
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 拂


Blew, Wind blown

chui¯ fuˊ

拂 fuˊ, biˋ
Brush, Sweep, Whisk, Dust, Duster, Expel, Drive Away

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 吹拂 (wei-wu)

Grouped by first phone

chui, cui, dui, gui, hui, kui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

吹出 chui¯ chu¯

Blow (out)

吹拂 chui¯ fuˊ

Blew, Wind blown

chui, cui, dui, gui, hui, kui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

催促 cui¯ cuˋ

Urge, Press

脆薯條 cuiˋ shuˇ tiaoˊ

Crispy French Fries

chui, cui, dui, gui, hui, kui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

對不對 duiˋ buˊ duiˋ

Right or wrong, Good or bad

對不起 duiˋ buˋ qiˇ

Sorry, Excuse me, Do wrong by

對不起你的事 duiˋ buˋ qiˇ niˇ de˙ shiˋ

Wronged you

對渡口岸 duiˋ duˋ kouˇ anˋ

Cross straight relations

對付 duiˋ fuˋ

Deal with

對數子很精 duiˋ shuˋ ziˇ henˇ jing¯

Understand numbers, Is good with numbers

隊伍 duiˋ wuˇ

Procession, Queue, Line, Lineup, Group (of), Contingent, Troop

chui, cui, dui, gui, hui, kui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

歸屬 gui¯ shuˇ

Belong, Ownership

歸宿 gui¯ suˋ


貴族 guiˋ zuˊ

Aristocracy, Aristocrat, Aristocrats, Noble, Nobles, Lord, Lords, Peerage

貴族的心態 guiˋ zuˊ de˙ xin¯ taiˋ

Aristocrat's mentality, Aristocrat's emotional stance

chui, cui, dui, gui, hui, kui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

回不去 huiˊ buˊ quˋ

Can't go back

回不去了 huiˊ buˊ quˋ le˙

Can't get back, Can't make it back, Won't make it back

回不來 huiˊ buˋ laiˊ

Can't come back

會不會 huiˋ buˊ huiˋ

Would or wouldn't, Would or would not

揮出 hui¯ chu¯

Swing, Swing a bat

會出現 huiˋ chu¯ xianˋ

Shall appear

繪出 huiˋ chu¯

Painted, Drawn, Depict, Depicted, Depicting

恢復 hui¯ fuˋ

Restore, Return to

恢復原來位置 hui¯ fuˋ yuanˊ laiˊ weiˋ zhiˋ

Return or returns to original position

恢復體力 hui¯ fuˋ tiˇ liˋ

Recover strength, Restore strength

回復 huiˊ fuˋ

Get back, Recover, Revert, Revert to

回復相機預設設定 huiˊ fuˋ xiang¯ ji¯ yuˋ sheˋ sheˋ dingˋ

Revert Camera to Default Settings

回覆 huiˊ fuˋ

Reply, Respond

回顧 huiˊ guˋ

Look back on, Recap, Review

賄賂 huiˋ luˋ


賄賂了 huiˋ luˋ le˙


灰撲撲 hui¯ pu¯ pu¯

Grey rags, Dusty rags, Ragged grey

揮舞 hui¯ wuˇ

Wave, Waving, Brandish, Wield, Wielding

揮舞望遠鏡 hui¯ wuˇ wangˋ yuanˇ jingˋ

Telescope-wielding, Wielding a telescope

揮舞著 hui¯ wuˇ zhe˙

Waving, Flailing

會晤 huiˋ wuˋ


chui, cui, dui, gui, hui, kui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

愧不敢當 kuiˋ buˋ ganˇ dang¯

Ashamed to accept, Am undeserving

愧服 kuiˋ fuˊ

To admire another while feeling shame for one's own lack

魁梧 kuiˊ wuˊ


愧無以報 kuiˋ wuˊ yiˇ baoˋ

Feel shame due to an inability to repay a favor

chui, cui, dui, gui, hui, kui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

水部 shuiˇ buˋ

Radical for Water

睡不著 shuiˋ buˋ zhaoˊ

Can't sleep, Couldn't sleep, Stayed awake

水壺 shuiˇ huˊ

Water bottle

水庫 shuiˇ kuˋ


睡褲 shuiˋ kuˋ

Pyjama bottoms, Pyjama pants

水霧 shuiˇ wuˋ


稅務 shuiˋ wuˋ

The tax

水珠 shuiˇ zhu¯

Water droplets, Drops of water, Beads or water

chui, cui, dui, gui, hui, kui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

隨處可見 suiˊ chuˇ keˇ jianˋ


歲數 suiˋ shuˋ

Person's age, Age

chui, cui, dui, gui, hui, kui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

腿部 tuiˇ buˋ


退步 tuiˋ buˋ

Get worse, Regress

退步了 tuiˋ buˋ le˙

Gotten worse, Regressed

推出 tui¯ chu¯

Present, Push out

退出 tuiˋ chu¯

Drop out, Quit, Withdraw

退出了 tuiˋ chu¯ le˙


退出去 tuiˋ chu¯ quˋ

Back away, Back out, Backed out, Backed away

退出齣 tuiˋ chu¯ chu¯

Quit, Leave, Withdraw, Drop out, Retire

退伍軍人 tuiˋ wuˇ jun¯ renˊ


退伍軍人中心 tuiˋ wuˇ jun¯ renˊ zhong¯ xin¯

Veteran's center

退伍軍人之家 tuiˋ wuˇ jun¯ renˊ zhi¯ jia¯

Veteran's home

chui, cui, dui, gui, hui, kui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

圍捕 weiˊ buˇ

Round up

微不足道 weiˊ buˋ zuˊ daoˋ


尾部 weiˇ buˋ


胃部 weiˋ buˋ


圍出 weiˊ chu¯

Form a border, Surround

圍出一塊 weiˊ chu¯ yiˊ kuaiˋ

Forming the border of a/an, Surrounding a/an

唯獨 weiˊ duˊ


緯度 weiˇ duˋ

Degree of latitude

為輔 weiˋ fuˇ

Secondary, Supportive, Slaved

尾骨 weiˇ guˇ

Coccyx, Tailbone

維護 weiˊ huˋ


為路 weiˋ luˋ

For the sake of travellers, For the sake of anyone travelling on the road

為數 weiˊ shuˋ

Amounting to, Count of

位數 weiˋ shuˋ


畏途 weiˋ tuˊ

A difficult task, A challenging task, A fearful task, A task avoided by the majority

威武 wei¯ wuˇ


圍住 weiˊ zhuˋ

Surround, Enclose, Wrap around, Surrounded, Enclosed, wrapped around

為主 weiˋ zhuˇ

Primary, Master, Dominant

為主要 weiˋ zhuˇ yaoˋ

Where the main

為主題 weiˋ zhuˇ tiˊ

As the subject, As a topic

chui, cui, dui, gui, hui, kui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

追捕 zhui¯ buˇ

Pursue, Hunt, Chase, Pursuit

追捕你 zhui¯ buˇ niˇ

Hunting you

追捕者 zhui¯ buˇ zheˇ

Pursuer, Pursuers

追出去 zhui¯ chu¯ quˋ

Followed out, Chased after

墜入 zhuiˋ ruˋ

Fall into, Fell into

贅述 zhuiˋ shuˋ

Superfluous, Repetitious, Verbose, Redundant

追溯 zhui¯ suˋ

Trace back, Trace the origin

追溯到世界上第一批巫師 zhui¯ suˋ daoˋ shiˋ jieˋ shangˋ diˋ yi¯ pi¯ wu¯ shi¯

Traced back to the world's first sorcerers, Tracing the world's first wizards

贅物 zhuiˋ wuˋ

Useless, Superfluous, Unnecessary

追逐 zhui¯ zhuˊ

Chase, Pursue

追逐或嬉戲 zhui¯ zhuˊ huoˋ xi¯ xiˋ

Chasing or playing, Fooling around

追逐玩耍 zhui¯ zhuˊ wanˊ shuaˇ

Chasing each other for fun

chui, cui, dui, gui, hui, kui, shui, sui, tui, wei, zhui, zui

最初 zuiˋ chu¯

Initial, Earliest

最初的形式 zuiˋ chu¯ de˙ xingˊ shiˋ

Original form, First form

最古老 zuiˋ guˇ laoˇ


最主要 zuiˋ zhuˇ yaoˋ

Main, Most important

最主要的方式 zuiˋ zhuˇ yaoˋ de˙ fang¯ shiˋ

Main means

Grouped in tone pairs

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

吹拂 chui¯ fuˊ

Blew, Wind blown

追逐 zhui¯ zhuˊ

Chase, Pursue

追逐或嬉戲 zhui¯ zhuˊ huoˋ xi¯ xiˋ

Chasing or playing, Fooling around

追逐玩耍 zhui¯ zhuˊ wanˊ shuaˇ

Chasing each other for fun

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

吹出 chui¯ chu¯

Blow (out)

揮出 hui¯ chu¯

Swing, Swing a bat

灰撲撲 hui¯ pu¯ pu¯

Grey rags, Dusty rags, Ragged grey

推出 tui¯ chu¯

Present, Push out

追出去 zhui¯ chu¯ quˋ

Followed out, Chased after

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

歸屬 gui¯ shuˇ

Belong, Ownership

揮舞 hui¯ wuˇ

Wave, Waving, Brandish, Wield, Wielding

揮舞望遠鏡 hui¯ wuˇ wangˋ yuanˇ jingˋ

Telescope-wielding, Wielding a telescope

揮舞著 hui¯ wuˇ zhe˙

Waving, Flailing

威武 wei¯ wuˇ


追捕 zhui¯ buˇ

Pursue, Hunt, Chase, Pursuit

追捕你 zhui¯ buˇ niˇ

Hunting you

追捕者 zhui¯ buˇ zheˇ

Pursuer, Pursuers

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

催促 cui¯ cuˋ

Urge, Press

歸宿 gui¯ suˋ


恢復 hui¯ fuˋ

Restore, Return to

恢復原來位置 hui¯ fuˋ yuanˊ laiˊ weiˋ zhiˋ

Return or returns to original position

恢復體力 hui¯ fuˋ tiˇ liˋ

Recover strength, Restore strength

追溯 zhui¯ suˋ

Trace back, Trace the origin

追溯到世界上第一批巫師 zhui¯ suˋ daoˋ shiˋ jieˋ shangˋ diˋ yi¯ pi¯ wu¯ shi¯

Traced back to the world's first sorcerers, Tracing the world's first wizards

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

圍出 weiˊ chu¯

Form a border, Surround

圍出一塊 weiˊ chu¯ yiˊ kuaiˋ

Forming the border of a/an, Surrounding a/an

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

回不去 huiˊ buˊ quˋ

Can't go back

回不去了 huiˊ buˊ quˋ le˙

Can't get back, Can't make it back, Won't make it back

魁梧 kuiˊ wuˊ


唯獨 weiˊ duˊ


12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

隨處可見 suiˊ chuˇ keˇ jianˋ


圍捕 weiˊ buˇ

Round up

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

回不來 huiˊ buˋ laiˊ

Can't come back

回復 huiˊ fuˋ

Get back, Recover, Revert, Revert to

回復相機預設設定 huiˊ fuˋ xiang¯ ji¯ yuˋ sheˋ sheˋ dingˋ

Revert Camera to Default Settings

回覆 huiˊ fuˋ

Reply, Respond

回顧 huiˊ guˋ

Look back on, Recap, Review

微不足道 weiˊ buˋ zuˊ daoˋ


維護 weiˊ huˋ


為數 weiˊ shuˋ

Amounting to, Count of

圍住 weiˊ zhuˋ

Surround, Enclose, Wrap around, Surrounded, Enclosed, wrapped around

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

水珠 shuiˇ zhu¯

Water droplets, Drops of water, Beads or water

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

水壺 shuiˇ huˊ

Water bottle

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

尾骨 weiˇ guˇ

Coccyx, Tailbone

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

水部 shuiˇ buˋ

Radical for Water

水庫 shuiˇ kuˋ


水霧 shuiˇ wuˋ


腿部 tuiˇ buˋ


尾部 weiˇ buˋ


緯度 weiˇ duˋ

Degree of latitude

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

會出現 huiˋ chu¯ xianˋ

Shall appear

繪出 huiˋ chu¯

Painted, Drawn, Depict, Depicted, Depicting

退出 tuiˋ chu¯

Drop out, Quit, Withdraw

退出了 tuiˋ chu¯ le˙


退出去 tuiˋ chu¯ quˋ

Back away, Back out, Backed out, Backed away

退出齣 tuiˋ chu¯ chu¯

Quit, Leave, Withdraw, Drop out, Retire

最初 zuiˋ chu¯

Initial, Earliest

最初的形式 zuiˋ chu¯ de˙ xingˊ shiˋ

Original form, First form

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

對不對 duiˋ buˊ duiˋ

Right or wrong, Good or bad

貴族 guiˋ zuˊ

Aristocracy, Aristocrat, Aristocrats, Noble, Nobles, Lord, Lords, Peerage

貴族的心態 guiˋ zuˊ de˙ xin¯ taiˋ

Aristocrat's mentality, Aristocrat's emotional stance

會不會 huiˋ buˊ huiˋ

Would or wouldn't, Would or would not

愧服 kuiˋ fuˊ

To admire another while feeling shame for one's own lack

愧無以報 kuiˋ wuˊ yiˇ baoˋ

Feel shame due to an inability to repay a favor

畏途 weiˋ tuˊ

A difficult task, A challenging task, A fearful task, A task avoided by the majority

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

脆薯條 cuiˋ shuˇ tiaoˊ

Crispy French Fries

隊伍 duiˋ wuˇ

Procession, Queue, Line, Lineup, Group (of), Contingent, Troop

退伍軍人 tuiˋ wuˇ jun¯ renˊ


退伍軍人中心 tuiˋ wuˇ jun¯ renˊ zhong¯ xin¯

Veteran's center

退伍軍人之家 tuiˋ wuˇ jun¯ renˊ zhi¯ jia¯

Veteran's home

為輔 weiˋ fuˇ

Secondary, Supportive, Slaved

為主 weiˋ zhuˇ

Primary, Master, Dominant

為主要 weiˋ zhuˇ yaoˋ

Where the main

為主題 weiˋ zhuˇ tiˊ

As the subject, As a topic

最古老 zuiˋ guˇ laoˇ


最主要 zuiˋ zhuˇ yaoˋ

Main, Most important

最主要的方式 zuiˋ zhuˇ yaoˋ de˙ fang¯ shiˋ

Main means

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

對不起 duiˋ buˋ qiˇ

Sorry, Excuse me, Do wrong by

對不起你的事 duiˋ buˋ qiˇ niˇ de˙ shiˋ

Wronged you

對渡口岸 duiˋ duˋ kouˇ anˋ

Cross straight relations

對付 duiˋ fuˋ

Deal with

對數子很精 duiˋ shuˋ ziˇ henˇ jing¯

Understand numbers, Is good with numbers

賄賂 huiˋ luˋ


賄賂了 huiˋ luˋ le˙


會晤 huiˋ wuˋ


愧不敢當 kuiˋ buˋ ganˇ dang¯

Ashamed to accept, Am undeserving

睡不著 shuiˋ buˋ zhaoˊ

Can't sleep, Couldn't sleep, Stayed awake

睡褲 shuiˋ kuˋ

Pyjama bottoms, Pyjama pants

稅務 shuiˋ wuˋ

The tax

歲數 suiˋ shuˋ

Person's age, Age

退步 tuiˋ buˋ

Get worse, Regress

退步了 tuiˋ buˋ le˙

Gotten worse, Regressed

胃部 weiˋ buˋ


為路 weiˋ luˋ

For the sake of travellers, For the sake of anyone travelling on the road

位數 weiˋ shuˋ


墜入 zhuiˋ ruˋ

Fall into, Fell into

贅述 zhuiˋ shuˋ

Superfluous, Repetitious, Verbose, Redundant

贅物 zhuiˋ wuˋ

Useless, Superfluous, Unnecessary


口-口 : > : > [吹]-吹拂 : > [吹]-吹拂 >

十-扌 : > : > [拂]-吹拂 : > [拂]-吹拂 >

吹拂 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 拂

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