Index for words including 勉


Urge, Exhort, Encourage, Strive, Try, Exert, Endeavour, Make an effort

Word Links for words containing 勉 (sorted via character pairs)

勉 mianˇ
Urge, Exhort, Encourage, Strive, Try, Exert, Endeavour, Make an effort

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


勉強 Reluctantly, Unconvincingly, Without Spontaneity, Involuntarily, Force, Use force, Barely, Passably, Passable, Reasonable

勉強 Reluctantly

勉強看得到 Provide a passable view, Provided a reasonable field of view

勉強看得到風景 A reasonable view of the scenery, A passable view of the scenery

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