively

分別呈現出 fen¯ bieˊ chengˊ xianˋ chu¯

Show respectively

分別求 fen¯ bieˊ qiuˊ

Find respectively, Respectively find

分別為 fen¯ bieˊ weiˋ

Separated is/am/are

分別跟他們 fen¯ bieˊ gen¯ ta¯ men˙

With each of them separately

粉蝶 fenˇ dieˊ

White butterfly

分解 fen¯ jieˇ

Resolve, Break down, Decompile, Separate, Collapse, Decompose, Analyze

分解式 fen¯ jieˇ shiˋ


分解成 fen¯ jieˇ chengˊ

Break down into, Completely changes, Completely decomposes, Completely changes into

分裂 fen¯ lieˋ


fen, ben, chen, hen, ken, nen, shen, zhen

本節 benˇ jieˊ

This section

本屆 benˇ jieˋ

This year's, Current, Is currently

fen, ben, chen, hen, ken, nen, shen, zhen

陳列 chenˊ lieˋ

Exhibition, Display

陳列館 chenˊ lieˋ guanˇ

Exhibit hall, Exhibition hall

fen, ben, chen, hen, ken, nen, shen, zhen

很接近 henˇ jie¯ jinˋ

Close, Very close

fen, ben, chen, hen, ken, nen, shen, zhen

懇切 kenˇ qieˋ

Sincere, Earnest

fen, ben, chen, hen, ken, nen, shen, zhen

嫩葉 nenˋ yeˋ

Young leaf, Young leaves

fen, ben, chen, hen, ken, nen, shen, zhen

深切 shen¯ qieˋ

Deeply, Sincerely, Deep, Penetrating

深夜 shen¯ yeˋ

Late night, Late at night

fen, ben, chen, hen, ken, nen, shen, zhen

陣列 zhenˋ lieˋ

Array, Grid, Table

Grouped in tone pairs

12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 44

分別 fen¯ bieˊ

Separate, Distinguish, Part from, Respectively

分別呈現出 fen¯ bieˊ chengˊ xianˋ chu¯

Show respectively

分別求 fen¯ bieˊ qiuˊ

Find respectively, Respectively find

分別為 fen¯ bieˊ weiˋ

Separated is/am/are

分別跟他們 fen¯ bieˊ gen¯ ta¯ men˙

With each of them separately

12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 44

分解 fen¯ jieˇ

Resolve, Break down, Decompile, Separate, Collapse, Decompose, Analyze

分解式 fen¯ jieˇ shiˋ


分解成 fen¯ jieˇ chengˊ

Break down into, Completely changes, Completely decomposes, Completely changes into

12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 44

分裂 fen¯ lieˋ


深切 shen¯ qieˋ

Deeply, Sincerely, Deep, Penetrating

深夜 shen¯ yeˋ

Late night, Late at night

12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 44

陳列 chenˊ lieˋ

Exhibition, Display

陳列館 chenˊ lieˋ guanˇ

Exhibit hall, Exhibition hall

12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 44

很接近 henˇ jie¯ jinˋ

Close, Very close

12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 44

本節 benˇ jieˊ

This section

粉蝶 fenˇ dieˊ

White butterfly

12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 44

本屆 benˇ jieˋ

This year's, Current, Is currently

懇切 kenˇ qieˋ

Sincere, Earnest

12, 13, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 44

嫩葉 nenˋ yeˋ

Young leaf, Young leaves

陣列 zhenˋ lieˋ

Array, Grid, Table


人-八 : > : > [分]-分別 : > [分]-分別呈現出 >

口-口 : > : > [別]-分別 : > [別]-分別呈現出 >

口-口 : > : > [呈]-呈現 : > [呈]-分別呈現出 >

一-王 : > : > [現]-呈現 : > [現]-分別呈現出 >

凵-出 : > : > [出]-現出 : > [出]-分別呈現出 >

分別呈現出 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 呈

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