Index for words including 可


Able, Can, May, But, Prefix Used As An Adjectifier

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


可口 Tasty, Delicious

可口可樂 Coca Cola, Coke

真是可口 Truly delicious, Really tasty


可因式分解成 Can be factored into


可是 But

可是好吧 But okay

可是在這裡 But here

可是今天不同 But not today

可是很快來了 But soon came, But soon arrived

可是他沒跟她說 But he didn't tell her

可是妳也會去啊 But you'll go too!, But you'll be there!

可是我沒想到 I never thought of that, That had not occurred to me, I had not expected that

可是他們卻派你來 But they sent you

可是他們卻派妳來 But they sent you

可是我沒想到的作法 That approach had not occurred to me, That is an approach that I had not thought of

可是已經比以前進步多了 It was better than before, It was better than it had been

可是終究或許不是那麼幸運 But in the end perhaps not that lucky, But maybe not that lucky after all

可是她沒跟他說 But she didn't tell him

可是別人可以拿這個名字來對付他們 But others can use this against them


可買 Could buy


可見 Visible, So

清楚可見 Clearly visible

由此可見 It can be seen from this

隨處可見 Everywhere

可見光線 Visible beams of light, Beams of visible light

可見光譜 Visible spectrum


可用 Useable, Serviceable, Available, Availability

可用 You (polite) can use

可用 Can use to, Can use

可用手指 You (polite) can use fingers

可用手指按下以將其收回 You can use your fingers to push it back down

可用功能表 Function Availability Table

與拍攝模式對應的可用功能表 Function Availability According to Shooting Mode Table


可隨時裝卸 Detachable, Removable

送紙盤可隨時裝卸 Detachable document tray, Detachable tray


可疑 Suspicious, Dubious, Questionable, Doubtful


可以 Can, Permitted, Capable, Is able to, Are able to

可以 You can

可以 Then can, And so can

可以 Can still, Still have

我們可以 We can

我想我可以 I think I can

可以 Can prepare, Could prepare

可以 Can have

我們可以 We can use

確定可以 Sure it's okay?

可以做到 Can do

可以得知 We know that

可以想見 Can imagine

可以找到 Can find, Could find

可以控制 To control, Can control, Able to control, Able to harness, Can harness, Could harness

可以理解 Could understand

可以負擔 Affordable, Can afford

可以靠著 Can rely on, Could rely on

可以看到 You can see, As you can see

可以承受的 Could manage, Could deal with, Manageable

可以有美感 Can be beautiful

可以被分解 Can be broken down, Could be broken down, Could be disassembled

可以追溯到 Could be traced to, Could be traced back to

可以過去 I can come

可以表示 Can also be used to express

我們可以假設 We can assume

可以自己來 I can handle it, I can deal with it, I'll can take care of it myself

可以預備的 Be prepared for

他們可以去獻花 They could go

你就可以打開了 Then you can open it

可以被分解重做 Could be broken down and remade

可以控制火焰大小 To control the size of the flame, To control flame size

可以讓她乖乖配合 Can keep her docile and cooperative

可以活個好幾年 Still good for another few years, Good to go for a few more years

可以自己找路回家 She could find her way back home

有什麼事我可以幫你喔 Is there something I can help you with?, Is there anything I can help you with?

我們可以一起坐在家門口 We can sit together in front of the house

要夠長的天線可以收到無線電波 Need an antennae long enough to pick up radio waves

可是別人可以拿這個名字來對付他們 But others can use this against them

各級貴族可以使用的物品或舉辦的儀式 Items or rituals that can be used by each grade of nobility

四處張望找什麼順手可以用力拍死它的東西 Look around for something handy to swat it with

可以測試一下 Go ahead and test it

可以支撐久一點 Would last for a while longer, Would last for a while

可以跟你在一起 Can be with you, Can stay with you

你的小孩在你造訪期間當然可以跟你在一起 Off course your children can stay with you during your visit

可以留著吧 Can I keep it?

說明單我可以留著吧 Can I keep the brochure?

一扇可以上鎖的門 A door that locked, A door that can be locked

她小孩可以開得到處跑的車 A car her kid could drive around in, A car her kids could drive around in

可以注意到的地方 Could keep an eye on

原子可以被放在選定的地方 Atoms can be placed in selected or predetermined locations

我想你可以這麼說 I think you could say, I guess you could say that

可以知道為什麼嗎 Can I know why, Can you tell me why

可以分別把三階段理解為 The three phases can be understood as

可以分別把三階段理解為 You can think of these three phases as


可能 Perhaps, Possible, Probable, Potential, Probably, There is probably, Possibly, Potentially, May have, Maybe, Might

可能 As far or as much as possible, To the best of one's ability

可能 It is possible, There is the possibility, Are possibly

不太可能 Does not seem likely

居住可能 Habitable

很有可能 Very likely

甚至可能 Could possibly, Might be, Could be

非常可能 Probable, Probably, Very likely

但只是可能 But only maybe, But only probably

最甜美可能 Sweetest possible

神奇的可能 Marvelous possibility

以上皆有可能 All of the above are possible

只有這個可能 That was the only explanation

充滿神奇的可能 Filled with marvelous possibility

不過這該不太可能 This was not too likely, Which was not terribly likely

目前看來是不太可能 Does not seem likely at present

可能 Probably, Possibly

可能 Possibility, Probable, Possible

可能 Maybe

可能 Might, Would maybe, Would probably, Could probably

可能 Is that possible?, Is that even possible?

可能 Might, May

可能 As much as possible

怎麼可能 When is it possible?, Is it ever possible?,

最甜美可能 Sweetest possible

沒有其他選擇的可能 No other choice is possible, Situation where no other choice is possible

可能不是 Maybe not

可能性不大 It's unlikely

這條命很可能撐不到 Probably won't last, Would probably die before

可能在找 May look, May be looking

可能正在忙 Is probably busy, Is apt to be busy, Was probably busy, Was apt to be busy

可能性的 Potentially

居住可能性的 Potentially habitable

被認為有居住可能性的 Believed to be habitable

可能適合 Potentially suitable

可能不存在 Might not exist

可能不曾有 There might never have been

可能是因為 Might have been because

可能會允許 Might allow, Might give permission

可能地快 As fast as possible

可能不曾有龍 There might never have been dragons, There might have been no dragon, There might have been no dragons

可能不會同意 Might beg to differ, Probably wouldn't agree

可能性的喜悅 Joyful possibility, Possibility

可能有點過時 A little old fashioned

可能走不回來 Might not make it back, Might not be able to make it back

可能造成危險 Could be dangerous, Could be a threat

可能適合殖民 Potentially suitable for colonization

比較可能的是 More likely, Much more likely

可能地快走 Walking as fast as possible

可能傾盡全力 Do the best one can

可能會允許他開 Might allow him to drive

可能爆炸的物質 Potentially explosive substances, Potentially explosive substance

可能的未來顧客 Prospective customer, Prospective customers

可能要花一小時 It may take an hour

可能會來找她 May come for her, May come looking for her

可能會弄斷你脖子 Could break your neck

可能有其他權利 I might have other rights

他們有沒有可能知道 Did they possibly know, Is it possible they (know, Knew)

到時可能就來不及了 By then it may be too late

可能對他們造成威脅 Could be a threat to them

可能要花上幾個星期 May take a few weeks

已經儘可能傾盡全力了 Did the best that one could

被認為有居住可能性的行星 Planets that are believed to be habitable

他們可能會為了什麼而起衝突 What might they be fighting over?

他有可能搞錯 He could be wrong

她有可能搞錯 She could be wrong


可樂 Cola, Coke

可口可樂 Coca Cola, Coke

可樂 Hashbrown, Potato Croquette


可彎吸管 Flexible straw


可承 Could withstand

可承 Withstand, Afford, Bear


任何東西在很短時間內都可長 Anything could be grown in a short period of time


可忽略不寫 Doesn't have to be written, Can be ignored


可靠 Reliable, Trustworthy, Dependable, Can count on


可知 It can be seen that


可使 Can use


可保 Should last, Should last for


可信 Credible


沒別的可做 Nothing else to do

除了說明外沒別的可做 Had nothing to do but narrate, Apart from explaining had nothing to do


可看 Could see, Could watch, Could be seen


可乘之機 Opportunity

有機可乘 Take advantage of


可私訊我 Can message me


可愛 Cute, Loveable, Likable, Endearing

可愛 Cute, Very cute, So cute!

十分可愛 Very cute

天生可愛 Naturally endearing

不再有人覺得他們天生可愛 Nobody still found them naturally endearing

可愛 Cute, Lovely

天生可愛 Naturally endearing

可愛男孩 Cute boys

不再有人覺得他們天生可愛的年齡 The age where nobody found them naturally endearing, The age where they were no longer naturally endearing to anyone


可行 Feasible

更為可行 Became more feasible, Made possible


可循 Will follow


可笑 Funny, Laughable, Ridiculous, Ludicrous


可簡記成 Can be abbreviated as, Can be shortened to


大有可為 Promising


無家可歸 Homeless


可就不妙了 That's not good, That would be bad, That's bad, That's just dandy


可望 Expect, Expected


可辨 Distinguishable

依稀可辨 Dimly identifiable, Barely identifiable as, Unclear but still distinguishable

清晰可辨 Clear, Distuinguishable, Legible

還依稀可辨 Dimly identifiable, Not clear but still identifiable, Not clear but still distinguishable


沒有私生活可言 Have no private life to speak of, Has no private life to speak of, Had no private life to speak of


可記 Can denote as, Then we can denote as


可說 Can be said, Pretty much

無話可說 Nothing to say

只有一句話可說 Only had one thing to say

可說 It's said that, It can be said that, It could be said that


可謂 It can be said


可讓他安心 Reassure him


可容 Could accomodate

可容 Can allow, Can allow for


可感 Sensible


可自我決定 Can decide for one's self


可沒這苦惱 Did not suffer from this affliction, Did not have this affliction


溯源都可追 All could be traced back to


差得可遠 Hardly, Far from it


可選 Can choose

可選 Options, Could choose, Opted

可選 Can also buy, Can also purchase


可怕 Frightening, Dreadful

既奇妙又可怕 Were both wonderful and scary

可怕 Scary

可怕 Most frightening, The worst

她是最可怕 She was the worst, She was the most frightening

可怕的生物 Terrifying creatures, Terrible creatures

既奇妙又可怕的天賦 Talents that were both wonderful and scary


可怖 Frighteningly, Terribly


可惜 Pitiful, A pity, Regretfully, regrettably, What a pity, What a shame, Unfortunately

可惜 Pity, What a pity, What a shame, Shame


可憐 Have pity on, Show mercy, Patronizing, Pitiful, Miserable, Poor

可憐 Poor bastard


智力的發展在小小孩可視為天真 The level of intelligence in a small child could be seen as innocence


可被分成 Can be divided into, Can be separated into


可坐七位乘客 Can seat 7 up to passengers, With room for up to seven passengers


可頌 Croissant


可分 Can be separated into, Can be divided into, Can be cut into


可觀 Worth seeing, Considerable, Considerable amount


可花 Cost, May have cost

可花 Cost, May have cost


可亞 Cocoa


可惡 Damn, Shit, Bugger


可不 Not good

可不 Is not small at all

可不 Not, Is not, am not, Are not, Was not

年紀可不 Old, Not young

距離可不 Not a short distance

受的傷可不 Badly injured, Is badly injured, Was badly injured

從上面到底下的距離可不 It was a long way down, It was not a short drop

可不想讓 Doesn't want to allow

可不打算 Had no intention of

可不一定 Not necessarily, That isn't definite

可不是這麼回事了 This is not the case

可不是隨便在電話簿裡查得到的正式組織 Was not a a formal organization that could be found in a phone book

可不知道 I don't know

我們可不知道 We don't know


可否 Can, May

可否保證 Does this guarantee that, Will this ensure that


可丁 Vicodin


可可 Cocoa


可爾必思 Calpis


可形 Can depict or describe


可恥 Shame

可恥 Shameful


可貴 Valuable


可悲 Pathetic

可悲 Pathetic


可直接在火焰上加熱 Can be heated directly over a flame


可去 Could go to


可士 Marcus


可喜 Gratifying


可夾在鐵架上 Can be clamped to a ring stand


沒碰任可東西 Not touching anything


可想而知 One can imagine


可拆 Detachable


可拔 Strong enough to uproot a mountain


可接 Can get, Can pick up


可控制絕大多數的力量 Could for the most part control their ability


可攜 Can carry


即可 Can, Then do


無可 Impossible

無可 Nothing to lose

一無所有再無可 Nothing to lose

無可厚非 Nothing wrong

無可奈何 To have no alternative, Powerless

無可奉告 No comment

無可挑剔 Perfect, Nothing can be found wrong with

無可諱言 Needn't avoid mentioning, No need to avoid mentioning

無可避免 Inevitable, Impossible to avoid

落到一無所有再無可失的處境 Fall into a situation of having nothing to lose, Have nothing to lose


仍可 Can still


方可 Only then, Before can


許可 Permission

但如果沒得到妳的許可 If I don't have or get your permission

許可 License

許可 Might

我的機械專長或許可以救我一命 My mechanical knowledge might save my life


認可 Sanction, Approve

這些他都認可 This he all approved


寧可 Would rather

寧可死了算了 Would rather die


或可 Probably, Possible, Probably

我們或可 We possibly, We probably


這可 This could, It would

這可能性 This possibility

覺得這可能是 Dialed from memory

這可做個好 This could be a good, This could act as a good

這可不是什麼好事 This is not a good thing, This can't be good, That can't be good

這可是告訴你一個秘密 I tell you this in all confidence


差可 Barely passable


莫可 Merkle

莫可名狀 Indescribable


不可 No, None, Hard, Difficult, Not allowed, Forbidden

萬萬不可 By no means, Under no circumstances, In no even, Absolutely forbidden

非得看不可 Difficult not to see, Couldn't help but see

非上廁所不可 Need to use the toilet, Have to go to the bathroom

不可 Not allowed

不可 No shame

不可 Do not use, Unavailable

不可 Inaudible

不可 Impossible, No, Can not, Could not, Could not have

不可 Unforgivable, Unforgivably

不可 Unreliable, Not reliable

不可 Indispensable, Indispensable contribution that can't go unrecognized

不可 Overwhelming

不可 Impenetrable, Impregnable

不可 Too subtle for words

不可 Inseparable

不可 Not very reliable

不可 Essential

不可 Even more unforgivable, Even more unforgivably

團隊的努力功不可 Team's hard work has been indispensable

不可加熱 Cannot be heated

不可勝數 Numerous

不可衡量 Measureless, Immeasurable

不可避免 Inevitable

不可思議地 Incredibly, Inconceivably, Unbelievably, Strangely

不可置信地 Unbelievingly, Incredulously

不可能破解 Could not be cracked, Could not be decrypted

不可用口吹熄 Do not put it out by blowing on it

不可能那麼小 Can't be that small

這是不可以的 This is not allowed, This is frowned upon

不可衡量的價值 Unmeasurable value, Measureless value, Immeasurable value

不可思議所超越 Transcended by wonder

試管口不可對著人體 The mouth of the test tube should be kept facing away from all persons

不可摧的防禦盾牌概念 The impenetrable shield paradigm

不可原諒 Unforgivable, Unforgivably, Inexcusable, Inexcusably

不可原諒 More unforgivable, More inexcusable

不可思議 Surprisingly, Incredibly, Incredible, Inconceivable, Wonderful, Unbelievable, Strange, Funny, Wonder, A wonder

感到不可思議 Marveled, Felt unbelievable

真是不可思議 It's truly incredible, It's truly beyond belief

臻於不可思議 Unbelievable, Do wonders for

搖著頭覺得不可思議 Shook their head in wonderment, Shook their head feeling wonderful, Was shaking their head in wonder

你有沒有感覺不可思議 Did you ever find it strange that, Didn't you ever find it incredible that

讓人感到威脅而非不可思議 Caused people to feel intimidated rather than imbued with wonder

不可能的 Impossible

那是不可能的 That is impossible, That is not going to happen

不可能的事 The impossible

不可避免的是 Inevitably


模稜兩可 Equivocal, Ambiguous, Undecided


麥可 Mike

麥可 McGraw


也可 Can also

也可 Can also

也可使 Can also make, Can also cause

也可 Could also, And maybe

也可 You can also

也可 That could work, That could also work, That could work too

也可能是 Could also be

也可能不存在 Might not exist

也可能不是 Maybe not

也可能不會 May or may not

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