Index for words including 吸


Absorb, Inhale, Gravity, Breath In, Suck In, Draw In, Stick To, Attract

Word Links for words containing 吸 (sorted via character pairs)

吸 xi¯
Absorb, Inhale, Gravity, Breath In, Suck In, Draw In, Stick To, Attract

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


吸收 Absorb, Draw, Drawing, Absorbing, Absorption

吸收 Absorbed, Took in

從超導體吸收它的能量 Drawing its energy from a superconductor


吸納 Absorb


吸引 Attract, Draw in, Pull in

吸引 Be attracted (to or by)

比魔法更吸引 More attractive than magic, More interesting than magic

吸引 Attracts, Attracted

吸引 Attract people

吸引 Attractive

毫無吸引 Not in the least attractive, Entirely unattractive

會比魔法更吸引 Could interest him more than magic, Could attract him more than magic

會比魔法更吸引 Could interest her more than magic, Could attract her more than magic

什麼職業會比魔法更吸引 What kind of career could interest him more than magic?

什麼職業會比魔法更吸引 What kind of career could interest her more than magic?

吸引進來 Draw in, Suck in

吸引到一起 Drawn together, Drawn towards each other


吸水 Suck up water

吸水 Absorbant paper


吸了 Inhaled

吸了一口氣 Inhale, A breath of air, Take a breath, Breathe in


吸氣 Inhale, Inhaled

吸氣 While inhaling, While breathing in, As it sucked air


吸管 Straw(s)

可彎吸管 Flexible straw


吸塵 Vacuum cleaner

真空吸塵 Vacuum cleaner, Hoover

機器人吸塵 Robot vacuum cleaner

倫巴機器人吸塵 Roomba robot vacuum


吸血 Vampire, Vampires


吸濾 Suction filter flask, Vacuum filter flask


吸進 Suck in, Breathe in, Drew in, Drew

吸進 Suck into, Sucked into, Drawn into


吸入 Intake, Intakes

空氣吸入 Air intake, Air intakes

吸入 Snuff, Substance for sniffing

吸入部份 Air intake, Air intakes, Intake, Intakes

空氣吸入裝置 Air intake structure, Air intake, Air intakes


吸食 Absorbed (as sustenance), Sucked dry

吸食完畢 Totally absorbed


吸煙 Smoke a cigarette


吸一大口氣 Take a big breath, Takes a big breath, Taking a big breath, Took a big breath

刻意吸一大口氣 Deliberately take a big breath, Deliberately takes a big breath, Deliberately taking a big breath, Deliberately took a big breath

訝得倒吸一口氣 Gasped in surprise

又刻意吸一大口氣 Deliberately take another big breath, Deliberately takes another big breath, Deliberately taking another big breath, Deliberately took another big breath


吸取 Absorb, Draw in, Suck up

用來吸取或添加 Use to suck up or add


吸熱 Endothermic, Heat absorbing

吸熱反應 Endothermic reaction, Heat absorbing reaction


吸毒 Smoke opium, Drug addict


他仍在吸大拇指 He still sucked his thumb


呼吸 Breathe, Inhale and exhale, Breathing, Breath

呼吸 Take a deep breath, Takes a deep breath

腹式呼吸 Belly Breathing

自主控制呼吸 Self controlled breathing, Autonomous breath control, Autonomous breathing control

我剛才是自主控制呼吸 I just controlled my breathing

呼吸 Sound of breathing, Breathing sound

呼吸 Respiratory, Respiratory tract

呼吸困難 Hard or difficult to breathe

維持呼吸道暢通 Keep respiratory tract clear

他的呼吸又恢復正常了 His breathing is back to normal, He was breathing normally again


深吸 Deep inhale, Took a deep inhale

深吸 Inhaled, Took a deep breath in

深吸一口氣 Takes a deep breath

深吸口氣 Take(s) a deep breath in, Inhales deeply

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