
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 擇


Options, Could choose, Opted

keˇ xuanˇ zeˊ

擇 zeˊ, zhaiˊ
Select, Choose, Pick

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Phone , Tone


可選 keˇ xuanˇ

選擇 xuanˇ zeˊ

Words that rhyme with 可選擇 (e-yuan)

Grouped by first phone

ke, ce, ge, le, te, zhe

可選 keˇ xuanˇ

Can choose

可選擇 keˇ xuanˇ zeˊ

Options, Could choose, Opted

可選購 keˇ xuanˇ gouˋ

Can also buy, Can also purchase

ke, ce, ge, le, te, zhe

側緣 ceˋ yuanˊ


策源地 ceˋ yuanˊ diˋ

Base of operations, Stream source, Place of origin

ke, ce, ge, le, te, zhe

各原子質量 geˋ yuanˊ ziˇ zhiˊ liangˋ

Each atomic mass

ke, ce, ge, le, te, zhe

樂捐 leˋ juan¯


樂園 leˋ yuanˊ


ke, ce, ge, le, te, zhe

特權 teˋ quanˊ

Privilege, Privileges

特選 teˋ xuanˇ

Feature, Special offer, Special

ke, ce, ge, le, te, zhe

這全都不重要 zheˋ quanˊ dou¯ buˊ zhongˋ yaoˋ

None of this matters, None of this mattered, None of that mattered

Grouped in tone pairs

33, 41, 42, 43

可選 keˇ xuanˇ

Can choose

可選擇 keˇ xuanˇ zeˊ

Options, Could choose, Opted

可選購 keˇ xuanˇ gouˋ

Can also buy, Can also purchase

33, 41, 42, 43

樂捐 leˋ juan¯


33, 41, 42, 43

側緣 ceˋ yuanˊ


策源地 ceˋ yuanˊ diˋ

Base of operations, Stream source, Place of origin

各原子質量 geˋ yuanˊ ziˇ zhiˊ liangˋ

Each atomic mass

樂園 leˋ yuanˊ


特權 teˋ quanˊ

Privilege, Privileges

這全都不重要 zheˋ quanˊ dou¯ buˊ zhongˋ yaoˋ

None of this matters, None of this mattered, None of that mattered

33, 41, 42, 43

特選 teˋ xuanˇ

Feature, Special offer, Special


一-一 : > : > [可]-可選 : > [可]-可選擇 >

丶-辶 : > : > [選]-可選 : > [選]-可選擇 >

十-扌 : > : > [擇]-選擇 : > [擇]-可選擇 >

可選擇 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 擇

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