Share, Have In Common, Same, Alike, Similar, Together With, Equal
Word Links for words containing 同 (sorted via character pairs)
同時 At the same time, While
與此同時 At around the same time
等待的同時 While waiting
同時代的人 Contemporary
同時感到相當興奮 At the same time felt rather excited
同時相機會發出提示音 At the same time the camera beeper will sound
同學 Classmate, Be in the same class
全班同學 Whole class, All (my) classmates
同班同學 Classmate
四位同學 Four students, Four classmates
同學們 Class mates
和同學一起討論 Discuss with classmates, Discusses with classmates, Discussing with classmates, Discussed with classmates
班上的同學鐵定會偷笑 Those in class would definitely have snickered
同伴 Partner, Partners, Fellow members of a group
他和幾位童子軍同伴 He and several members of his Boy Scout troop
同歸於盡 Die together
異途同歸 Arrive at the same place using different paths, Reach the same conclusion via different means
同意 Agree, Allow, Consent to, Agreed, Allowed, Consented to, Same idea, Have the same idea, Had the same idea
完全同意 Full consent, Completely agree
他只好同意 He has no choice but to agree
可能不會同意 Might beg to differ, Probably wouldn't agree
同意了 Agreed
同感 Feel the same way
與你有同感的人 People who as you feel the same way, People who feel the same way as you
很多與你有同感的人 Many who feel the same way as you
同情 Sympathize, Sympathize with, Sympathy
喚起同情 Arouse sympathy, Appeal to sympathy
表示半點同情 Shown the least bit of sympathy
同情地 Sympathetically
同心 Concentric, Sharing a center, Of one heart and mind, United in purpose, United in purpose
同心合力 Work together, Worked together
同一 Same
同一個論點 The same issue, The same argument, The same point
同一個 Same, The same
同一幫 Same group, Same gang
視同一體 Treat impartially, Accord the same treatment to all, Unbiased
同一回事 The same thing, One and the same thing
並非同一回事 Not the same as, Not quite the same as
同一地區 Same area
差不多同一地區 Roughly the same area
同一時刻 At the same time, At precisely the same time
同一時間 Simultaneously, At the same time
在同一時間 At the same time
同樣 Same
同樣的 In the same manner, The same
和過去同樣的 Same old
做同樣的事 Do the same thing
也發生過同樣的事 The same thing had happened
同樣的概念 The same idea, The same concept, The same principle
沒有再犯同樣的錯誤 Didn't make the same mistake twice, Didn't make that mistake again
同事 Colleague, Coworker
看著我的一個同事 Look at one of my colleagues, Looked at one of my colleagues, Look at a colleague of mine
同事們 Colleagues, Coworkers, Workmates
共同 Common, Shared, Together, Cooperate
專家共同 Experts
共同體 Community
共同基金 Mutual fund
我們共同認識 We both know
不同 Different, Distinctive, Varying, Various, Diverse
種不同 Different, Different kind, Different kinds
五種不同 Five different varieties, Five types
兩種不同 Two different, Two different kinds
截然不同 Distinctly different, Completely different
有所不同 Different
與眾不同 Different from the others
造成不同 Made a difference, Made it different
微妙的不同 Subtle difference, Subtle differences
最大的不同 The biggest difference
有什麼不同 What differences, The difference
重量的不同 Weight differences
可是今天不同 But not today
規則完全不同 Rules are completely different, The rules have changed
或許這會造成不同 And maybe that made it different, Maybe that made a difference
在定義上有很大的不同 Have vastly different definitions, Are defined with vast differences
不同人 Various people, Different people
不同意 Not agree
不同於 Wasn't the same as
不同的 Different, Varying, Various, Diverse
用不同的 Used different, Utilized various
來自不同人 From various people
最大的不同是 The biggest difference is, The biggest difference was
不同口味 Different tastes, Different tasting, Taste different
五種不同口味 Five different tasting varieties
不同尋常 Unusual
不同時期 Different periods of time, Different periods
不同深淺 Different shades, Different depths
不同玩意 Different toys, Different things, Different gadgets, Different stuff
不同的是 The difference is
不同種族 Different races, Multicultural
不同於一般 Differently than usual, Different than usual
不同的情緒 Different moods, Different feelings, Different emotions
不同的氣體 Different gasses
各有不同哲學 Each had a different philosophy, Varied in their philosophy
用不同比例的 Using different proportions, With different proportions
在不同飛航之間 Between flights, Between trips, Between voyages
以不同的形式書寫 Written in a different way
不同方向 Different directions
往不同方向 In different directions
以不同的方式 Differently, Using different methods
他跟朋友最大的不同是他知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between him and his friends was that he knew what she wanted to do with his life
她跟朋友最大的不同是她知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between her and her friends was that she knew what she wanted to do with her life
相同 The same, Same, Alike
完全相同 Identical, Exactly the same
各地不盡相同 Varied from place to place
在基因上相同 Genetically the same, Not genetically different
樣子大不相同 Look very different, Looked very different, Changed a lot
跟他上次來的樣子大不相同 Looked very different from the last time he came, Had changed a lot since last he came
在相同的 On the same, At the same
世界大不相同了 The world was very different, The world has changed, The world had changed
相同大小 Same size, Same sized
相同的論 Same result, Same theory, Same argument
相同的行為 The same behaviour, The same conduct
相同的軸心 Same axis
在相同的軸心上 On the same axis
得到相同的結論 To arrive at the same solution, To get the same solution
相同的高昂精神 Same elevated spirit, Same spirit
也差不多能達到相同的功能 Would have done roughly the same thing, Would have served roughly the same function
相同風格 The same style
用相同風格 Used the same style
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