Ascend, Rise, Lift, Attain, Advance, Promote, Hoist, Transfer, Volume Measure
Word Links for words containing 升 (sorted via character pairs)
升降 Lift and lower, Lifting and then lowering back down
升降冪排列 Arranging by ascending or descending powers
升級 Promote, Advance, Upgrade
升級版 Improved version
該升級了 It was time for a promotion, It was time to move up the ladder
發射升空 Launched into space
遙控升空 Remote launch into space
下令太空艙發射升空 Gave the order to launch the craft into space
升到 Rise, Float up to, Go up to
被升到 Promoted, Been promoted
將他們升到 Take them up to, Carry them up to
升起 Arise, Rose up
冉冉升起 Rising up, Ascending
從海底升起 Rose up from the sea bottom, Rose from the bottom of the sea
升起來 Rise up, Rise out of
冉冉升起上百縷炊煙 Rising wisps of smoke from a hundred cooking fires
直升機 Helicopter
坐直升機 Takes a helicopter, Rides a helicopter
搭直升機 Riding a helicopter
救上直升機 Rescue helicopter
走近直升機 Walked up to the helicopter, Approached the helicopter
把擔架整個滑入直升機裡 Slid the stretcher completely into the helicopter
爬升 Ascended, Climbed
往上爬升 Climbed higher, Went higher, The higher one climbed
爬升到 Risen to, Ascended to, Mounted
鍋爐的壓力爬升到毀滅性的高度 The boiler's pressure rose to a destructively high level
上升 Rise, Ascend, Climb up to, Fly up to
溫度會上升 Temperature will rise, The temperature will rise
購得的樟腦成本上升 Cost of buying camphor is increasing
上升下降 Rising and falling, Climbing and dropping
上升載具 MAV (short for Mars Ascent Vehicle)
上升暖氣流 Thermal, Thermals, Rising currents of warm air
像上升火箭般 Like an ascending rocket
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