Organize, Arrange, Line Up, Row, File, Series, List, Collect, MW For Trains
Word Links for words containing 列 (sorted via character pairs)
列國 States, Nations, Various states and nations
列國國君 Kings of states, State sovereigns, State monarchs
維繫與列國的關係 Maintain 維繫 relationships with other countries
列印 Print (via computer), Printing, Printed
數位列印 Digital print
直接列印 Direct Printing
列印影像 Printing images
列車 Train
毫不留情的思緒列車 Unrelenting train of thought, Relentless train of thought
列車出軌 Train derailment, Derailment, Derail, Derails, Derailed, Derailing
陣列 Array, Grid, Table
相位聲波陣列 Phased-acoustic-array, Phased-audio-array
自動陣列排出 Automatically arranged in a grid
相位聲波陣列系統 Phased-audio-array system, Phased-array audio systems
下列 The following, Following
下列各式 The following
在下列各題 For each question below
下列何者正確 Which of the following is correct?, Which of the following are correct?
下列何者錯誤 Which of the following is wrong?
下列哪一句話 Which of the following sentences
在下列空格中 Using the blanks below, Using the following blanks
再回答下列問題 Then answer the following questions
完成下列的空格 Complete the blanks below, Fill in the empty spaces below
計算下列各根式 Calculate the following radicals
下列各化學反應中 In each of the following chemical reactions
數列 Sequence, Sequences
等差數列 Arithmetic progression, Arithmetic sequence, A sequence of numbers where the difference between adjacent numbers is constant
等比數列 Geometric series
排列 Arranged, Positioned
依序排列 Arranged sequentially, Sorted sequentially
升冪排列 In order of ascending powers
次序排列 Order, Order of arrangement, Arranged in order
重新排列 Rearrange, Rearranged
降冪排列 In order of descending powers
升降冪排列 Arranging by ascending or descending powers
時間順序排列 Ordered chronologically, Arranged in chronological order, Sequenced chronologically
高低依序排列 Arranged sequentially from high to low, Sorted sequentially from high to low
排列整齊的 Neatly arranged
重新排列組合 Rearrange, Rearranged
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