
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 漏


Don't leave anything out, Don't leave out any details

bieˊ louˋ diaoˋ renˋ heˊ xiˋ jieˊ

漏 louˋ
Leak, Drip, Divulge, Forget, Fail To Include, Lose, Lost

(hide char details)

Phone , Tone


漏掉 louˋ diaoˋ

別漏掉 bieˊ louˋ diaoˋ

任何 renˋ heˊ

細節 xiˋ jieˊ

Words that rhyme with 別漏掉任何細節 (ye-ou)

Grouped by first phone

bie, jie, lie, qie, xie, ye

別漏掉 bieˊ louˋ diaoˋ

Don't leave anything out

別漏掉任何細節 bieˊ louˋ diaoˋ renˋ heˊ xiˋ jieˊ

Don't leave anything out, Don't leave out any details

bie, jie, lie, qie, xie, ye

結構 jieˊ gouˋ

Structure, Architecture, Construct

解構 jieˇ gouˋ

Deconstruct, Deconstructing

劫後餘生 jieˊ houˋ yuˊ sheng¯

Still surviving

劫後餘生的 jieˊ houˋ yuˊ sheng¯ de˙

Still surviving

借口 jieˋ kouˇ

Excuse, Make an excuse, Pretense

藉口 jieˋ kouˇ

Excuse, Pretext

解剖 jieˇ pou¯


解剖刀 jieˇ pouˇ dao¯


接收 jie¯ shou¯


接收器 jie¯ shou¯ qiˋ

Receiver (e.g. radio receiver)

接手 jie¯ shouˇ

Take over, Take over the

接手了 jie¯ shouˇ le˙

Took over

接受 jie¯ shouˋ

Accept, Take

接受了 jie¯ shouˋ le˙


接受過 jie¯ shouˋ guoˋ


接頭 jie¯ touˊ

Connection, Joint, Connector, Get in touch with, Contact, Have a handle on

接頭裝置 jie¯ touˊ zhuang¯ zhiˋ

Connector, Fitting

街頭 jie¯ touˊ


街頭販子 jie¯ touˊ fanˋ zi˙

Street dealer, Street dealers

接走 jie¯ zouˇ

Pick up

節奏 jieˊ zouˋ


bie, jie, lie, qie, xie, ye

獵狗 lieˋ gouˇ

Hunting Dog, Hound

裂口 lieˋ kouˇ

Crack, Chink

裂口微笑 lieˋ kouˇ weiˊ xiaoˋ

Cracked a smile, Gave a big smile, Smiled broadly

bie, jie, lie, qie, xie, ye

切口 qieˋ kouˇ

Jargon, Professional slang

切肉刀 qieˋ rouˋ dao¯


bie, jie, lie, qie, xie, ye

洩漏 xieˋ louˋ

Release, Vent, Leak, Divulge, Expose, Leak out

血肉模糊 xieˇ rouˋ moˊ huˊ


蟹肉 xieˋ rouˋ

Crab Meat

蟹肉玉米濃湯 xieˋ rouˋ yuˋ miˇ nongˊ tang¯

Crab Meat And Sweet Corn Chowder

攜手 xieˊ shouˇ

Hand in hand

bie, jie, lie, qie, xie, ye

也都是數字 yeˇ dou¯ shiˋ shuˋ ziˋ

Are also all numbers

野獸 yeˇ shouˋ

Wild animals, Beasts, The beast

Grouped in tone pairs

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

別漏掉 bieˊ louˋ diaoˋ

Don't leave anything out

別漏掉任何細節 bieˊ louˋ diaoˋ renˋ heˊ xiˋ jieˊ

Don't leave anything out, Don't leave out any details

結構 jieˊ gouˋ

Structure, Architecture, Construct

劫後餘生 jieˊ houˋ yuˊ sheng¯

Still surviving

劫後餘生的 jieˊ houˋ yuˊ sheng¯ de˙

Still surviving

節奏 jieˊ zouˋ


24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

接收 jie¯ shou¯


接收器 jie¯ shou¯ qiˋ

Receiver (e.g. radio receiver)

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

接頭 jie¯ touˊ

Connection, Joint, Connector, Get in touch with, Contact, Have a handle on

接頭裝置 jie¯ touˊ zhuang¯ zhiˋ

Connector, Fitting

街頭 jie¯ touˊ


街頭販子 jie¯ touˊ fanˋ zi˙

Street dealer, Street dealers

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

接手 jie¯ shouˇ

Take over, Take over the

接手了 jie¯ shouˇ le˙

Took over

接走 jie¯ zouˇ

Pick up

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

接受 jie¯ shouˋ

Accept, Take

接受了 jie¯ shouˋ le˙


接受過 jie¯ shouˋ guoˋ


24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

攜手 xieˊ shouˇ

Hand in hand

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

解剖 jieˇ pou¯


也都是數字 yeˇ dou¯ shiˋ shuˋ ziˋ

Are also all numbers

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

解剖刀 jieˇ pouˇ dao¯


24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

解構 jieˇ gouˋ

Deconstruct, Deconstructing

血肉模糊 xieˇ rouˋ moˊ huˊ


野獸 yeˇ shouˋ

Wild animals, Beasts, The beast

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

借口 jieˋ kouˇ

Excuse, Make an excuse, Pretense

藉口 jieˋ kouˇ

Excuse, Pretext

獵狗 lieˋ gouˇ

Hunting Dog, Hound

裂口 lieˋ kouˇ

Crack, Chink

裂口微笑 lieˋ kouˇ weiˊ xiaoˋ

Cracked a smile, Gave a big smile, Smiled broadly

切口 qieˋ kouˇ

Jargon, Professional slang

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

切肉刀 qieˋ rouˋ dao¯


洩漏 xieˋ louˋ

Release, Vent, Leak, Divulge, Expose, Leak out

蟹肉 xieˋ rouˋ

Crab Meat

蟹肉玉米濃湯 xieˋ rouˋ yuˋ miˇ nongˊ tang¯

Crab Meat And Sweet Corn Chowder

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