
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 取


Win, Court, Gain

boˊ quˇ

取 quˇ
Receive, Choose, Get, Obtain, Fetch

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 博取 (o-yu)

Grouped by first phone

bo, fo, mo

博取 boˊ quˇ

Win, Court, Gain

博取她的歡心 boˊ quˇ ta¯ de˙ huan¯ xin¯

Win her favor, Gain her love

bo, fo, mo

佛於是把我化作一棵樹 foˊ yuˊ shiˋ baˇ woˇ huaˋ zuoˋ yiˋ ke¯ shuˋ

Buddha then turned me into a tree

bo, fo, mo

模具 moˊ juˋ

Mold, Pattern, Die

模具工 moˊ juˋ gong¯

Tool maker

魔女 moˊ nuuˇ


抹去 moˇ quˋ

Blot, Wipe out, Obliterate, Erase

Grouped in tone pairs

23, 22, 24, 34

博取 boˊ quˇ

Win, Court, Gain

博取她的歡心 boˊ quˇ ta¯ de˙ huan¯ xin¯

Win her favor, Gain her love

魔女 moˊ nuuˇ


23, 22, 24, 34

佛於是把我化作一棵樹 foˊ yuˊ shiˋ baˇ woˇ huaˋ zuoˋ yiˋ ke¯ shuˋ

Buddha then turned me into a tree

23, 22, 24, 34

模具 moˊ juˋ

Mold, Pattern, Die

模具工 moˊ juˋ gong¯

Tool maker

23, 22, 24, 34

抹去 moˇ quˋ

Blot, Wipe out, Obliterate, Erase


十-十 : > : > [博]-博取 : > [博]-博取 >

一-耳 : > : > [取]-博取 : > [取]-博取 >

博取 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 取

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