Index for words including 咕


Mutter, Mumble

Word Links for words containing 咕 (sorted via character pairs)

咕 gu¯
Mutter, Mumble

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


咕咕 Onomatopoeic for the cooing sound a pigeon makes


咕噥 Mutter

咕噥 Muttered, Mumbled, Muttered to

咕噥一聲 Grunt, Grunts, Grunted

咕噥出指令 Muttered an order, Muttered a command


咕嚕 Mumbled

咕嚕咕嚕 Onomatopoeic for the sound of a rumbling belly

咕嚕說了幾句 Mumbled a few sentences, Muttered a few sentences, Said something that couldn't be made out

用不熟悉的咕嚕說了幾句 Said a few words in an unfamiliar tongue


嘀咕 Whisper, Be indecisive, Undecided, Hesitant, Not sure

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